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Top Causes of Knee Pain and How to Get Lasting, Natural Relief

Knee pain affects millions of people worldwide, often interfering with daily activities such as walking, squatting, climbing stairs, and even getting in and out of the car.

It is one of the most common musculoskeletal complaints, second only to back pain. Whether your knee pain started suddenly or has worsened over time – you might be wondering – what’s really causing it? And can you get rid of it naturally?

The good news is that, in most cases, yes. Many common causes of knee pain can be addressed without medications, injections, or surgery. Here are some of the top reasons behind knee pain and what you can do to find lasting, natural relief that doesn’t involve medication, injections, procedures, or surgery:

1. Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome (Runner’s Knee)

Also known as “runner’s knee,” patellofemoral pain syndrome (PFS) is characterized by pain in the front of the knee, usually just below or behind the kneecap. This condition is often caused by improper movement patterns and muscle imbalances that place excessive pressure on your kneecap, leading to inflammation and discomfort.

To alleviate PFS, it’s important to avoid excessive kneeling, squatting, or repetitive knee bending until the pain subsides. For long-term relief, focus on strengthening the muscles surrounding your knee, particularly the hips and thighs, to improve stability and reduce stress on your kneecap. Corrective exercises that promote proper kneecap tracking, such as step-ups and lateral band walks, can help to further optimize knee function and prevent future flare-ups.

2. Iliotibial Band Syndrome (ITBS)

ITBS causes pain on the outer side of the knee and is commonly seen in runners and cyclists. The iliotibial (IT) band is a thick band of connective tissue running from the hip to the knee, and when it becomes tight or inflamed, it can lead to irritation and pain.

While many people resort to foam rolling for relief, this only provides temporary symptom management. To address ITBS at its root, focus on strengthening the glutes and core, as weak glutes often lead to overcompensation and excessive strain on the IT band. Correcting pelvic imbalances and optimizing hip mobility will also be key for long-term relief. Additionally, taking a temporary break from any aggravating activities will allow the inflammation to subside and the tissues to heal properly, provided you’re taking an active approach to tissue healing versus rest only.

3. Tendinitis (Jumper’s Knee)

Tendinitis occurs when the patellar tendon, which connects the kneecap to the shinbone, becomes inflamed. This condition is common in athletes and individuals who engage in frequent jumping or repetitive knee movements.

A common treatment for tendinitis is cortisone injections, but these only provide temporary relief and may contribute to further tissue damage over time. Instead, consider regenerative treatments like Shockwave Therapy, which naturally enhances your body’s ability to reduce inflammation and accelerate tendon healing. Once inflammation is managed, strengthening the hamstrings, glutes, and calf muscles will provide better knee support and reduce tendon strain. Incorporating eccentric exercises, such as slow step-downs, can also help build tendon resilience and prevent future injuries.

4. Osteoarthritis

Osteoarthritis (OA) is the gradual degeneration of cartilage in the knee joint. While it is a natural part of aging, experiencing constant pain and limited mobility does not have to be. Many people believe that knee arthritis inevitably leads to surgery, but the truth is that optimizing movement and reducing inflammation can be powerful tools in managing OA long-term, even with “bone on bone” OA.

Rather than relying on cortisone injections and pain medication, consider alternative treatments such as Regenerative Therapy (specifically EMTT) to target inflammation deep at the cellular level. From there, implementing corrective exercises that strengthen the muscles surrounding the knee – particularly your quadriceps, hamstrings, and glutes – can reduce joint stress and help prevent inflammation from returning. Since inflammation is the primary driver of pain in OA, addressing it naturally through movement and strength training can help you avoid major surgery while still finding lasting relief.

5. Meniscus Tears

The meniscus is a piece of cartilage that cushions the knee joint. Over time, wear and tear can lead to meniscus tears – which cause pain, stiffness, and occasional knee locking. Many people assume that surgery is the only solution, but research has shown that placebo surgery can be just as effective as actual meniscus surgery, suggesting that natural recovery is possible.

