Before you get a Cortisone Injection – Ask these questions

Cortisone (or steroid) injections have become increasingly popular over the years for people looking to address chronic joint pain and inflammation. Why have they become so popular? Well, for starters, they have a reputation for getting rid of pain quickly, and they are generally considered a better alternative to something like surgery. But there can […]

Orthopedic dry needling

The Top Four Benefits of Orthopedic Dry Needling and Why You Should Consider it.

Orthopedic dry needling is a modern therapeutic treatment technique that has been adopted by physical therapists and medical professionals to alleviate pain and improve muscle function. But despite its escalating popularity, I’m still surprised at how many people are unaware it even exists. What exactly is orthopedic dry needling? Orthopedic dry needling involves the insertion […]


Battling Sciatica? Here’s what to Avoid and what you should do Instead

Did you know that nearly four out of five people will suffer from a debilitating back pain episode at some point in their lives and that it can result in sciatica? “Sciatica” is a term used to describe searing pain, burning, or numbness that runs from your back and down your leg, often below your […]

6 Reasons Your Back Surgery Failed

Back surgery, often viewed as a last resort for those suffering from debilitating back pain, has become increasingly common in the last 15 years. A quick Google search reveals that an estimated 1.5 million spinal fusions are performed annually in the United States alone. When you consider that 70-80% of all back pain is considered […]

How Back MRI’s Lead to more Invasive Treatments and Surgery

If you’ve ever suffered from acute or long-standing back pain, you’ve likely wanted to “see inside” and know what’s going on. If this is you – you’re not alone in your thinking – and many medical doctors agree with this approach. However, evidence suggests that unwarranted MRI’s on your back can lead to unnecessary invasive […]

work out

5 Ways Working Out Can Aggravate Your Back

The research continues to show that the best “treatment” for back pain is exercise. But for some, a work out is what actually aggravates their back. This is a common frustration I hear from clients. They know that strengthening their core and working out is good for their back. But when they do – they […]


5 Ways Pilates can help Manage Osteoporosis

Osteoporosis is a “silent” disease of the bones that makes them weaker and far more susceptible to breaking. The Bone Health & Osteoporosis Foundation estimates that approximately 10 million Americans suffer from this disease, and another 44 million have low bone density. Osteoporosis affects one in two women and one in four men. A woman’s […]


Using Exercise as Medicine. A Natural Alternative to Pain Pills.

Using Exercise as Medicine. A Natural Alternative to Pain Pills. We are inherently designed for motion from the moment we are born. But if you look around – we simply don’t move enough. Compared to our ancestors, our modern lives have us sitting (on average) for more than half our day. Fit bits and smart […]


Your Pains Location May Not be it’s Source

Pain is both a confusing and scary topic. There’s lots of advice out there on what to do when you experience pain and it’s hard to know who to listen to. Should you rest – exercise – apply heat – apply ice – see a doctor – get an MRI – or just wait it […]

Running Over 50: Top 3 Injuries and What you can Do

If you love to run, then you’re probably no stranger to running injuries. But if you love to run and you’re over 50, not only are you more likely to suffer a running-related injury compared to runners half your age, but you’ll tend to suffer from different categories of injuries as well. In older runners, […]