Tag Archive for: physical therapy portsmouth

Back Pain

5 Simple Tips for Keeping Back Pain Gone

5 Simple Tips for Keeping Back Pain Gone

Almost half of U.S. adults (39% according to the CDC) suffer from back pain. With the prevalence increasing as we age – folks over age 65 are more likely to experience back pain than any other age group. Economically speaking – back pain accounts for roughly $50B annually – and is the number one cause of missed work days – 83 million each year according to the National Council on Aging (NCOA).  

Given these staggering figures, you might think the title of this article is nuts. If it were that easy to get rid of back pain on your own – why do so many suffer? Well – that is the million dollar question (or rather $50B question). The problem is that the traditional medical approach focuses on symptom management rather than addressing the underlying causes of back pain. This oversight leads to persistent discomfort and recurring issues for many – because the underlying, root cause is never properly addressed.

So what is the root cause of most back pain? 

Eighty percent of back pain is what we call “mechanical” in nature. That means it comes from poor or imbalanced movement habits and postures that are years in the making. This also explains why back pain shows up a lot more in older populations. The root cause of back pain is rarely structural (aka: bulging discs, stenosis, arthritis, etc). Those structures, and structures around the stenotic or arthritic joints, become irritated because of the poor movement habits that slowly wreak havoc on your body. They don’t typically cause problems all on their own. How do I know? Because more than 60% of older adults with zero back pain will have one or more of these findings on their MRI.

The good news is that since most back pain is due to poor movement and postural habits – you can alleviate it with some good movement and postural habits. Here are 5 simple tips for keeping back pain gone on your own:

1. Stop Sitting So Much

Sitting puts a surprising amount of pressure on your spine – even if it feels good in the moment. Compressive forces on your spine increase by 40% when you sit – and even more if you’re slouching. Over time, this pressure can unknowingly aggravate your spinal ligaments and discs without you even realizing it.

One of the simplest ways to counteract this is by breaking up your sitting time. Set a timer to stand up and move every 30 minutes. Even a quick stretch or walk around your office can make a big difference. By interrupting prolonged sitting, you’ll reduce the cumulative stress on your spine and keep your back healthier.

2. Walk More

Walking is one of the best activities for your spine. It promotes mobility, improves blood flow, and acts as a natural lubricant for your spinal structures. Regular walking also helps prevent tightness in your hips, which can aggravate your back due to abnormal forces on your pelvis and spine.

Aim for at least 10-15 minutes of walking each day. If you’re dealing with back pain, start with short, gentle walks and gradually increase your duration and pace. And focus on maintaining good posture while walking. If walking even short bursts continues to aggravate your back – then it’s time to talk to a mechanical back pain specialist who can help you sort out why.

3. Vary Your Posture

Did you notice that I didn’t say: “maintain good posture”?. That’s because maintaining perfect posture all the time is quite impractical and not very realistic. The truth is – no posture is perfect if you stay in it too long. Even the best looking postures can lead to stiffness and discomfort over time. 

Instead of obsessing over perfect posture, aim to vary your positions throughout the day. Your spine is made to be quite resilient – and a healthy spine can tolerate any posture (even bad posture) for a short amount of time. So if you’re sitting or slouching – be sure to move around and change your position. If you’re standing for a while – try shifting your weight side to side. Your spine wants to keep moving – so finding opportunities in any position is going to be beneficial.

4. Strengthen Your Core

Your core muscles include your abdominals, obliques, and glutes – and they provide support and stability for your spine – and go a long way in preventing back pain. But when these muscles are weak, your spine takes on more stress, thus increasing your risk for pain and injury.

Pilates is one of the best overall ways to strengthen your core while also promoting good spinal movement and mobility. But exercises like bridges, planks, and full body functional exercises are also effective for targeting your core. Incorporating core strength into your routine a few times per week will not only help your back feel better – but it goes a long way in preventing future back pain episodes. If exercising or strengthening your core hurts your back pain – then you should seek the help of a mechanical back pain specialist who can help you get back to moving and exercising naturally, and without procedures or cortisone shots.

5. Education is Power

There’s a lot of misinformation out there when it comes to both diagnosing and treating back pain. So one of the most important steps you can take is to educate yourself on this. You’re already off to a good start because you’re reading this article. But the second most important thing to keep in mind is to never let your MRI or X-ray alone make a diagnosis and dictate your treatment plan. I’ve already alluded to this concept previously – but structures in your spine rarely cause problems spontaneously. They get irritated over several years – but it’s not the structure itself that’s the problem. When you are educated on this nuanced concept – you’ll realize it’s possible to treat back pain on your own – and are less likely to become a victim of unnecessary procedures, cortisone shots, and back surgery.

Just remember – 80% of all back pain is mechanical – and comes from poor movement patterns, habits, and postures over several years. The solution lies in correcting these movement patterns and habits – and for the most part – they are very “correct-able” and reversible. A mechanical back pain specialist is the best person to help you with. They are experts in back pain and won’t rely on MRIs or X-rays to dictate your treatment plan.

Local to Portsmouth, NH?

Consider speaking to one of my back pain specialists by clicking here.

Dr. Carrie Jose, Physical Therapy Specialist, and Mechanical Pain Expert, owns CJ Physical Therapy & Pilates in Portsmouth, NH, and writes for Seacoast Media Group. If local to Portsmouth, NH, and looking for help – request a FREE Discovery Visit with one of her Specialists by CLICKING HERE.

How Ignoring Back pain could ruin your New Year’s Goals

Now is the time when people shift their focus to the New Year and start thinking about new and exciting goals for themselves.

According to statista.com – the three most popular New Year’s goals are 1) doing more exercise and improving their fitness, 2) losing weight, and 3) saving money.