Managing a meniscus tear naturally involves first addressing the inflammation caused by the tear. As previously mentioned, EMTT and Shockwave Therapy (especially when combined) can be particularly effective in reducing pain and inflammation, often providing immediate relief. Beyond that, focusing on proper knee mechanics is essential. In many cases, the issue isn’t the tear itself, but rather a lack of mobility and movement in the knee joint that continues to aggravate it. A mechanical knee pain specialist can help identify and correct these dysfunctions. Once inflammation is controlled and knee mechanics are optimized, strengthening and conditioning the surrounding muscles can provide long-term relief without the need for injections or surgery.

Finding Long-Term Relief Naturally

For most cases of knee pain, the key to lasting relief is movement – not rest, avoidance, injections, or surgery. Whether your pain is caused by an overuse injury, muscle imbalance, or arthritis – addressing the root cause with targeted exercises and mobility work is essential. Reducing inflammation naturally is also crucial for long-term joint health. If you’re struggling to determine the root cause of your knee pain or finding the right treatment approach – consider working with a mechanical knee pain specialist who can guide you toward the best non-invasive, long-term solutions.

Dr. Carrie Jose, Physical Therapy Specialist, and Mechanical Pain Expert, owns CJ Physical Therapy & Pilates in Portsmouth, NH, and writes for Seacoast Media Group. If local to Portsmouth, NH, and looking for help – request a FREE Discovery Visit with one of her Specialists by CLICKING HERE.

Seven Tips for an Active and Healthy Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is one of my absolute favorite Holidays. I love all the food, sweets, time with family, the Macy’s Day Parade, afternoon naps, and football. While it’s historically been a time for indulgence and relaxation, more and more people are opting for a more active and healthier Thanksgiving Day. And there are numerous benefits for doing so… boosted mood and energy levels (which can make your day even more enjoyable), improved digestion, happier hips, knees, and back, and you’ll offset some of the extra calories you may have consumed.

If you’re looking to be more active and healthy this Thanksgiving – here are seven tips to make it easy for you:

  1. Interrupt your sitting

We were not designed to sit for prolonged periods, so getting up frequently is an easy way to not only incorporate movement throughout your day, but to help keep away back, hip, and knee stiffness. I recommend standing up at least once every 30 min. This could be a fun “job” to give a young child. Make them accountable for watching the clock and remind you to stand up. This is quite possibly the easiest and most effective strategy to keep your knees, hips, and spine from getting painful and stiff – and it’s an easy way to stay a bit more active this Thanksgiving.

  1. Sign up for a Turkey Trot

Thanksgiving Turkey Trots are a popular event in most towns and it can be a really fun event for the whole family. Turkey Trots are typically 5K’s – or 3.2 miles. If you’re not able to sign up for an actual race, grab your friends and family and create your own Turkey Trot within your neighborhood. This is a great way to get your blood flowing and joints lubricated first thing in the morning. Plus, it will help offset some of those extra Thanksgiving calories. 

  1. Stretch during Commercials

Whether it’s the Macy’s Day parade, football, or both – it’s easy to find yourself lounging for hours on a soft sofa or recliner. A very easy way to keep yourself from sitting or slouching too much, and to incorporate some healthy movement into your day, is to get up during commercials. It’s the perfect opportunity to do a quick 2 min exercise or stretch.  It doesn’t have to be complicated. Choose from a quick set of squats, heel raises, planks, or back stretches. And make it fun. Get a plank or squat competition going with your most competitive family members – you know who they are.

  1. Walk your Dessert Off

While skipping dessert is of course an option – why not just walk it off instead? Choosing to walk off your dessert rather than skipping it strikes a balance between indulgence and staying healthy. Plus, opting for a post-meal walk has many benefits. It aids digestion, helps regulate blood sugar levels, and it’s good for your hips, back and knees. A post-meal walk is an opportunity to get some much needed lengthening and stretching of our muscles and joints after being parked in a chair for a length of time. It’s also one of the best and most natural exercises you can do for yourself – but it’s especially great to do after a big meal like Thanksgiving – and before you settle in for the evening.

