Tag Archive for: movement

Top Causes of Knee Pain and How to Get Lasting, Natural Relief

Knee pain affects millions of people worldwide, often interfering with daily activities such as walking, squatting, climbing stairs, and even getting in and out of the car.

It is one of the most common musculoskeletal complaints, second only to back pain. Whether your knee pain started suddenly or has worsened over time – you might be wondering – what’s really causing it? And can you get rid of it naturally?

The good news is that, in most cases, yes. Many common causes of knee pain can be addressed without medications, injections, or surgery. Here are some of the top reasons behind knee pain and what you can do to find lasting, natural relief that doesn’t involve medication, injections, procedures, or surgery:

1. Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome (Runner’s Knee)

Also known as “runner’s knee,” patellofemoral pain syndrome (PFS) is characterized by pain in the front of the knee, usually just below or behind the kneecap. This condition is often caused by improper movement patterns and muscle imbalances that place excessive pressure on your kneecap, leading to inflammation and discomfort.

To alleviate PFS, it’s important to avoid excessive kneeling, squatting, or repetitive knee bending until the pain subsides. For long-term relief, focus on strengthening the muscles surrounding your knee, particularly the hips and thighs, to improve stability and reduce stress on your kneecap. Corrective exercises that promote proper kneecap tracking, such as step-ups and lateral band walks, can help to further optimize knee function and prevent future flare-ups.

2. Iliotibial Band Syndrome (ITBS)

ITBS causes pain on the outer side of the knee and is commonly seen in runners and cyclists. The iliotibial (IT) band is a thick band of connective tissue running from the hip to the knee, and when it becomes tight or inflamed, it can lead to irritation and pain.

While many people resort to foam rolling for relief, this only provides temporary symptom management. To address ITBS at its root, focus on strengthening the glutes and core, as weak glutes often lead to overcompensation and excessive strain on the IT band. Correcting pelvic imbalances and optimizing hip mobility will also be key for long-term relief. Additionally, taking a temporary break from any aggravating activities will allow the inflammation to subside and the tissues to heal properly, provided you’re taking an active approach to tissue healing versus rest only.

3. Tendinitis (Jumper’s Knee)

Tendinitis occurs when the patellar tendon, which connects the kneecap to the shinbone, becomes inflamed. This condition is common in athletes and individuals who engage in frequent jumping or repetitive knee movements.

A common treatment for tendinitis is cortisone injections, but these only provide temporary relief and may contribute to further tissue damage over time. Instead, consider regenerative treatments like Shockwave Therapy, which naturally enhances your body’s ability to reduce inflammation and accelerate tendon healing. Once inflammation is managed, strengthening the hamstrings, glutes, and calf muscles will provide better knee support and reduce tendon strain. Incorporating eccentric exercises, such as slow step-downs, can also help build tendon resilience and prevent future injuries.

4. Osteoarthritis

Osteoarthritis (OA) is the gradual degeneration of cartilage in the knee joint. While it is a natural part of aging, experiencing constant pain and limited mobility does not have to be. Many people believe that knee arthritis inevitably leads to surgery, but the truth is that optimizing movement and reducing inflammation can be powerful tools in managing OA long-term, even with “bone on bone” OA.

Rather than relying on cortisone injections and pain medication, consider alternative treatments such as Regenerative Therapy (specifically EMTT) to target inflammation deep at the cellular level. From there, implementing corrective exercises that strengthen the muscles surrounding the knee – particularly your quadriceps, hamstrings, and glutes – can reduce joint stress and help prevent inflammation from returning. Since inflammation is the primary driver of pain in OA, addressing it naturally through movement and strength training can help you avoid major surgery while still finding lasting relief.

5. Meniscus Tears

The meniscus is a piece of cartilage that cushions the knee joint. Over time, wear and tear can lead to meniscus tears – which cause pain, stiffness, and occasional knee locking. Many people assume that surgery is the only solution, but research has shown that placebo surgery can be just as effective as actual meniscus surgery, suggesting that natural recovery is possible.

Managing a meniscus tear naturally involves first addressing the inflammation caused by the tear. As previously mentioned, EMTT and Shockwave Therapy (especially when combined) can be particularly effective in reducing pain and inflammation, often providing immediate relief. Beyond that, focusing on proper knee mechanics is essential. In many cases, the issue isn’t the tear itself, but rather a lack of mobility and movement in the knee joint that continues to aggravate it. A mechanical knee pain specialist can help identify and correct these dysfunctions. Once inflammation is controlled and knee mechanics are optimized, strengthening and conditioning the surrounding muscles can provide long-term relief without the need for injections or surgery.

Finding Long-Term Relief Naturally

For most cases of knee pain, the key to lasting relief is movement – not rest, avoidance, injections, or surgery. Whether your pain is caused by an overuse injury, muscle imbalance, or arthritis – addressing the root cause with targeted exercises and mobility work is essential. Reducing inflammation naturally is also crucial for long-term joint health. If you’re struggling to determine the root cause of your knee pain or finding the right treatment approach – consider working with a mechanical knee pain specialist who can guide you toward the best non-invasive, long-term solutions.

Dr. Carrie Jose, Physical Therapy Specialist, and Mechanical Pain Expert, owns CJ Physical Therapy & Pilates in Portsmouth, NH, and writes for Seacoast Media Group. If local to Portsmouth, NH, and looking for help – request a FREE Discovery Visit with one of her Specialists by CLICKING HERE.