Would you be surprised to know that if you are currently suffering from back pain – and you continue to ignore it – it could significantly impact your chances of success at achieving any of these goals?

Let me explain.

Let’s start with doing more exercise and improving fitness. Most people think that if they start exercising more – especially their core – it will solve their back problem. Not necessarily. While the research studies show (overwhelmingly) that exercise is one of the best treatments for back pain – what they don’t reveal is that there are typically some key things that must be in place in order for exercise to be effective. For example, you must have good mobility before you start focusing on stability (or strengthening). If you’ve got a stiff back, general exercise could be all you need, and you’ll notice improvement. But you won’t know until you get going and by then it could be too late.

What if your back is stiff because it’s compensating for something – say a bulging disc or muscle weakness?

If that’s the case, and you go all in with an exercise program in January, it’s only a matter of time (usually about 3 months in) before your back becomes worse, forcing you to abort your grand plan for the new year. When stability is there for a compensatory reason, it’s important to figure that out before adding more exercise or strengthening to the mix. This is one way back pain could derail your New Year’s resolution of doing more exercise and improving your fitness.

Say you want to lose weight. This is a fabulous goal. And if you’ve got back pain, losing weight will surely help. But once again, it’s critical to understand why you’ve got back pain in the first place. For example, being overweight is rarely the cause of back pain. A few extra pounds can certainly exacerbate your back problem, but it doesn’t usually cause back pain all on its own. The most common causes of back pain are mechanical (movement) problems.

In other words – bad movement habits such as sitting all the time, bending and rotating too much, or having terrible posture can all lead to back pain slowly over time.

If you lose weight, but never correct these mechanical/movement problems, your back pain isn’t going to improve. When it comes to the process of losing weight, in addition to watching your diet, more exercise is often incorporated into a weight loss plan. If you’ve got back pain, it’s more than likely due to poor movement habits. More exercise will not address these, and worse, could exacerbate the problem. If your back pain increases, not only will you not want to exercise, but you could be more inclined to sit at home and eat more – completely derailing your New Year’s resolution of losing weight.

Finally – we come to saving money. What on earth could back pain have to do with this? Well, you’ve probably heard the saying: “If you think wellness is expensive, try illness”. And this couldn’t be truer. When you ignore back pain, it’s only going to get more expensive to address later. As back pain worsens, you’ll have less willpower to bear it, and you’ll be more likely to opt for expensive fixes such as outpatient procedures and surgery. Not to mention the rehab that needs to take place afterwards for an optimal recovery and the expensive tests that need to take place before-hand to ensure you’re ready for surgery.

When you ignore a back problem it’s only a matter of time before it becomes unbearable.

And when we’re desperate, we make poor decisions, which often leads to more money spent than necessary. All that money (and more) that you set out to save as part of your New Year’s goals eventually goes to waste. Instead, get in front of your back pain. For 80% of back pain cases, there is a natural, movement-based solution. Natural solutions are far less expensive – and much safer long term compared to something like surgery. While the impact of ignoring back pain may seem indirect when it comes to a New Year’s resolution of saving money – it will impact you in some way – at some point – in a monetary way if you don’t address it now.

When you’ve got back pain (or any pain for that matter) that isn’t going away, it’s your body trying to tell you something. Don’t ignore it. It’s only a matter of time before it gets worse and starts to derail more than just your New Year’s goals.

Dr. Carrie Jose, Physical Therapy Specialist and Mechanical Pain Expert, owns CJ Physical Therapy & Pilates in Portsmouth, NH and writes for Seacoast Media Group. If local to Portsmouth, NH and looking for help – request a FREE Discovery Visit with one of her Specialists by CLICKING HERE.

Back Pain MRI

Do You Really Need an MRI for That?

Possibly the number one question I get from clients on a daily basis is…

“Should I get an MRI for that?”

Hey… I get it… you’ve got pain that won’t go away and you want to see what’s going on inside… why not?

Not so fast!

What if I told you that getting an MRI too soon (or when you don’t even need one) can actually lead you to getting unnecessary procedures, or even surgery! 

Don’t get me wrong… 

MRI’s are an amazing advancement in medical technology that have saved many lives. And if you’ve had trauma – like a major fall or accident – or you’re exhibiting symptoms that we call “red flags” (progressive/serious neurological deficits, bowel and bladder issues, unrelenting/unexplainable pain) –  then you want to get an MRI. But when it comes to musculoskeletal pain (back, neck, knee, hip, shoulder, etc) – again – unless you’ve had a major fall or trauma – you typically DO NOT need an MRI.

Let me explain…

When it comes to musculoskeletal pain – 80% of the time it’s what we call “mechanical” in nature. That means it’s due to the way you are (or aren’t) moving. For example, let’s say you’re suffering from low back pain and terrible sciatica. Most people in this situation want to get an MRI. And it will reveal anything from a bulging disc, to stenosis, to arthritis, to degenerative discs. Whichever one of these “ailments” shows up on your MRI will typically get blamed as the source of your problem. From there – you’ll typically be prescribed some type of procedure (or surgery) to “fix” said ailment.

Sound familiar?

Well… here’s the thing… research has shown over and over that these so-called ailments appear in the MRI’s of just about everyone over the age of 50. In a 2015 study by Brinkjiki et al – they did MRI’s on over 3000 people who had NO back pain. And you know what they found? For people in their 60’s – they found that 70% of them had disc bulges – 88% had disc degeneration – and 50% had facet degeneration (something you often see with arthritis). And as the age groups increased – so did these ailments!  

The meaning of this and other studies like it is profound…

It means that you absolutely can NOT rely on your MRI to diagnose your problem.