  1. Help with clean-up

Don’t be shamed into “just sit down and relax” because you’re a guest. Helping with clean-up (or set-up) is an easy and effective way to keep moving during your Thanksgiving Holiday. Not only will your Thanksgiving host love you – but your body will too. If you’re suffering from back problems, be careful bending and leaning over – especially if it’s repetitive – when you’re collecting or washing dishes. But otherwise, carrying heavy plates, moving chairs, and wiping down tables can burn quite a few calories and it’s good for your body.

  1. Stay hydrated

Staying hydrated is important all of the time – but especially on a day like Thanksgiving. Good hydration will help regulate your digestion, which is particularly important given the heavy and often rich foods we typically consume during this holiday. Plus, water aids in breaking down food, allowing for better nutrient absorption and preventing digestive discomfort. Staying hydrated also helps with maintaining your energy levels and keeping your mind clear. When it comes to appetite, we often mistake thirst for hunger, so when you stay hydrated, you have more control over your portions and are less likely to overeat. When you stay hydrated – it not only supports your body’s essential functions – but making healthier choices becomes easier – which will contribute to a more balanced and enjoyable Thanksgiving Day.

  1. Make your dishes health-conscious

It’s easier than ever to make your traditional Thanksgiving recipes more health conscious. Start by reducing the amount of sugar and salt in recipes, and consider natural sweeteners like honey or maple syrup instead. When it comes to stuffing and flour – opt for whole grains instead of refined ones. Incorporating more fruits and veggies can boost the nutritional value of traditional dishes, and sticking to lean meats such as turkey breast is a healthier choice compared to something like ham. Lastly, watch your portion sizes. Don’t dump everything you see onto your plate – however tempting it might be – and eat slowly. The faster you eat – the more you tend to eat. 

There you have it – seven easy tips to make your Thanksgiving more active and healthy.

I hope you have a wonderful Holiday and get to spend it with those you love most.

Dr. Carrie Jose, Physical Therapist and Pilates expert, owns CJ Physical Therapy & Pilates in Portsmouth and writes for Seacoast Media Group. To get in touch, email her at [email protected].

Your Pains Location May Not be it’s Source

Pain is both a confusing and scary topic.

There’s lots of advice out there on what to do when you experience pain and it’s hard to know who to listen to. Should you rest – exercise – apply heat – apply ice – see a doctor – get an MRI – or just wait it out to see if it goes away on its own? Any or all of this advice could be right – but it’s irrelevant until you accurately determine where your pain is coming from.

For example, if you have pain in your knee, and it’s coming from your back, the best knee treatment in the world isn’t going to fix it. Inaccurate diagnosis of pain is one of the most common reasons why so many people suffer longer than they need to, and it’s one of the biggest contributors to unnecessary procedures and surgery. You must accurately determine the source of your pain for treatment to be effective. And the location of your pain, alone, is not a reliable way to figure that out.

Let me explain.

I’ve met people who’ve suffered from unrelenting tennis elbow for years – despite treatment protocol after treatment protocol – only to find out it was coming from their neck. I’ve met people who’ve undergone major knee surgery and it failed – only to find out later they never actually had a knee problem. Isolated extremity pain (knees, elbows, shoulders) is one of the most mis-diagnosed problems in the musculoskeletal world. In a study published in the Journal of Manipulative Therapy, they found that over 40% of people suffering from isolated extremity pain had a spinal source responsible for their symptoms, even when there wasn’t any spine pain. In other words, the pain they were feeling in their knee, elbow, or shoulder was actually coming from their back or neck (respectively).

Confused? I don’t blame you.

But more importantly, how do you reliably figure out the source of your pain when it’s not always where you’re feeling it?

As already mentioned, the most common place for this to happen is with extremities. If you’ve got shoulder, elbow, or knee pain, and you don’t recall having a specific injury to it, you must consider that it could be coming from your spine. There’s a 40% chance that it is. Where this gets really confusing is that typically, when you’ve got isolated knee or shoulder pain that won’t go away, your doctor will order an MRI. And if you’re over 40 years old, the MRI will almost always show “something”. It could be a torn rotator cuff, torn meniscus, arthritis, or wear and tear. But what most people don’t realize is that these findings are quite normal and happen naturally as you age.