6 Tips to Protect Your Back When Shoveling Snow

6 Tips to Protect Your Back When Shoveling Snow

We’re finally getting some winter weather here on the seacoast. And although it’s beautiful – and the skiers are rejoicing – someone still has to shovel that snow and clear it out of the way. If that someone is you – then you’ll want to keep reading. Because repetitive bending and twisting of your back (the primary movement in shoveling) is the perfect recipe for unwanted back pain.

Here are 6 tips to protect your back when shoveling snow:

1. Warm Up First

Most people wouldn’t start a heavy workout without warming up first, yet when it comes to shoveling, we tend to just grab the shovel and go. That’s a mistake. Shoveling is a full-body activity that engages your legs, core, and upper body. If you don’t prepare your muscles, you’re more likely to strain something – especially your back.

Take five to ten minutes to warm up with light movements. Marching in place or jumping jacks help get blood flowing, while torso twists and squats loosen up your spine and legs. And don’t forget your upper body. Arm circles are a great way to warm up your shoulders  – which can also get quite achy when shoveling. Taking just 10-15 min to warm up your body and lubricate your joints before shoveling can go a long way toward protecting your back.

2. Use Your Legs

Our spines weren’t designed to lift heavy things – that’s what our legs are for. Your spine’s main job is to provide structural support and stability so you can stand upright and move freely. When lifting or shoveling, your legs should be doing the work – not your back.

To ensure your legs are driving the power – it’s essential that you use proper lifting mechanics. Instead of bending or curving at your waist – hinge at your hips and bend your knees. From there, engage your hamstrings and glutes to lift the snow and use your core muscles to throw it away. Even with perfect form – your back might still get sore. That’s totally normal. But it’s far less likely to get injured – and that is what we’re trying to avoid.

3. Pivot Instead of Twist

One of the most vulnerable movements for your lower back is repetitive bending and twisting. The stress this puts on your spine makes it easy to “throw your back out.” Now let’s be clear – that doesn’t mean you should never bend or twist – your spine is designed to safely perform these motions. The problem occurs when you add load to this motion (like heavy snow) or do it repeatedly.

To protect your back – lead with your pelvis and hips instead of your torso. When turning to throw or push snow, keep your shovel and hips (use your belly button as a guide) pointing in the same direction. If they’re out of sync, it means you’re twisting from your torso instead of pivoting – and that’s a surefire way to hurt your back when shoveling.

4. Breathe to Engage Your Core

Holding your breath during exertion is common, but it can be a big problem – especially when it comes to core activation. When you hold your breath, your diaphragm can’t expand and contract properly, which is essential for engaging your deep core muscles. If your deep core isn’t firing, your larger abdominal and back muscles will struggle too.

Strengthening your core is beneficial for all activities – not just shoveling—but none of it matters if you forget to breathe. Without proper breathing, even the strongest core won’t do its job effectively, and this can set you up for a back injury over time.

5. Stay Hydrated

Even in cold weather, physical exertion can lead to dehydration. Just because you’re not sweating or feeling thirsty doesn’t mean you don’t need water. In colder temperatures, your thirst signals aren’t as strong, making it easy to overlook hydration. And even if you’re not sweating, you’re still losing fluids. Dehydration can lead to muscle fatigue, cramping, and stiffness – all of which increase your risk of a back injury while shoveling. Plus, when your muscles aren’t properly hydrated, they become less flexible and more prone to strains, making bending and lifting feel even harder.

To stay ahead of dehydration, drink water before, during, and after shoveling – even if you don’t feel thirsty. Sip small amounts frequently rather than chugging large amounts at once. Warm fluids like herbal tea or broth can help keep you hydrated while maintaining body temperature. Be mindful of caffeine and alcohol, as they contribute to dehydration. Staying hydrated keeps your muscles and joints working efficiently, making shoveling safer and easier for your whole body, not just your back.

6. Use Ergonomic Tools

Investing in an ergonomic shovel can reduce strain on your back and joints. These shovels promote better posture by minimizing bending. Many have curved handles or adjustable lengths, allowing you to maintain a more upright position. This distributes the workload more evenly, reducing stress on your back.

Now, you might be thinking, “I have a snow blower – my back will be fine.” Think again. It’s easy to push with your upper body instead of your legs, which puts strain on your spine. Poor technique makes your back more vulnerable to injury – even if you don’t feel pain in the moment. The real trouble comes later when you grab a shovel for a quick cleanup or simply sit down to relax. You may be in for a rude awakening when you stand up and realize your back is stiff and locked up. Ergonomic shovels and equipment like snow blowers go a long way in protecting you back – but they don’t replace the need for good posture and proper body mechanics.

Bonus tip: See a Specialist

If you’re already prone to back injuries and dread the thought of shoveling another snowstorm – it’s time to seek help. These tips are great for protecting a healthy back and preventing future injuries, but they won’t solve an ongoing back problem. You need expert care for that. Look for a back pain specialist who prioritizes natural solutions over pills and injections (such as a mechanical back pain specialist) so you can get back to doing all the activities you love. Oh—and shoveling too.

Are you local to Portsmouth, NH?

If so, consider speaking to one of my back pain specialists by clicking HERE.

Dr. Carrie Jose, Physical Therapy Specialist, and Mechanical Pain Expert, owns CJ Physical Therapy & Pilates in Portsmouth, NH, and writes for Seacoast Media Group. If local to Portsmouth, NH, and looking for help – request a FREE Discovery Visit with one of her Specialists by CLICKING HERE.