It also means that many people are getting procedures on these normally occurring structural ailments when it’s not even the root cause of the problem.

So what IS the root cause of the problem?

 Typically – it’s “mechanical” – meaning your problem has to do with the way you move, bad postural habits learned over the years, muscular and joint imbalances, or “wear and tear” issues. It’s also why we tend to see more mechanical problems show up in people once they hit age 40 and beyond – because these problems take awhile to manifest.

Although the pain you experience may be coming from one of those ailments we spoke about earlier (for example – a bulging disc irritating your nerve route – a meniscus tear irritating your knee when it moves) – the root cause is how your movement habits are irritating the structure. When you fix the movement problem – the structural issue becomes irrelevant – at least 80% of the time.

If you’re confused – I don’t blame you.

Most medical doctors are not trained in what mechanical pain truly is or what it means. They are trained to diagnose problems using images such as Xrays and MRIs. Nothing wrong with that of course – but it can become a problem when you do an MRI too soon – without first ruling out if your pain is due to a mechanical cause.

If you’re currently suffering from back, neck, hip, knee, shoulder, ankle pain, etc… and you’ve been told you need an MRI to “figure out what’s going on” – hold that thought!

Why don’t you first consult with a mechanical pain specialist. There’s an 80% chance your problem will fall into this category. And you can save yourself from unnecessary treatments that might not work.

You can talk to one of our mechanical pain specialists for free by clicking HERE. It’s a completely free, no-obligation appointment that will give you all the information you need to make the best decision for YOUR health – whether that’s working with us or not!

Dr. Carrie Jose is a Physical Therapy Specialist and Mechanical Pain Expert, and owner of CJ Physical Therapy & Pilates in Portsmouth, NH. To get in touch – or inquire about getting help – CLICK HERE or call 603-380-7902

Active and Mobile

Six Ways to Keep Your Thanksgiving Festive and Fit

Thanksgiving is one of my absolute favorite Holidays.

I love all the food, sweets, time with family, the Macy’s Day Parade, afternoon naps, and football. While it’s historically been a time for indulgence and relaxation, more and more people are opting for a more active and healthier Thanksgiving Day.

And there are numerous benefits for doing so…boosted mood and energy levels, improved digestion, happier joints (hips, knees, back, neck, shoulders), and you’ll offset some of the extra calories you may have consumed.

If you’re looking to have a festive, but perhaps more fit Thanksgiving Holiday this year – read on for seven tips and ideas:

1. Practice Mindful Eating

You can still enjoy your Thanksgiving meal – but simultaneously support your health and digestion – with mindful eating. Mindful eating is the practice of paying full attention to the experience of eating and drinking. It involves slowing down, savoring each bite, and tuning into your hunger and fullness cues to create a more enjoyable and intentional eating experience.

Studies show that eating slowly and savoring each bite can reduce calorie intake by up to 25%, as it gives your brain time to register fullness. Mindful eating also improves digestion because it promotes thorough chewing and reduces overeating, which can lead to bloating and discomfort.

Instead of piling your plate first-thing, focus on tasting each dish, and enjoying every moment of your feast.

2. Interrupt your sitting.

Hopefully after you’ve practiced mindful eating – you won’t feel so full – and will be less inclined to slump on the couch. But full or not, our bodies weren’t designed to sit for prolonged periods, so getting up frequently is an easy way to not only incorporate movement throughout your day, but to help keep away lower back and joint stiffness. I recommend standing up once every 30 min. This could be a fun “job” to give a young child at your Thanksgiving table. Make them accountable for watching the clock and remind you to stand up. Interrupting your sitting is possibly the easiest and most effective strategy to keep your knees, hips, and spine from getting painful and stiff on Thanksgiving Day.

3. Sign up for a Turkey Trot

Thanksgiving Turkey Trots are a popular event in most towns and it can be a really fun event for the whole family. Turkey Trots are typically 5K’s – or 3.2 miles. If you’re not able to sign up for an actual race, grab your friends and family and create your own Turkey Trot within your neighborhood. This is a great way to get your blood flowing and joints lubricated first thing in the morning. Plus, morning exercise kickstarts fat oxidation and can keep your metabolism elevated for hours afterwards – so this is a great way to energize your body while also balancing Thanksgiving Day indulgence.

4. Be Active during Commercials.

Whether it’s the Macy’s Day parade, football, or both – it’s easy to find yourself lounging for hours on a soft sofa or recliner – which can wreak havoc on your back if you’re not careful. A very easy way to keep yourself from sitting or slouching too much, and to incorporate some healthy movement into your day, is to get up and do something active during commercials. It’s the perfect opportunity to do a quick 2 min exercise or stretch – and it doesn’t have to be complicated. Choose from a quick set of squats, heel raises, planks, or back stretches. And make it fun. Get a plank or squat competition going with your most competitive family members – you know who they are.

5. Walk your Dessert Off

While skipping dessert is of course an option – you can also choose to walk it off. Opting for a post-meal walk has many benefits (even if you already did a Turkey Trot in the morning). It aids digestion, helps regulate blood sugar levels, and it’s good for your hips, back and knees. Plus – a post-meal walk is an opportunity to get some much needed lengthening and stretching of our muscles and joints after being parked in a chair for any length of time. Walking also happens to be one of the best and most natural exercises you can do for yourself – but it’s especially great to do after a big meal like Thanksgiving – and before you settle in for the evening.

6. Stay hydrated

Staying hydrated is important all of the time – but especially on a day like Thanksgiving. Good hydration will help regulate your digestion, which is particularly important given the heavy and often rich foods we typically consume on this day. Plus, water aids in breaking down food, allowing for better nutrient absorption and preventing digestive discomfort.