Just because they show up in your MRI – doesn’t mean they are responsible for your pain. Despite the science proving this over and over – doctors continue to order these tests and rely on them to make important decisions about treatment. It’s how people end up undergoing unnecessary procedures or surgery – they let images and an inaccurate diagnosis lead the way.

Whenever I meet someone with isolated extremity pain, especially if it came on suddenly and out of nowhere, I always consider that it could be coming from their spine.

How can you figure this out?

Well, it’s challenging to figure it out on your own. But if you work with a movement specialist who understands this concept – you’ll be able to figure this out accurately. The basic premise is that if you can move your spine in specific directions – repeatedly – and influence the symptoms you feel in your extremity – then there is a very good chance your problem is coming from your spine. Or at the very least, your spine is involved. And whenever your spine is responsible solely or partially for pain elsewhere – and it’s ignored – your problem will persist and likely get worse over time if it’s not addressed.

Moral of this story… If you’ve had pain in one of your extremities for a while now, and it’s not going away, it’s possible you’ve missed the source, and that where your pain is may not be where your problem is. And if you’re considering some kind of surgery or procedure, you definitely want to rule out that the problem could be elsewhere.

Specialized movement exams are one of the most reliable ways to figure this out – studies have proven it. If you’ve had unexplained pain in your elbow, knee or shoulder that isn’t going away, look for someone who understands this and can give you a proper movement exam to accurately identify the source of your pain.

Looking for help and local to Portsmouth, NH? Click here to speak with a specialist.

Dr. Carrie Jose, Physical Therapist and Pilates expert, owns CJ Physical Therapy & Pilates in Portsmouth and writes for Seacoast Media Group. To get in touch, or get one of her free guides to knee and back pain, visit www.cjphysicaltherapy.com or email [email protected].

Three Science-backed Reasons not to Rely on Imaging for Orthopedic Surgery

Approximately 7 million people undergo an orthopedic surgery each year in the United States. Topping this list are elective procedures (meaning they are not life threatening or urgent) such as ACL reconstruction, total hip and knee replacements, arthroscopic surgery (meniscus repairs, shoulder decompression, etc), and spinal fusions.

Now, what if I told you that of the top 10 elective orthopedic surgeries performed, only one (carpal tunnel syndrome) has real evidence to support that surgery will have a better outcome than conservative care. A recent study published by scientists in the UK hospital system and National Health service reviewed thousands of published studies in an effort to find out if orthopedic surgery was truly better than conservative care or placebo procedures. They found that sadly, thousands of patients are undergoing invasive procedures every year with known associated risks and complications. All while there was an equal or better alternative.

One of the biggest reasons this happens is because people rely on imaging (X-rays, MRI’s, CT scans) to determine whether or not they need surgery. Don’t get me wrong, this incredible technology has revolutionized the field of medicine and orthopedics. The problems occur when we fail to look at the full picture (no pun intended) and rely on images alone to make important decisions about our musculoskeletal health.

Here are three science-backed reasons not to rely on imaging alone when considering orthopedic surgery:


1. Imaging does not always correlate with symptoms

One of the most fundamental reasons why imaging alone should not dictate your decision to get orthopedic surgery is the well-documented lack of correlation between image findings and actual symptoms. 

Studies have shown that 20-25% of all people will show a bulging disc in their spine on MRI. This happens even when they don’t have any back pain. At least 50% of adults over the age of 50 will show torn meniscus or cartilage in their knees and feel completely fine. In 2013, The New England Journal of Medicine published a study that found one-third of participants with no knee pain had “abnormal” results in their imaging. This was while one-half of the participants who actually experienced knee pain had completely clear scans. 

We have to start normalizing what aging actually looks like on a scan. Just because you’ve got a bulging disc, torn cartilage, or even “bone on bone” arthritis – it doesn’t mean you need to rush into the operating room.