Exercise-induced Leg Soreness or Sciatica? How to Tell the Difference.

It’s that time of year – when people set goals and take action to improve their health, get back in shape, and ramp up exercise routines.

But what happens when your body isn’t ready for what your mind has planned? How can you tell if the soreness you feel is “good pain” – or a problem brewing?

This concept is particularly confusing when it comes to leg pain. Whether it’s ramping up your strength training, more frequent Peloton rides, or getting back to running/jogging… These activities will make your legs sore. The problem, however, is that leg soreness can mimic a common (and sneaky) condition called “sciatica” – that if missed or ignored – could completely derail you from your health and fitness goals. So it’s important you know the difference and what to watch out for – especially if you have a history of sciatica or back pain. 

Here are some key things you to look out for – that will help you tell the difference between normal leg soreness from exercise – versus sciatic pain that’s caused from your back:

Exercise-induced leg soreness…

With exercise-induced leg soreness – you’ll typically feel pain deep in your muscles (especially those you specifically worked on) – and your legs may feel tender to touch or even “swollen”. This type of soreness comes from challenging your muscles beyond their usual capacity – something you want to do during exercise. The soreness is caused by microscopic damage to your muscle fibers – triggering an inflammatory response. This inflammatory response then triggers a repair phase in the area of the “damaged tissue” (aka your muscles). It’s in this repair phase that your body builds back stronger muscles – so that they’re more resilient the next time you exercise. 

Another key characteristic of exercise-induced leg soreness is that it will typically occur anywhere from 24-72 hours after the activity. This phenomenon is known as “DOMS” (delayed onset muscle soreness) and it will usually dissipate in a similar amount of time. The soreness you feel from DOMS is often felt symmetrically (in both legs) – because most exercises are done using both sides of your body. But even if you’ve done an activity that favors one leg over another – the pain you experience during the DOMS period will occur when you’re moving or stretching the affected muscles – and not so much during periods of rest.

Now let’s look at sciatica…

Sciatica is a problem that comes from your spine and that causes pain in your buttock and/or leg. In between each vertebrae (the bones that make up your spine) are small spaces that allow the nerves originating from your spinal cord to exit. These nerves control everything from sensation, to pain, to muscle strength. If the nerves in your lower back get irritated – or structures around those nerves get irritated (for example, bulging discs) – anything in your leg (or butt) that those irritated nerves “touch” can also be affected. This is the phenomenon known as sciatica.

The tricky part about sciatica is that the timeline of your pain – and the feeling you experience – can be very similar to the leg soreness you get from exercise. Just like exercise-induced leg soreness – sciatic pain can include a deep ache in your muscles, tenderness to touch, and a feeling of swelling. People often describe to me a feeling of “heaviness” in their leg when they are experiencing a sciatic episode. Sciatic pain can also come on 24-72 hours after exercising or activity.

But with sciatica – one of the most important factors you need to pay attention to is how your pain behaves. Leg soreness from exercise arrives in a fairly predictable manner – and leaves in a fairly predictable manner. And you generally won’t have much pain at rest.

Sciatica, on the other hand, is more unpredictable.

Although it can come on in the same time frame as exercise-induced leg soreness – it won’t just “go away” in the same, predictable amount of time. Pain from sciatica can linger – particularly at rest – and with activities such as sitting, driving, standing too long, or walking. It can end up in just one leg even though it started in both – and it tends to come and go. For example – you’ll think it’s better – only to suddenly wake up with a sore leg again – or bend the wrong way and have the pain annoyingly return. And finally – sciatic pain won’t go away completely with stretching or massage (although it’s tempting to think it did). 

But one of the most important things to notice about the behavior of sciatic pain versus exercise-induced leg pain is whether or not numbness or tingling is present. It’s possible to have sciatic pain without numbness and tingling – but it’s not possible to have it with healthy, exercise-induced leg soreness. That’s because only nerve irritation can cause the sensation of numbness and tingling in your leg. And speaking of nerve irritation… If your leg soreness “goes away” – but you’re left with a lingering back ache – your leg pain was almost certainly a sciatic episode that has temporarily resolved – and it’s only a matter of time before it returns with a vengeance.

So there you have it – next time you notice leg pain after exercising – pay attention to how your pain behaves.

How long does it last? Does it come and go? Is it only in one leg vs both? Do you have any numbness? Does it linger or return with mundane activities such as sitting or standing?  If the answer to any of these questions is “yes” – and especially if you’ve got a history of back pain – you must consider that it could be sciatica. To make sure – seek out the help of a mechanical back pain specialist who can tell you for certain.

Dr. Carrie Jose, Physical Therapy Specialist, and Mechanical Pain Expert, owns CJ Physical Therapy & Pilates in Portsmouth, NH, and writes for Seacoast Media Group. If local to Portsmouth, NH, and looking for help – request a FREE Discovery Visit with one of her Specialists by CLICKING HERE.

Three Lessons Learned from Hiking with my Pup

I have a 10.5-year-old Black Lab/Hound-mix rescue pup (named Bodie) who I bring with me everywhere when I’m allowed. But our favorite place to hang out? Hiking trails.