When it comes to appetite, we often mistake thirst for hunger, so when you stay hydrated (especially prior to your big meal), you have more control over your portions and are less likely to overeat. When you stay hydrated – it not only supports your body’s essential functions – but makes healthy choices easier – because your energy levels will be higher and your mind clear – two more things that staying hydrated helps with.

Well there you have it – seven easy ways to keep your Thanksgiving festive – while also helping you to stay a bit more fit and healthy. If you’ve got any kind of back, hip, knee, neck, or shoulder pain that is keeping you from practicing these easy tips – I recommend talking to a mechanical pain expert. They’ll help you figure out the root cause of your problem and most importantly – help you keep it gone – so that by next Thanksgiving – we won’t even be having this conversation. 

Are local to Portsmouth, NH?

CLICK HERE to connect with one of our specialists—just in time to enjoy the Thanksgiving holiday to the fullest!

It’s also the perfect time to take advantage of our BLACK FRIDAY SALE! Get our lowest prices of the year with our Physical Therapy Specialists and Regenerative Shockwave Therapy. CLICK HERE to sign up today to get full access to these deals – packages are limited and available only while deals last!

Dr. Carrie Jose, Physical Therapy Specialist and Mechanical Pain Expert, owns CJ Physical Therapy & Pilates in Portsmouth and writes for Seacoast Media Group. To get in touch, or request a copy of her free guide: 5 Simple and Easy Ways to Get Rid of Back Pain, CLICK HERE or call 603-380-7902

What Your Doctor May be Missing About Your Pain’s True Source

Pain can be frustrating and overwhelming, especially when it doesn’t go away.

It’s only natural to seek answers – and for many – that means a trip to the doctor. But here’s the thing. Even the best doctors can miss the true source of your pain.


Because too often they rely on imaging (like MRIs or X-rays) focused on the location of your pain – rather than considering the true source of your pain – and that it could be coming from somewhere else in your body. 

I often see this with pain in areas like the hips, knees, elbows, arms, and legs. Take persistent knee pain, for example. Most doctors will start by ordering an MRI of your knee – which might show things like arthritis or a torn meniscus. But what you may not realize is that these findings are common as we age and often appear in people who don’t have knee pain at all.

The problem is

– once something shows up on your MRI – it grabs your doctor’s attention – and becomes the full focus for treatment (even if it’s not the real problem). 

This misdiagnosing of pain like this is a huge reason why so many people suffer longer than necessary. It also leads to unnecessary surgeries, procedures, and treatments that never address the root cause of the problem. Back to our knee pain example, your doctor might not even consider that your knee pain could be coming from somewhere else (such as your lower back). And if that’s the case – no amount of knee-focused treatment will solve your knee pain – all because we allowed the MRI to make assumptions about the root cause of pain and dictate the treatment plan. 

What most medical doctors miss is this: The way your body moves and reacts to pain is often a much more reliable way to determine its true source than what shows up on an image. I’m not blaming your doctor – it’s just not how they are trained to examine and look at pain. But it is important for you to be aware of this – especially when your pain isn’t going away. You have to at least consider that the root cause was missed and could be coming from elsewhere.

Let me explain a little more.

Over my 22-year career, I’ve worked with people who suffered from persistent tennis elbow for years – despite trying every recommended protocol – only to discover their pain was actually coming from their neck. I’ve met patients who underwent major knee surgery that failed to bring relief – because the problem wasn’t in their knee at all.  I’ve seen patients replace their entire hip – only to find out their real problem was coming from their lower back the entire time.

And this isn’t just my experience. Research backs this up.

A study in the Journal of Manipulative Therapy found that on average, 40% of isolated extremity pain (like your hip, knee, shoulder, elbow, etc) is actually caused by your spine, even when there’s no pain in the spine itself. In these cases, imaging of your knee, shoulder, etc. would only show “normal abnormalities” associated with aging – and not ever show you the true source of your problem – which could be your spine.

So how do you figure out the real cause of your pain?  

The key is with specialized movement testing – designed to take into account your whole body, as well as everyday movement patterns and lifestyle. When you work with a mechanical pain specialist who is trained in this type of movement testing, they don’t just look at static images of your body – they look at how your body functions as a whole.

For example – by moving your spine in specific directions and seeing how that movement affects the pain in your knee, shoulder, or elbow – they can determine whether the spine is the real culprit. 

So if you’ve been struggling with persistent pain anywhere in your body and it’s not going away – you must at least consider that the location of your pain may not be its source. This is particularly common with pain in your extremities. The problem with traditional medical approaches is that they rely heavily on imaging and assume that what you see on an X-ray or MRI is the cause of the pain.

But pain doesn’t work that way. It’s more complex than a picture can reveal, and it often requires a deeper understanding of how your body moves and responds to find the source.  

Pain can be complicated, but finding the source doesn’t have to be. When you consider how your body moves – not just what shows up on an image – you’ll get closer to the answers you need.

Are you in the Portsmouth, NH area?

CLICK HERE to connect with one of our specialists to see if we would be a good fit to help you uncover what may be the real source of your pain.

Dr. Carrie Jose, Physical Therapist and Mechanical Pain Expert, owns CJ Physical Therapy & Pilates in Portsmouth and writes for Seacoast Media Group. To get in touch, or get access to her free guide: 5 Easy Ways to Get Rid of Back Pain – CLICK HERE – or call 603-380-7902

A Physical Therapy Expert’s Guide to Enjoying Fall Activities Pain-Free

Fall is my favorite season – and I know it is for many of you too.