2. Risk of Over-diagnosis and Overtreatment

Overdiagnosis refers to the identification of conditions that aren’t actually causing symptoms or harming a patient. The biggest culprits here include spinal stenosis, joint arthritis, and degenerative joint conditions. One notable study from 2017 published in PLUS ONE, a peer-reviewed mega journal, found that at least 20% of arthroscopic knee surgeries were overdiagnosed and subsequently overtreated. How did they now? Because even though their scans showed things like “wear and tear” and torn cartilage, they had no relevant dysfunction or clinical findings. The only thing indicating they needed surgery was the overdiagnosis of normal aging in their knee.

A particularly sad story comes to mind as I write about this. I recall treating a man with spinal stenosis who was told by his doctor he needed steroid injections to calm the inflammation in his back. He had 6 weeks until his injections, and during that time, we were able to decrease his pain by about 80%. Since it’s impossible to reverse or stop spinal stenosis without surgery (because it’s related to wear and tear as you age), I knew that his pain was being caused by other unrelated factors. But following doctor’s orders, he still went through with the injections. Unfortunately, he had a bad reaction to the injections that left him worse off than when he started with me. His over-diagnosis of spinal stenosis led to a cascade of over-treatment and worse pain than when he started. 

3. Non-surgical treatments can be equally effective (if not better)

Orthopedic surgery should really only be considered as a last resort. No matter how routine or “non-invasive” the surgery is, there are still risks of infection and complication, and you want to avoid those at all costs. The problem with conservative treatment is that it takes longer to get to the same (or better) result. And let’s face it, we live in a quick fix world and rarely have patience for this, especially when you’ve got a scan that seems to say otherwise.

Study after study shows that arthroscopic knee surgery (in particular) has the same or better results when treated conservatively (physical therapy and exercise). In fact, when you get arthroscopic surgery on your knee, it increases the likelihood you’ll need a total knee replacement. With back surgery, we know that in the first year or two, your pain will be better or gone. But by year 2-3, if your symptoms haven’t crept back in yet, you’ll feel just as good as your peers who forewent surgery. But after year three, your back pain symptoms tend to return, and you’ll often feel worse than your friends who decided to take the conservative approach from the get-go.

The research continues to support that 70-80% of all musculoskeletal pain is mechanical in nature. Mechanical problems have to do with movement dysfunction and lifestyle/postural habits. They don’t show up in a scan, and they are best treated conservatively. When you see something on an image, it’s better to assume it’s irrelevant and that you fall into the 70-80%. This will protect you from being overdiagnosed and help you avoid potentially unnecessary procedures and surgery. Pay attention to your pain, symptoms, and overall function – they tell a much better story than your images.

Are you local to Portsmouth, NH?

Consider seeing one of my Specialists – they’re experts in mechanical pain. In a free Discovery Visit you can tell us everything that’s been going on with you, and determine for yourself if we’re the best people to help you. It’s a no-obligation appointment that will give you all the information you need to make the BEST decision for YOUR health. Whether that’s working with us or not!

CLICK HERE to request a Free Discovery Visit.

Dr. Carrie Jose, Physical Therapist and Pilates expert, owns CJ Physical Therapy & Pilates in Portsmouth and writes for Seacoast Media Group. To get in touch, email her at [email protected].

Is Your Knee Problem Really a Problem? How to tell.

Is Your Knee Problem Really a Problem? How to tell.

Knee pain is the second most common musculoskeletal complaint after back pain. Studies say that 1 in 4 adults now suffer from chronic knee pain, and the number of swollen and stiff knees has risen 65 percent in the past four decades. But just because you have knee pain – doesn’t mean you have a knee “problem”. Knee pain can be tricky to figure out – especially if it’s chronic. Over the course of my career, I’ve seen so many cases of chronic knee pain that weren’t getting resolved because the real problem was coming from someone’s back or ankle. One of the most important factors in successfully resolving knee pain for good is correctly identifying its source.

So how do you know if your knee problem is really a knee problem?