Bodie and I have been slowly working on finishing our “NH48”. For those of you not familiar – we’re trying to hike all of the NH White Mountain peaks that are over 4000 feet in elevation – and there are 48 of them. This past weekend we hiked Owl’s Head, which was number 31, and the weekend before, we checked off Mount Zealand for number 30. If you’ve ever hiked these peaks, then you already know these two hikes are pretty long – especially as day hikes. Owl’s Head was 17 miles, and Zealand was 12. And we did them back-to-back weekends!

I planned to hike again this weekend, but after watching and learning from Bodie over the years, I’ve realized some powerful lessons that I wanted to share with you that can absolutely be carried over into everyday life.

Here are three Lessons I’ve Learned from Hiking with my Pup:

1. Nature is the ultimate natural remedy for anxiety.

Bodie can be a bit anxious, and when he doesn’t get outdoors enough, it gets worse. Spending extended time in nature is one of the most powerful and natural anxiety remedies I’ve experienced – and I see it in Bodie. After our hikes, he’s much calmer and even barks less at neighborhood dogs. 

Bodie is also my mirror – when I’m anxious and haven’t spent enough time outside – he notices and mirrors my energy. Have you noticed this in your life? If so, try getting out in nature more – it works wonders. Bodie and I keep ourselves pretty active – but there’s just something about hitting those trails that is magical. Bodie reminds me daily to spend quality time moving outdoors.

2. Bodie knows how to listen to his body.

It’s remarkable to watch Bodie on the trails – he knows exactly what his body can handle and when to rest. Can you imagine if we all had that kind of awareness? Life would be so different.

As a PT specialist for over 22 years, I’ve learned how to listen to my body, and it’s one of the most important skills I’ve taught clients over the years. When you truly understand what your body is telling you, you can challenge it without being reckless. This is important because we only improve when we appropriately challenge ourselves.

Shying away from every ache and pain can actually teach your nervous system to fear pain, which does more harm than good.

Watching Bodie, I realize this instinct is built into him. His nervous system is so in tune – it just knows. While we may not have the same instincts,it is possible to improve our relationship with our nervous systems, which will help us do more of the activities we love and prevent injuries. If you struggle with recurring injuries or fear of movement because of pain, I highly recommend working with a movement expert who can help you work through this. Your body awareness will improve and your nervous system will thank you.

3. Recovery is critically underrated.

Bodie is a pro at recovery. After every hike, he takes a day or two to rest – lounging around, sleeping more, and letting his body recover. It’s a reminder that recovery is just as important as the effort we put in. Whether it’s hiking, exercising, or going through daily routines, our bodies need time to repair and strengthen. I take this lesson from Bodie and make sure I’m giving my body the rest it needs.

Recovery is key to maintaining strength, mobility, and long-term health – not to mention injury prevention. 

If you’re struggling with recovery or feel like your body isn’t bouncing back after adequate, it could be a sign of a bigger issue. I recommend working with a movement specialist who can help you. You don’t have to let stubborn aches, pain, or injury linger or keep you from doing what you love.

We’d love to help you figure that out!

Work with someone who specializes in finding natural ways to get rid of pain – and who can help you to keep it gone – so you can keep enjoying all of the activities you love to do. For me and Bodie – that’s hiking.

All you have to do is request a free appointment with one of our specialists to see if we can help and if you’re a good fit for what we do 🙂

Dr. Carrie Jose, Physical Therapy Specialist and Mechanical Pain Expert, owns CJ Physical Therapy & Pilates in Portsmouth and writes for Seacoast Media Group. To get in touch – or to request a free Discovery Visit to explore a solution for your pain or injury with a mechanical pain expert – CLICK HERE or call 603-380-7902.

How Fear Can Worsen Your Injury: The Hidden Dangers of Avoiding Movement

Fear is a natural, protective response to injury.

But sometimes it can do more harm than good if you’re not careful. Reason being… When we experience pain or injury of any kind – while the pain can range from mild to excruciating – the real “pain” comes from not knowing what you just did. 

Was it anything serious? Will it go away on its own? What should I do?

All these questions compound the unknown which tends to manifest itself as some version of fear and trepidation. And the degree at which this occurs is highly variable among individuals. On one end of the spectrum – the fear of making an injury worse can lead to behaviors that hinder recovery. But on the opposite end – the fear of not doing enough and being cavalier about “no pain no gain” could also impede your recovery.

The good news is that with the right knowledge, tools, and team of experts – you can “train your nervous system” to interpret pain appropriately and avoid the hidden dangers of not moving enough. If fear is caused by the unknown of what’s happening when you feel pain or have been injured – then a better understanding of pain (what it is, what it’s telling you, and how it behaves) and how your body naturally heals from injury is going to help lessen that. I always say: “Movement is medicine – but knowledge is power”

So… as I’ve alluded to… one of the most common misconceptions about injury recovery is the need for prolonged rest.

When we get injured, our instinct is to “protect” the affected area, which typically translates to avoiding movement altogether. While this may seem a prudent strategy, it can actually delay your body’s natural healing process. 

Let me explain…

Yes, an initial resting period makes sense in some cases, especially after an acute injury where you’ve experienced some form of trauma to your tissues. But as soon as that initial inflammatory period ends – you’ve got to start moving. This is crucial for the proper healing of tissues that have been damaged from an injury. Plus – a lot of injuries don’t occur traumatically. They happen slowly over time. This type of pain requires a totally different approach to healing.