Crisp air, colorful leaves, pumpkin patches, and cozy outdoor gatherings are some things that come to mind. But there’s also raking leaves, picking apples, chopping wood, and moving heavy things like hay bales or pumpkins. Any of these fall activities can produce unwelcome strain on your body if you’re not careful. 

Here’s a guide to enjoying all that fall has to offer – from a back pain and mechanical pain expert – so you can enjoy fall activities this season while keeping your back and joints pain-free.

1. Rake Leaves with Care

Raking is a quintessential fall activity, but it’s also repetitive and strenuous, which can lead to back pain if done improperly. Here are a few ways to protect yourself:

  • Warm Up First: Just as athletes warm up before a game, you should warm up before raking. Try a brisk 5-10 minute walk around your yard or neighborhood to get your blood flowing, followed by gentle stretches for your back, shoulders, and legs. A few torso twists and arm circles will help loosen up your muscles and prepare them for the repetitive motions of raking.
  • Choose an Ergonomic Rake: Look for a lightweight rake with a long handle that allows you to stand upright. Avoid bending forward too much, and alternate sides regularly to avoid overusing one side of your body.
  • Use Your Legs and Core: When bending to gather or bag leaves, squat using your legs and keep your core engaged. Avoid twisting from your waist, as this puts your spine in a vulnerable position. Instead, pivot your entire body to avoid strain.
  • Take Regular Breaks: Raking for extended periods can tire out your muscles, making you more susceptible to injury. Set a timer for every 20-30 minutes and take a short break to stretch your back and shoulders.

2. Safely Pick Up and Carry Pumpkins

Pumpkin picking is a fall favorite, but carrying heavy or awkwardly shaped pumpkins can strain your back and shoulders if you’re not careful. Here’s how to keep things safe and pain-free:

  • Lift with Your Legs, Not Your Back: When lifting a pumpkin, bend at your knees and use your leg muscles to power the lift. Keep the pumpkin close to your body and avoid twisting as you lift.
  • Use a Cart or Wagon: Many farms and pumpkin patches provide carts—take advantage of them! Use a cart to transport heavier pumpkins and prevent carrying strain.
  • Limit Carrying Distance: If you’re decorating with multiple pumpkins or other fall items, consider limiting the number of trips you make to and from your car or home to avoid repetitive strain.
  • Pro Tip: This advice applies to picking up and carrying anything. Whether it be hay bales, fall decorations, or putting away summer furniture.

3. Use Good Posture when Apple and Pumpkin Picking

Apple orchards and pumpkin patches can be so much fun, but both activities involve a lot of bending, reaching, and lifting. Use these tips to protect your body:

  • Stay Grounded: Instead of overstretching to reach that perfect apple, use a ladder or stool. Overreaching can lead to shoulder and back strains, so play it safe and keep a good base of support as you reach up.
  • Mind Your Posture: When standing or walking for extended periods in the orchard or patch, practice standing tall, with your weight evenly distributed between both feet. This not only helps reduce fatigue but also protects your lower back.
  • Wear Supportive Footwear: If you know you’ll be walking and standing for prolonged periods – you’ll want to have good, supportive shoes. This will go along way in helping your spine and the rest of your joints absorb the load of your body as well as those pumpkins and apples

4. Move Often and Stay Hydrated

All-day outdoor fall activities can wear you out, especially if you’re standing, bending, or lifting frequently. Staying mindful of your body can make a big difference:

  • Take Stretch Breaks: If you’re spending a long day outdoors, make a point to take a stretch break every hour or so. Focus on simple movements that lengthen your spine and open up your chest and shoulders, such as reaching your arms overhead and gently twisting your torso side-to-side.
  • Stay Hydrated: Cooler weather can make you feel less thirsty, but it’s still essential to stay hydrated. Dehydration can lead to muscle stiffness, fatigue, and even unwanted spasms and cramps – increasing the risk of strains.

5. Cool Down After Fall Activities

Once you’ve wrapped up your fall fun, give your body a few minutes to cool down and recover properly. A little bit of post-activity care can go a long way in keeping pain at bay.

  • Gentle Stretching: After raking, decorating, or any heavy lifting, spend five minutes stretching your back, legs, and shoulders. Simple stretches like extending our spine backwards or pulling your knees to your chest can help relieve tension.
  • Mind Your Posture When Resting: After a full day of physical activity, it’s tempting to sink into a couch or recliner, but try to avoid slumping immediately afterward. Instead, sit with a straight back, or go for a light walk. This can help prevent stiffness and reduce the likelihood of soreness.

Enjoy Fall Activities the Pain-Free Way

Fall activities are a great way to enjoy the season and embrace the outdoors, but they don’t have to come with pain and strain. Taking a few preventive measures, such as warming up, being aware of your body, and using proper lifting techniques, can make a significant difference in how you feel afterward. With these tips, you’ll be ready to fully enjoy apple-picking, pumpkin patches, and all the beauty that fall has to offer – with a lot less aches.

That being said, if you try every tip I’ve mentioned and don’t notice any difference in how you feel or tolerate these activities – your problem might need expert help. Reach out so we can help you find a mechanical pain expert in your area who can work with you.

Are you local to Portsmouth, NH? If so, consider speaking to one of my specialists in a Free Discovery Session. This 30-min session is a designed to: 1. Make sure we can help you 2. Make sure you’re a good fit for what we do 3. Make sure we’re a good fit for you. Click here to speak with a specialist.

Dr. Carrie Jose, Physical Therapist and Pilates expert, owns CJ Physical Therapy & Pilates in Portsmouth and writes for Seacoast Media Group. To get in touch, call 603-380-7902, or CLICK HERE to get a free guide for preventing back pain.