First – pay attention to how and when your knee pain started. If you’ve had a fall or some kind of trauma directly to your knee, and you experience knee pain or swelling shortly after, odds are pretty good you have an isolated knee problem. People who perform regular, intense activities like soccer, hiking, skiing, football, and basketball are much more at risk for an isolated knee injury. Typically, you’ll know exactly when and how you hurt your knee. You may even recall a specific pop or strain of some kind.

Osteoarthritis (OA) of the knee is another example of a knee problem that could really be a knee problem. However, this one is tricky because if you’re over the age of 50, you most likely have OA in your knee, and it will show up on your X-ray whether you have knee pain or not. So what commonly happens is that if you’ve had knee pain for a while, and you get an X-ray that shows you have OA, the OA will get blamed for your knee pain. So yes – knee OA can be an isolated knee problem – but knee OA tends to be an over-diagnosed source of knee problems.

So what are the clues that tell you your knee problem might not be a knee problem?

One of the biggest clues that you’ve missed the correct source of your knee pain is that it doesn’t go away no matter what you’ve tried, or it keeps coming back.

This is the biggest complication I see with folks suffering from long-lasting knee pain.  They’ve iced it, taken pain medication, foam rolled, stretched, and strengthened – but their knee pain doesn’t get resolved.  And once your problem becomes chronic, knee doctors start to get involved.  This is great if you’ve actually got a knee problem. But if your knee pain is a symptom of something else, then you risk getting recommended unnecessary knee surgeries or procedures.

I spoke to a woman the other day who had surgery on her knee to clean out some cartilage and wear and tear from arthritis. It was supposed to be a “quick recovery” and take her pain away. Well, three months later, her knee is feeling worse than pre-surgery. And to fix the new pain she has, they tell her she will need even more procedures. Her initial problem wasn’t coming from knee OA – it was coming from something else. And now she’s going to have even more problems because she had surgery she never needed.

How does something like this happen?

The biggest reason is because of the over-reliance on imaging to form a diagnosis and treatment plan. If you’re over 50, and you get an X-ray or MRI taken of your knees, there is a 60-80% chance they’ll find arthritis or meniscus (cartilage) tears, whether you have knee pain or not. That’s because these are normal changes that occur as you age.

So if you’ve got knee pain, and your doctor wants to do some imaging, there is a very good chance they’ll find one or more of these changes in your knee – and then blame your knee pain on it. But here’s the thing – and research backs this up – there is no way to tell for certain from a picture of your knee where the true cause of your pain is coming from. The only way to tell if what you see in the imaging is actually the cause of your pain is with proper movement testing. If you don’t do that, you risk getting an unnecessary procedure when the real problem might be coming from somewhere else.

In conclusion…

If your knee pain seems to come on slowly or out of nowhere, if you have trouble pinpointing exactly where the pain is, if it moves around and changes from day to day, or if it runs up or down your leg – there is a good chance your knee pain is a symptom of a mechanical problem elsewhere – typically your back or your ankle.

Before you think about getting images of your knee, or undergoing some kind of surgery or procedure, you’ll want to make sure you get a thorough screen by a mechanical pain expert. Never rely on imaging to tell you the full story.

Remember that knee problems can be resolved 80% of the time without procedures or surgery. You just have to have some patience and make sure you’re working with someone who understands mechanical pain and the importance of looking at the whole body – beyond just where the pain is.

Are you looking for help with knee pain now?

Sign up for a discovery visit with one of my specialists to see if we would be a good fit to help you! CLICK HERE to request a Free Discovery with one of my specialists.

Dr. Carrie Jose, Physical Therapist and Pilates expert, owns CJ Physical Therapy & Pilates in Portsmouth and writes for Seacoast Media Group. 

Three Things to Consider before Knee Replacement Surgery

Total knee replacement (TKR) surgery has been around for decades, and generally speaking, results are very good. 90% of folks can expect up to a 20 year success rate. The most common reason for a knee replacement is to resolve advanced arthritis.

But what if advanced arthritis isn’t the true cause of your knee problem? Do you really need a knee replacement?