In either case – resting for too long and not moving enough can lead to all sorts of problems such as muscle atrophy, joint stiffness, and reduced overall function. Plus – you’re teaching your nervous system that it’s “safer” to not move – which can cause problematic adaptations over time if you’re not careful. In other words, you need movement, and even a little bit of pain to occur for proper recovery from an injury. But you’ve got to balance this. Too much too soon could re-injury you – while not doing enough will put your body and nervous system into “protective mode” – making it harder to incorporate necessary and healthy movement later on.

So how do you balance this process? How do you know if the pain you’re feeling during movement is good or bad?

Understanding how pain behaves is key. Generally speaking, pain during movement that doesn’t last is considered “safe”. We call this hurting versus harming. It’s generally ok to hurt, but never ok to harm. As your mind and body experience this phenomena together – you’re effectively coaching your nervous system to not react to the sensation of “hurting” in such a sensitive way. The more you move, and the more your nervous system realizes the painful feeling is not resulting in harm or more injury, the more that hurt sensation fades. Your nervous system no longer interprets it as pain. This is a normal and healthy response to pain when dealing with any injury – but especially those that are chronic and didn’t come on so suddenly.

The danger you run into when you never allow hurt to happen and avoid any amount of pain altogether – is that you encourage fear to run the show. Your nervous system never “learns” what good pain is vs bad pain – and it starts to get confused. Before you know it, any kind of sensation is perceived as pain (danger) by your nervous system – which only serves to fuel the fear of movement even more. It becomes a vicious cycle that is hard to break.

If you’re confused right now I don’t blame you.

This can be a nuanced and complicated concept to understand – and it’s why I don’t recommend going at it alone. Working with a movement expert who truly understands the process of healing and how your nervous system plays into all this will help take the guesswork out of all this and build confidence in this process.

Movement really is medicine and it’s a powerful one – when you’ve got the knowledge to use it properly.

Dr. Carrie Jose, Physical Therapist and Mechanical Pain Expert, owns CJ Physical Therapy & Pilates in Portsmouth and writes for Seacoast Media Group. To book a free discovery visit with one of our specialists CLICK HERE.

Could Back Trouble Be the Root of Your Knee Pain?

One of the most important things to get right when it comes to successfully resolving knee pain is to make sure you’ve correctly identified the root cause.

Sometimes, your knee pain is due to a problem within your knee joint – such as with arthritis or torn cartilage. But other times (and more often than you think) – the source of your knee pain can be coming from elsewhere – such as your lower back. 

Did you know that 25% of the time, your knee pain is due to a problem within your back – even when you don’t have any back pain?

One of the tell-tale signs you’ve misidentified the root source of your knee pain is that it doesn’t go away after trying everything that “should” help it. Perhaps you’ve tried ice, heat, pain medication, foam rolling, strengthening, stretching – even physical therapy – but no matter what – your knee pain just won’t seem to go away. If the root source of your knee pain is within the knee joint – and you address your joint with any combination of the above mentioned interventions – it will help.  

But how do you figure out if the root cause of your knee pain is in your lower back? 

Pay attention to how your knee pain behaves. When your lower back is the source, you’ll typically have difficulty pinpointing exactly where your knee pain is. It may feel dull, achy, or even numb at times. It might move around, or perhaps travel up or down your thigh. One day your knee might feel great, and you’ll think the problem is finally gone – while other days it could feel excruciating. When your knee pain is more vague and moves around a lot, or it comes and goes throughout the day for no apparent reason, there is a good chance that your back is the root source. With true knee pain, you can usually point to where it hurts and describe pretty well when and where it will bother you.

So how does a misdiagnosis like this even happen?

One of the biggest culprits is imaging. If you’re over age 40, and you get an X-ray or MRI taken of your knees, there is a 60-80% chance they’ll find arthritis or meniscus (cartilage) tears. Studies have shown that arthritic changes and meniscus tears are a normal part of aging, so they will show up on your images whether you have any knee pain or not. While I have many stories about people getting the root cause of their knee pain wrong – one in particular stands out in my mind that I want to share with you. 

I remember a 56 year old tennis player who had knee surgery to “clean out” some wear and tear from arthritis and a meniscus tear. This was after trying several months of physical therapy that had “failed”. She was told the procedure was routine and that her recovery would be quick. Sadly, after three months, she was still limping around and her knee was feeling worse than pre-surgery. The pain had moved, it spread more to her thigh now and it ached a lot more at night and when she wasn’t moving around. She could play tennis, but her knee felt more tired now and her leg would just ache. When she came to me for a second opinion, the very first thing I did was screen her lower back for problems. She thought this was weird at first because she had never had any real back pain. But it turns out that when we started moving her back around and testing it – her knee pain reacted to this. The root cause of her knee pain was actually in her spine. So it made sense all the physical therapy she had for her knee, and the knee surgery didn’t work.

If you’ve been suffering from knee pain for a while, and typical treatments don’t seem to be working, it’s worth considering that the root source of your problem could be your lower back. 

If your knee pain seems to come on slowly or out of nowhere, if you have trouble pinpointing exactly where the pain is, if it moves around and changes from day to day, or if it runs up or down your thigh – it’s worth getting your lower back checked by a mechanical pain specialist before give up all together – and especially before jumping into any surgery or procedure on your knee.

Dr. Carrie Jose, Physical Therapist and Pilates expert, owns CJ Physical Therapy & Pilates in Portsmouth and writes for Seacoast Media Group. To get in touch or sign up for her upcoming Masterclass for Knee Pain Sufferers CLICK HERE.

Tips and Solutions for Morning Back Pain

One of the most common complaints from chronic back pain sufferers is back pain first thing in the morning.