Knee Pain

How Mobility and Strength Are Key to Resolving a Meniscus Tear Naturally

A meniscus tear is one of the most common knee injuries, and it’s known for causing significant pain, swelling, and restriction of movement that can seriously disrupt an active lifestyle.

While surgery may seem like the only solution – and perhaps that’s what you’ve been told – many people (80% in fact) can successfully avoid invasive procedures like cortisone and surgery if they want to. 

The key?

Focusing on specialized mobility and strength training of your knee. But first – what exactly is a meniscus tear and how does it cause problems for your knee?

The meniscus is a cartilaginous structure in your knee joint that acts as a shock absorber. It sits between your thigh bone (femur) and shin bone (tibia) and you have two of them: one on the inside of your knee joint (medial) and one on the outside (lateral). Together, they help distribute weight and cushion your knee during activities like walking, running, and jumping.

So how do meniscus tears happen?

You can get a meniscus tear suddenly from twisting or pivoting motions, or it can develop gradually over time due to age or wear and tear.

But here’s the thing… Sometimes – especially when your meniscus tear develops slowly – it can be damaged without feeling any knee pain or symptoms. For example, a study published in the New England Journal of Medicine found that 35% of people over the age of 50 had meniscus tears on their MRI, but no knee pain or other symptoms. In another study, published in the Journal of the American Medical Association – it was reported that 60% of men and women over the age of 65 who had a meniscus tear on their MRI also had no symptoms in their knees. What is the significance of this? It means that it’s entirely possible to “live” with a meniscus tear and not have any knee pain – which means it’s also entirely possible to avoid surgery and cortisone shots.

So why do some meniscus tears cause pain when others don’t? 

When you have a meniscus tear – it has the potential to disrupt your knee’s natural mechanics – but not all tears do.

When the mechanics of your knee are compromised, that’s when you experience symptoms. Why? Because faulty knee mechanics (over time) will cause compensatory strategies to happen in the joint itself – as well as the surrounding muscles and structures.

This is what actually causes pain – not necessarily the tear itself.

Simply going in and “cutting out” the meniscus tear will not solve the problem of faulty knee joint mechanics. It’s why so many people end up with no relief at all after surgery – or just temporary relief of pain that returns anywhere from months to years later. In 80% of knee pain cases that involve a meniscus tear – the faulty knee mechanics are what truly cause the problems and pain – not the tear itself. That’s why focusing on the joint mechanics and mobility first is more important – because if you can restore that – the tear often becomes a non-issue – just like all the people in those research studies.

Now – when I talk about knee mechanics – I’m referring to both knee mobility and strength – and how they work harmoniously together. 

Mobility refers to the ability of your knee joint to move smoothly and freely through its full range of motion. Strength refers to the stability around your knee joint – which comes from muscles and tendons. When a meniscus tear causes your knee joint mobility to be blocked and disrupted – meaning it’s unable to bend and extend properly – it puts stress on the surrounding structures and muscles – causing a cascade of events that eventually lead to pain and swelling.

To achieve natural knee pain relief after a meniscus tear – restoring mobility is the first critical first step – followed by strengthening. But a lot of people get this wrong. That’s why it’s important you work with a mechanical knee pain specialist who understands the intricate nature of a meniscus tear and how it impacts your knee mechanics. You can’t just do random strength and mobility exercises. They need to be prescribed to you in a specific and strategic manner so that you can “free” the tear and restore your knee mechanics. In other words, YouTube and Google won’t be able to help you.

If you’re confused – I don’t blame you – but the research doesn’t lie.

For most people, especially those over the age of 40, there’s a 70-80% chance you can get full relief of your knee pain after a meniscus tear, without any type of surgery or procedure. This is not a popular opinion by the way. Arthroscopic meniscus surgery is one of the most common (and profitable) surgeries out there. If a meniscus tear appears on your MRI – a common recommendation will be surgery. But if that’s not what you want – I’m here to tell you it’s entirely possible to resolve pain and dysfunction from your meniscus tear naturally. But you’ll want to work with a mechanical knee pain specialist to do that. Reach out if you need help finding one in your area.

Are you local to Portsmouth, NH? If so, consider speaking to one of my specialists in a Free Discovery Session. This 30-min session is a designed to: 1. Make sure we can help you 2. Make sure you’re a good fit for what we do. 3. Make sure we’re a good fit for you. Click here to speak with a specialist.

Dr. Carrie Jose, Physical Therapist and Pilates expert, owns CJ Physical Therapy & Pilates in Portsmouth and writes for Seacoast Media Group. To get in touch or sign up for her upcoming Masterclass for Knee Pain Sufferers – CLICK HERE or call 603-380-7902


Why You Should Avoid a Cortisone Shot in Your Knee (And What to Do Instead)

Knee pain can be debilitating, making simple tasks like walking, climbing stairs, or even standing up a painful experience.

For many, the quick fix seems to be a cortisone shot – an anti-inflammatory injection that offers temporary relief from knee pain. When injected into the knee, the cortisone (a type of steroid) targets the inflamed tissues and aims to reduce the symptoms of pain and swelling.

But there are significant risks and downsides to this approach to resolving knee pain that are often overlooked. Let’s take a look at why you should avoid a cortisone shot in your knee and what you can do instead…

The Problem with Cortisone Shots:

1. Temporary Relief, Not a Cure

Cortisone shots offer pain relief for a limited period, ranging from a few weeks to a few months. The problem? They don’t address the underlying cause of the knee pain. Instead, they mask the symptoms, allowing the root problem – whether it’s osteoarthritis, tendonitis, or a mechanical imbalance in the knee joint – to worsen over time. By numbing the pain, cortisone shots may allow you to continue harmful activities that could exacerbate your condition, leading to long-term damage.