Only 15% of patients with evidence of knee osteoarthritis (OA) actually have symptoms. That means the other 85% don’t have any pain at all. These results are consistent for other joints as well. Signs of degenerating joints, bone spurs, and even meniscus tears all occur normally as you age. While some of the time these things can be the cause of your knee pain – more often than not it’s something else – or a combination of things – that are fully responsible for your joint pain or dysfunction. Evidence of knee OA shouldn’t be the only factor determining your decision of major knee surgery.

Here are three important things to consider before deciding if a total knee replacement is right for you:


1. How severe is your knee pain?

This is one of the most important factors to consider before undergoing major knee surgery. The X-ray might say you’ve got “bone on bone” arthritis and terrible OA – but if your knee pain is fairly tolerable – and you can still do most activities you love – why take the risk of major surgery when you could wait? Even though knee replacement surgeries are quite common and successful – there are still risks and complications.

The most common risk is infection. But you could also end up with blood clots, problems with anesthesia, or an ill-fitting prosthesis that doesn’t function right. Not only that, but people tend to underestimate the 6-12 month recovery that comes afterwards. If your knee pain is severe and intolerable, and you’ve already tried physical therapy, then you’re probably a good candidate for knee replacement, and the potential risks are likely worth the reward for you. But if your pain isn’t that bad yet, it might be a good idea to wait, and get a second opinion. There could be other reasons for your knee pain beyond arthritis. If those factors get addressed, you might find you don’t need surgery at all.

2.  Does your back hurt?

In a recent study by Rosedale, et. al (published in the Journal of Manual and Manipulative Therapy), it was found that over 40% of patients with isolated extremity pain, who did not believe their pain could be originating from their spine, responded to spinal intervention.  What does that mean in plain English? It means that you can have knee pain coming from your lower back and not even know it. Severe knee OA doesn’t come out of nowhere. It gradually progresses over time. But when you have knee pain that comes on for no reason, has good days and bad days, and especially if you have knee pain and back pain at the same time – you must get your spine evaluated before undergoing any type of intervention for your knee.

Luckily most surgeons consider knee replacement as a last resort. But if your spine is causing your knee pain and you miss it – you’ll end up down the path of failed knee treatment after failed knee treatment. Then suddenly it will seem as if you’re at your last resort, especially if you’re over 50 and have (normal) evidence of knee OA on your X-ray.  Always get your spine checked by a mechanical pain expert when your knee hurts. It will help you avoid years of mis-guided knee treatment, and could save you from an unnecessary knee replacement.

3. How stiff is your knee?

Typically, with severe or advanced OA of the knee, you’re going to have pretty restricted mobility. And any efforts to improve that mobility will be minimally effective and likely make your knee worse. But if your knee is not consistently stiff, only seems to get tight in certain situations, or perhaps it feels better after you stretch and mobilize it – you may want to think twice before getting it replaced. That’s because sometimes mobility restrictions in your knee can be caused by something other than arthritis – like a small tear in your tissue that gets “caught” in your joint. If you know how to move your knee joint in just the right way – you can actually remove this restriction. Not only will your knee move normally again, but your pain will go away too. This is really hard to figure out on your own. It even gets missed by a lot of medical professionals if they aren’t expertly trained in diagnosing mechanical pain. And it definitely doesn’t get picked up by an X-ray or MRI.

If your knee is not terribly stiff 100% of the time, and you’re tolerating most of your favorite activities – the best thing to do is get a second opinion from a trained mechanical pain expert. Because what you might be missing is highly specialized and specific mobility treatment for your knee. Once your knee mobility is fully and properly restored, you might find you no longer need a knee replacement, or at the very least can put it off another 10 years.

To be clear, I’m not saying you shouldn’t get a knee replacement.

I’m saying there’s a chance you don’t need one and it’s important to explore that. I’ve seen so many cases over the course of my career where people didn’t need a knee replacement – but got one because the X-ray or MRI “said so” – and then continued to suffer for years afterwards.

Are you looking for help with knee pain now?

Sign up for a discovery visit with one of my specialists to see if we would be a good fit to help you! CLICK HERE to request a Free Discovery with one of my specialists.

Dr. Carrie Jose, Physical Therapist and Pilates expert, owns CJ Physical Therapy & Pilates in Portsmouth and writes for Seacoast Media Group. 