For some folks, it rears its ugly head on occasion and appears out of nowhere – as if they’ve “thrown their back out”. For others, it’s like Groundhog Day – they go to bed feeling great but wake up every morning feeling stiff and achy.

Why does this happen? Shouldn’t your back feel better after a good night’s sleep?

Back pain impacts people in different ways and at different times of the day. When it comes to morning back pain – while the easiest thing to blame is your mattress – some of the more common causes of morning back pain include poor sleeping position, insufficient exercise, and bulging discs. 

Let’s go through each one and talk about tips to help minimize them.

Poor Sleeping Position

The sleeping position that aggravates you is going to depend on the underlying cause of your back pain. Sometimes sleeping on your back with legs elevated is what makes your back feel worse in the morning – even if it feels amazing while you’re in this position. For others, sleeping on their stomach is the thing that wreaks havoc on their spine. The most back-friendly position is to sleep on your side. Side-sleeping allows you to put your spine in a neutral position – which is where you get in the least amount of trouble. It’s really challenging to achieve a neutral spine when you’re on your back or stomach. If it bothers your hips or shoulders to sleep on your side – I recommend placing a pillow under your waist as well as your head – and if needed – also one between your thighs.

Insufficient Exercise

Another common culprit of morning back pain is insufficient exercise. A lack of regular physical activity can lead to weakened muscles and reduced flexibility, both of which can contribute to back pain. When your muscles are not strong enough to support your spine properly, your back is more susceptible to strain and discomfort. Incorporating regular exercise into your routine, especially exercises that strengthen your core and back muscles, can help reduce morning stiffness and pain. Activities such as yoga, Pilates, and even daily stretching can improve muscle tone and flexibility, thereby offering better support to your spine and reducing pain.

Bulging Discs

This is the most common reason I see for morning back pain. Your vertebral disc has three primary functions: 1) to absorb shock; 2) to help hold the vertebrae of your spine together; and 3) they contribute to the mobility in your spine. The interesting thing about vertebral discs is that they are made up primarily of water. Over the course of a normal day – and over the course of life – your discs will compress and decrease their water content. At night, your disc literally re-hydrates and can gain up to 17-25 mm of height.

While this may be beneficial to someone whose arthritis is to blame for their back pain, it is not beneficial for someone suffering from a bulging disc. Remember when I mentioned that your disc is partially responsible for mobility in your spine? When you have a bulging disc – that bulge restricts your mobility. If it fills up with fluid overnight – you’re going to wake up feeling a lot more restricted and in a lot more pain. Unfortunately, there is no quick fix I can reveal for you on this one. The best advice I can give you is that if you’re waking up every morning in a lot of pain and you’re afraid to move – there’s a good chance you’re suffering from bulging discs, and you should see someone who can help you with this.

If you’re waking up every morning with back pain, then hopefully this information helps you have a better understanding as to why it might be happening. Before you consider spending loads of cash on a new mattress – give one or more of these solutions a try and see if it helps. Because the good news is that 80% of the time there is a natural, movement-based solution that can address your back pain successfully. If you’re not having success with eliminating morning back pain on your own – then consider enlisting the help of a physical therapy specialist who is an expert in these kinds of solutions – and who can properly diagnose your back pain.

Dr. Carrie Jose, Physical Therapy Specialist and Mechanical Pain expert, owns CJ Physical Therapy & Pilates in Portsmouth and writes for Seacoast Media Group. To get a free copy of her guide to back pain – click here.

5 Signs your Headaches are coming from your Neck

Headaches impact approximately 47% of the population and are one of the most common disorders of the nervous system. If you suffer from headaches regularly, then you already know how disruptive they can be on your work life, social life, daily activities, and just overall energy and well-being. 

But what makes headache management particularly challenging is how often they are misdiagnosed. The most common types of headache disorders are what’s known as primary headache disorders – and those include migraines, cluster headaches, and tension-type headaches. But you could also be suffering from a secondary headache disorder – which is caused by some other illness or physical issue. One of the most common forms of secondary headache is something called a “cervicogenic headache” – meaning it comes from your neck. They can be quite debilitating and are commonly confused with migraines – but there are some key signs to look for that make them different. 

Let’s look at 4 signs that might indicate your headache is coming from your neck:

1. Headaches worsen with certain neck movements

If you find that certain movements or positions of your neck exacerbate your headaches – it could be a sign that your headaches are coming from your neck. Sometimes it’s very specific movements that trigger a headache – such as tilting your head forward or backward – or turning it from side to side. But other times it’s less obvious and related to more prolonged postures. For example, I’ve had patients experience headaches from sitting at a bar for several hours and turning their head to a certain side to talk to their friend. Pay attention to whether certain neck movements or positions create discomfort in your neck that either precedes or worsens your headache. It could mean that your headache is coming from a source in your neck.

2. Your Neck is Stiff

Another telltale sign of neck-related headaches is limited mobility or range of motion of your cervical spine (neck). If you find yourself struggling to turn your head fully, or you experience pain and stiffness when attempting to do so, it could indicate an underlying issue in your neck that is causing your headache. A common saying in my office is “mobility before stability”. If the joints in your neck don’t move fully and freely, the structures around those joints (muscles and nerves) can become angry and irritated – and this could be the source of your headaches.