2.  Potential for Joint Damage

Since the relief from cortisone shots is temporary – they are often repeated. And repeated cortisone injections can lead to cartilage degeneration and weaken the tendons and ligaments in your knee. Studies have shown that frequent cortisone use can accelerate the wear-and-tear process, potentially hastening the need for knee replacement surgery down the line. This is particularly alarming for active individuals who are hoping to preserve their knees for as long as possible so they can keep doing all the activities they love and enjoy.

3. Delayed Healing

Cortisone’s anti-inflammatory effects can actually interfere with the body’s natural healing processes. Inflammation, while uncomfortable, is an essential part of how the body repairs itself. Reducing inflammation with steroids (like cortisone) can disrupt tissue repair, meaning that any existing damage to your knee could take longer to heal. And when you mask your symptoms with cortisone – it makes this even harder to detect.

4. Risks of Infection and Other Side Effects

Like any injection, cortisone shots come with the risk of infection. Additionally, they may cause side effects such as increased blood sugar levels, skin thinning, or changes in pigmentation around the injection site. While these risks may seem minimal to some, they should be weighed carefully against the short-term benefits of temporary pain relief.

So… What Should You Do Instead?

I’m a huge fan of natural treatments whenever possible. And when it comes to knee pain, there are plenty of natural alternatives that not only promote healing , but address the root cause of your knee pain – allowing for more long-term relief instead of short-term.

1. Shockwave Therapy

Shockwave therapy is a non-invasive treatment that uses acoustic sound waves to stimulate the body’s natural healing processes. The waves create micro-traumas in the tissues surrounding your knee joint, which triggers increased blood flow and promotes tissue regeneration. Shockwave therapy has been shown to reduce pain, improve mobility, and even help with conditions like calcific tendonitis and knee osteoarthritis.

What’s especially beneficial about shockwave therapy is that it not only reduces pain but also works to heal the damaged tissues. Unlike cortisone shots, which only offer symptom relief and can even damage tissue, shockwave therapy targets the underlying problem, making it a great option for those looking to fix their knee pain for the long term.

2. Dry Needling

Dry needling is another natural treatment that can help alleviate knee pain by targeting trigger points in the muscles around the joint. This technique involves inserting thin needles in and around your knee joint to release tension and improve blood flow. By relieving muscle tightness, dry needling helps restore proper alignment and function in your knee joint, reducing pain and preventing further injury.

This approach works particularly well for those with knee pain caused by muscle imbalances, tendonitis, or chronic stiffness. Since dry needling promotes muscle relaxation and better circulation, it helps the knee heal from within, supporting long-term recovery.

3. Work with a Mechanical Knee Pain Specialist

A mechanical knee pain specialist is a healthcare professional trained to assess and diagnose the root cause of your knee pain through specialized movement analysis. Unlike traditional healthcare providers who may prescribe pain relief or general exercises without fully understanding the mechanics of your knee, mechanical pain specialists take a deep dive into how your body moves. By pinpointing issues such as improper joint alignment, muscle imbalances, or overuse patterns, they can design a customized treatment plan to address the root cause of your pain, versus just chasing symptoms.

The key benefit of working with a mechanical knee pain specialist is that they focus on the underlying biomechanics of your knee as well as surrounding joints/muscle groups that may be contributing to your pain. It’s a more holistic approach designed to restore normal function in your knee joint, alleviate pain, and teach you how to prevent future injuries as well.

While a cortisone shot is routinely recommended by medical doctors, and may offer quick relief, they don’t contribute to the healing process and can, in fact, cause long-term harm.

Opting for natural treatments like shockwave therapy, dry needling, or working with a mechanical knee pain specialist who can often integrate these treatments in with corrective, targeted exercises – has several advantages – and it’s much healthier for your knees. Most importantly, these natural approaches address the root cause of your knee pain rather than just masking it. 

If you’re suffering from knee pain, and need help finding reputable healthcare providers in your area who can offer these natural treatment alternatives with success and expertise – reach out – we can help direct you toward what to look for – and what to watch out for.

Are you local to Portsmouth, NH? If so, consider speaking to one of my specialists in a free Discovery Session. This 30-min session is a designed to: 1. Make sure we can help you 2. Make sure you’re a good fit for what we do 3. Make sure we’re a good fit for you

Dr. Carrie Jose, Physical Therapy Specialist, and Mechanical Knee Pain Expert, owns CJ Physical Therapy & Pilates in Portsmouth and writes for Seacoast Media Group. To get in touch – or request a seat in her upcoming Masterclass to end Knee Pain naturally – without pills, procedures, or surgery – CLICK HERE.

tendinitis and tendinosis

Six Tips for Managing Knee Pain without Medication

When you’re suffering from lingering knee pain that just won’t go away, it can deeply affect your day-to-day life.

And when this happens – it’s easy to become desperate and resort to daily medication – or “quick fix” procedures or surgery. But there’s good news – there are plenty of natural, non-medicated ways to manage knee pain successfully and improve how you feel – even if you’ve been dealing with knee pain for years. You don’t always need medication or invasive treatments to find relief – despite what the medical community tells you.

Here are six effective tips to help you manage knee pain naturally:

1. Strengthen Your Hips and Core

Your hips and core play a crucial role in providing stability and support for your knees, as these muscles work together to ensure proper alignment of your entire lower body. When these muscle groups are weak or unbalanced, your knees bear the brunt of poor mechanics during movements like walking, running, and squatting. This leads to unnecessary strain, which can worsen knee pain over time. By strengthening your hips and core, you can improve your overall body mechanics, reduce stress on your knees, and promote long-term joint health. Over time, not only will this help alleviate current knee pain, but it will also significantly reduce the risk of recurrence. Incorporating exercises such as glute bridges, side leg lifts, and planks into your routine can make a noticeable difference in your strength and stability.