Setting Goals for the New Year: Part Two — Choosing a Long Term Goal

In the first part of this series, we focused on the precursor to goal setting — identifying a specific obstacle that’s getting in your way. The next step is determining a specific, measurable, long term goal.

One way to come up with a long term goal is by asking yourself, “where do I want to be a year from now?”

What do you want to be different about your life this time next year? If you identified an issue that is negatively affecting your life right now — such as chronic low back pain or being overweight — you can turn your desire to resolve that issue into a long term goal. For example, your goal could be to weigh 25 pounds less by December of 2019. Or maybe your knee has been bothering you for a few years, and your goal is to be able to go skiing again without pain. You could decide to run a 5k next Thanksgiving or simply want to be able to pick up your grandkids. The examples are endless, but the point is that it’s your goal. It’s specific to your desires and involves overcoming a specific obstacle in your life.

Setting a long term goal will provide a purposeful context for your day-to-day choices.

Once you’ve set a specific goal and shared it with your accountability team, you’ll be able to use it to guide your everyday actions. For example, eating healthy would have the purpose of helping you achieve your weight loss goal, as would participating in a Pilates class. Going to physical therapy would be helping you fix your body mechanics and relieve your back pain. In each example, the action in question (proper nutrition, Pilates, physical therapy) is undeniably good for you — but we rarely do things just because it’s objectively good for our bodies. We want to feel good, look good, and avoid pain. Having a specific long term goal will help you apply those healthy choices to a larger purpose and context — which will hopefully serve to motivate you as well.

Now, how do you stay focused?

The first step is writing your goal down on paper. Not in the notes on your phone, not just keeping a vague memory in your head — write it down. Then, post that paper somewhere you’ll see it every day. It could be your bathroom mirror, your bedroom door, your car dashboard — anywhere that forces the goal to become a part of your day. If you haven’t yet established an accountability team, read our post about gathering a group of trusted individuals (including your PT!) who can help you stay focused and motivated. Then, share your goal with them, and ask that they check up on you periodically to see how your progress is going. Finally, stay tuned for our next post in this series, where we’ll talk about breaking your long term goal into a set of smaller, more manageable short term goals.

In the meantime, check out our website and see how you can get a head start on a healthier New Year. We’re launching our signature Pilates 101 program next week and spots will fill fast, so sign up here to get on our early bird/pre-enrollment list! If you’re age 40+ and improving your core strength is part of your goal setting – then this program is perfect for you – especially if you’re also dealing with back pain.

If you have any questions about physical therapy, pilates, accountability, and/or goal setting, don’t hesitate to reach out or leave us a note on our Facebook page!

Meet Bodie: Our Four-Legged Client Greeter

Bodie is more than a pet – he’s a full time member of the CJ Physical Therapy and Pilates team!

Bodie is our full-time, four-legged client greeter. When he first came to Portsmouth, he spent most of his days as an at-home-watchdog. Now, he is busy greeting clients most days of the week, wagging his tail, and graciously accepting treats!

Bodie is a hard worker, but he loves exploring the Seacoast on his days off.

When Bodie has a day off, he enjoys chasing squirrels and chipmunks, playing fetch, walking the trails of Stratham Hill park, and sleeping. You’ll also see our part-time office dog, Hudson, helping out when Bodie is away. But you know you’ve arrived at CJPT & Pilates on a special day when both dogs are on duty!

Bodie and Hudson watching the door

Having an office dog is one example of our friendly, community-centric atmosphere at CJPT & Pilates.

When you come to your physical therapy session or Pilates class, we want you to feel at home. Many of our clients have even gotten into the habit of bringing dog treats to the office and enjoy playing with Bodie before and after their sessions! Sometimes, Bodie gets so many treats that we have to save them for later…

cup filled with dog treats for Bodie

Our clients are so special! And Bodie’s not the only one who thinks so!

Bodie shaking hands with Client

To see more pictures of Bodie and follow his career as a professional office dog, visit our Instagram and Facebook pages. For more information about our gathering on October 19th, click here!