3. Tenderness in your neck muscles

If you routinely have sensitivity and tenderness in the muscles of your neck – it could indicate an underlying neck problem. If you notice that your headaches seem to get triggered whenever the tension or tenderness in your neck muscles worsens – then there’s a good chance your headaches are coming from your neck. The muscles of your neck can get tense and irritated for a number of reasons – most commonly because of poor posture or because they are being overused in some capacity. Since your neck muscles have direct and intricate attachments to the base of your skull – they can be a common cause of your headaches.

4. Location of your Pain

A headache that stems from the base of your skull and stays on one side of your head – often radiating into your temple or behind your eye – is a common sign that your headache is coming from your neck. If you tend to get associated shoulder or arm pain at the same time as your headache – it’s another indicator your headache could be cervicogenic. That’s because the nerves in your neck extend into these areas and are capable of radiating pain into these locations. If you suffer from chronic headaches, pay attention to where the pain is coming from or where it’s radiation. If it’s extending beyond your head – there’s a good chance your headaches are coming from your neck.

5. Massage and Chiropractic Manipulations Help.

If you find temporary relief from your headaches any time you get a massage or see a chiropractor, it’s almost certain your headaches are cervicogenic. While it’s great you’ve found pain relief – the problem with relying on these modalities is that they are completely “passive” – meaning – you don’t have an active role in the process of relieving your headaches. Passive modalities work great when paired with specialized, corrective exercises you can do on your own that are designed to prolong the effects of these treatments. But when passive treatments are used in isolation – the headache relief tends to be short-lived. The take home point here is that if you find treatments like massage and chiropractic treatment help – your headaches are almost certainly coming from your neck.

If you suffer from debilitating headaches and haven’t yet gotten your neck thoroughly checked out as a source – you should. Because when your headaches originate from a source in your neck, it’s entirely possible to learn how to treat it and manage it naturally and on your own. But you’ll need to work with a specialist who understands cervicogenic headaches as well as the associated mechanical joint components influencing them.

Are you local to Portsmouth, NH? CLICK HERE to speak with one of my specialists for free.

Six Tips to Improve Knee Pain Naturally and on Your Own

When you’ve got persistent, nagging knee pain – it can have quite the impact on your quality of life. But the good news is there is plenty you can do naturally and on your own to help relieve knee pain, even if you’ve been suffering for years.

Here are 6 of my top tips for how you can improve knee pain naturally and on you own:

  1. Strengthen Your Hips and Core:

Your hips and core provide essential support and stability to your entire body, but especially your lower limbs and knees. Strengthening this important muscle group is a key component for not only relieving knee pain, but preventing it as well. When you’ve got weakness or imbalance in your hips and core, it leads to poor alignment and compensatory stress on your knees during movements like walking, running, or squatting. Strengthening your hips and core will improve overall biomechanics, reducing the load placed on the knees and preventing excessive wear and tear.

  1. Get (and stay) Flexible:

One saying you’ll hear me repeat over and over is: “mobility before stability”. That’s because when you’ve got stiffness in your joints, the surrounding muscles will try to compensate. And muscles don’t work as well when the joint they are in charge of moving doesn’t have full and free mobility. Good and optimized joint mobility will enhance the body’s ability to move efficiently and with proper body mechanics, reducing the strain on your knees. By increasing (and maintaining) your flexibility and range of motion – your body will move more freely and distribute forces more evenly throughout your joints and muscles – thus – reducing the risk of overload on your knees.

  1. Interrupt Your Sitting:

Knee pain can come directly from your knee, but also from your spine (even when you don’t have any back pain). When you interrupt your sitting often throughout the day, this addresses both potential causes. For knees in particular, prolonged periods of sitting can cause stiffness, and lead to poor blood circulation in and around your knee joint. Sitting for extended periods can also lead to tightness in the hip flexors and hamstrings, which can negatively impact knee alignment and function. By taking regular breaks to stand up, stretch, or move around, you can relieve pressure on your knees, maintain good joint mobility, and prevent muscle imbalances that will only lead to more knee pain over time.

  1. Get (and keep) Moving:

Regular movement and exercise helps to stimulate blood flow. And if you’ve got inflammation in your knees causing pain, good blood flow helps to reduce inflammation by delivering essential nutrients and oxygen, while also removing waste products. If your knees are on the arthritic side, engaging in low-impact exercises like walking, swimming, cycling, or Pilates can help build strength and endurance around your knees without putting excessive stress on the joints. Regular movement also helps lubricate your knee joints, which can reduce friction and discomfort during daily activities. And perhaps the biggest benefit of regular exercise and movement is the release of endorphins – which are your body’s natural painkillers that can help alleviate discomfort in any joint, not just your knees.

  1. Choose Sensible Footwear:

The right (or wrong) footwear can make a huge difference in how your knees feel with walking, running, or standing. When you’ve got proper footwear, it provides the support and cushioning you need to reduce impact on your knees. Depending on the mechanics of your feet and ankles, footwear can also help to enhance or improve your alignment and stability. By choosing footwear that prioritizes comfort, support, and proper alignment, you can effectively reduce knee pain and improve your overall joint health.

  1. Improve Your Balance:

Good balance is important for a lot of reasons, namely, it allows you to have good stability and control during movement, and it reduces your fall risk. But having good balance can also reduce the strain in your knees. That’s because having good balance requires the coordination and strength of your postural muscles, feet, and ankles to all work together and distribute forces evenly. When that doesn’t happen, your knees tend to overcompensate and suffer. So working to improve and maintain balance can help to decrease the stress on your knees by getting other joints and muscle groups to “join the party”.

If you’ve been suffering from knee pain for awhile and not yet incorporating any of these 6 tips into your daily or weekly routine, get started now and see if it helps.

If knee pain is getting in the way of you even being able to incorporate some of these tips, then it’s time to speak with a physical therapy specialist. They will help you identify the root cause of your knee pain and come up with a treatment plan that is designed to get rid of your pain – and teach you how to keep it gone – naturally and on your own.

Are you local to Portsmouth, NH? Consider speaking with one of my specialists to see if we would be a good fit to help! CLICK HERE to request a free discovery visit.

Dr. Carrie Jose, Physical Therapist and Pilates expert, owns CJ Physical Therapy & Pilates in Portsmouth and writes for Seacoast Media Group. To request a free copy of her Knee Pain Free Report CLICK HERE  or to get in touch, email her at [email protected]

6 Tips for Managing Debilitating Vertigo at Work

“Vertigo” is the sudden onset of dizziness, spinning and nausea that often stops you in your tracks without any visible signs or warning. If you’ve ever experienced vertigo, then you know the debilitating effects it can have on your daily life and ability to work. For those that haven’t experienced vertigo – it can be difficult to explain. Your co-worker will never understand why you missed that deadline. Your boss won’t understand why you had to miss work for the past three days.  All because for 72 hours, the room has been spinning on and off, and you couldn’t spend more than five minutes reading on your computer before you felt the vertigo coming back on. 

Perhaps the most challenging aspect of suffering from vertigo is the unknown. By definition, vertigo is a symptom that occurs due to a miscommunication between your vestibular system (responsible for balance and spatial orientation) and your brain’s interpretation of those signals. When the signals are mismatched – the result is vertigo – that awful, uncontrollable sensation of spinning or dizziness.

What does this look like in real life? 

You could turn your head slightly too far or slightly too fast and bam – here comes the dizziness. You could get up from a chair or out of bed too quickly and suddenly the room is spinning. Vertigo has the ability to quickly and without notice turn the ordinary, mundane parts of your day into the scariest parts of your day… Suddenly everything from driving, working at a computer, walking to lunch, or getting up to go to the bathroom become debilitating and unreliable. Every single one of these tasks not only becomes difficult – but often the scariest parts of your day as well.  becomes the scariest part of your day. Why? Because every single one of these tasks requires balance and coordination – and when your vestibular system and brain don’t cooperate – these things become extraordinarily difficult.

While there are many underlying causes to vertigo, and only a vertigo specialist can determine this, there are some things you can do to mitigate the onset of vertigo so that it doesn’t continue to impact your work day. 

Here are tips for managing debilitation vertigo at work:

1. Utilize Blue Light Filter Glasses

Prolonged screen time can exacerbate vertigo symptoms, and these glasses work to block harmful blue light emitted by digital devices. By alleviating the eye strain associated with screen time, these specialized glasses create a more comfortable visual experience, potentially lessening the likelihood of triggering or worsening vertigo episodes during your work day – especially if your work involves extended use of the computer.

2. Wear Noise-Canceling Headphones

Noise sensitivity often accompanies vertigo. Using noise-canceling headphones can create a quieter work environment for you, minimizing any overstimulation that might trigger or worsen your vertigo episodes. When you reduce auditory input, you’ll find it easier to focus, and it will be a calmer sensory experience for you at work.

3. Opt for a Swiveling Computer Chair

A swiveling chair offers the flexibility to rotate your body when shifting between screens or tasks. This minimizes abrupt head movements, which can trigger vertigo. The ability to turn your body rather than constantly turning your head can significantly reduce the risk of a debilitating vertigo episode happening during your work hours.

4. Find a Stable Focus Point During Physical Activities

Engaging in physical tasks that might induce dizziness can be challenging. If you experience vertigo during physical movements, find a stable object or point in your surroundings and focus on it. This fixed reference point can help recalibrate your balance and reduce the sensation of dizziness.

5. Be Mindful or your Movement and Pace

Sudden and quick movements are known to trigger episodes of dizziness and spinning from those suffering from vertigo. When you mindfully and purposefully slow down – you alleviate the stress on your vestibular system. This can go a long way in helping to minimize triggers that may exacerbate your vertigo symptoms.

6. Ensure Adequate Lighting

Aside from your vestibular system, your vision also helps significantly with balance. By ensuring ample lighting in the workspace – you can help compensate for the disruptions caused by vertigo. Well-lit environments provide clearer visual cues, assisting in maintaining balance and reducing the risk of falls during a vertigo episode.

If you’re currently suffering from vertigo – or have been dealing with vertigo on and off for years – perhaps it’s time to consult with a physical therapy vertigo specialist. The right practitioner will perform specialized tests to identify if your root cause is movement based – and can determine if you need to see a neurologist or eye specialist instead or in conjunction. By going this route first, you can determine if the cause of vertigo can be successfully treated naturally , and avoid treatment approaches that involve medications or procedures that you might not need. But in the meantime, hopefully some of these strategies help you create a more manageable work environment if you suffer from vertigo on a regular basis.

Dr. Carrie Jose, Physical Therapist and Pilates expert, owns CJ Physical Therapy & Pilates in Portsmouth and writes for Seacoast Media Group. To get in touch, or seat in her upcoming Masterclass for Vertigo Sufferers – visit www.cjphysicaltherapy.com – or call 603-380-7902