2. Improve your Flexibility

Mobility comes before stability when it comes to joint health. Stiff joints force surrounding muscles to overcompensate, which can lead to even more discomfort and inefficiency in movement. Improving your flexibility – particularly in the hips, hamstrings, and quadriceps – helps distribute forces evenly through your body and reduce strain on your knees. Regular stretching, yoga, and specific mobility exercises are great ways to maintain flexibility and keep your knee joints moving freely. A regular mobility practice is essential for reducing chronic knee pain and discomfort, preventing injuries, and enhancing overall athletic performance, balance, and coordination in your daily activities and exercise routines.

3. Don’t Sit too Long

Sitting for extended periods can cause stiffness in your knees and reduce circulation, which can lead to more pain. Additionally, knee pain might stem from your back or hips, even if you don’t feel pain there, and sitting for too long accentuates problems in these areas as well. By standing up and moving regularly throughout the day, you can prevent the muscles around your knees from tightening up and maintain better alignment. Simple actions like standing every 30 minutes, doing some light stretches, or walking around your space can make a big difference. Even if you don’t have knee pain right now – this is a good practice to get into – because it will go a long way in preventing it.

4. Stay Active

Regular, low-impact exercise is one of the best ways to manage knee pain naturally. Activities like swimming, cycling, and walking increase blood flow, which helps reduce inflammation and promotes joint lubrication. Movement also releases endorphins – your body’s natural pain relievers. If arthritis is a concern, consider activities that build strength without overloading the knee, like Pilates or resistance band exercises. Movement is key, but be sure to avoid high-impact exercises that could exacerbate your pain. Focus on activities that maintain flexibility, balance, and muscle endurance for overall joint support in your knee..

5. Wear Supportive Footwear

Footwear is often overlooked when it comes to knee pain, but wearing shoes that provide adequate support and cushioning can make a huge difference. Shoes that don’t support your feet properly can cause poor alignment, which translates to extra stress on your knees. Opt for shoes that prioritize comfort, good arch support, and alignment to help reduce the impact on your knees. If necessary, consider custom orthotics to improve foot and knee mechanics, as well as periodically replacing worn-out shoes to maintain optimal support and prevent further strain.

6. Optimize Your Balance

Good balance is about more than just preventing falls – it helps your knees by reducing strain during movement. When your body is well-balanced, the load is distributed evenly across your muscles and joints. Poor balance, on the other hand, can cause your knees to overcompensate, leading to pain and increased wear and tear. Simple exercises like standing on one leg, using a balance board, or practicing yoga can improve your balance and take the pressure off your knees. Incorporating these exercises into your routine can also enhance coordination, prevent injuries, and promote overall stability for the rest of your body as well.

If you’ve been dealing with knee pain for a while and haven’t incorporated any of these tips yet, now is a great time to start. Try these first before resorting to something invasive – or accepting a life on daily pain medication. Additionally, it’s a good idea to consult with a physical therapy specialist who is an expert in natural treatments for knee pain.

Are you a local to Portsmouth, NH?

If so, CLICK HERE to speak to one of my specialists. They can help you figure out which strategies will successfully get you back to all the activities you love – while avoiding medications and procedures.

Dr. Carrie Jose, Physical Therapy Specialist and Mechanical Pain Expert, owns CJ Physical Therapy & Pilates in Portsmouth and writes for Seacoast Media Group. To get in touch – or to request a free copy of her guide: 7 Easy Ways to Get Rid of Knee Pain – CLICK HERE.

Hiking with Bidue

Three Lessons Learned from Hiking with my Pup

I have a 10.5-year-old Black Lab/Hound-mix rescue pup (named Bodie) who I bring with me everywhere when I’m allowed. But our favorite place to hang out? Hiking trails.

Bodie and I have been slowly working on finishing our “NH48”. For those of you not familiar – we’re trying to hike all of the NH White Mountain peaks that are over 4000 feet in elevation – and there are 48 of them. This past weekend we hiked Owl’s Head, which was number 31, and the weekend before, we checked off Mount Zealand for number 30. If you’ve ever hiked these peaks, then you already know these two hikes are pretty long – especially as day hikes. Owl’s Head was 17 miles, and Zealand was 12. And we did them back-to-back weekends!

I planned to hike again this weekend, but after watching and learning from Bodie over the years, I’ve realized some powerful lessons that I wanted to share with you that can absolutely be carried over into everyday life.

Here are three Lessons I’ve Learned from Hiking with my Pup:

1. Nature is the ultimate natural remedy for anxiety.

Bodie can be a bit anxious, and when he doesn’t get outdoors enough, it gets worse. Spending extended time in nature is one of the most powerful and natural anxiety remedies I’ve experienced – and I see it in Bodie. After our hikes, he’s much calmer and even barks less at neighborhood dogs. 

Bodie is also my mirror – when I’m anxious and haven’t spent enough time outside – he notices and mirrors my energy. Have you noticed this in your life? If so, try getting out in nature more – it works wonders. Bodie and I keep ourselves pretty active – but there’s just something about hitting those trails that is magical. Bodie reminds me daily to spend quality time moving outdoors.

2. Bodie knows how to listen to his body.

It’s remarkable to watch Bodie on the trails – he knows exactly what his body can handle and when to rest. Can you imagine if we all had that kind of awareness? Life would be so different.

As a PT specialist for over 22 years, I’ve learned how to listen to my body, and it’s one of the most important skills I’ve taught clients over the years. When you truly understand what your body is telling you, you can challenge it without being reckless. This is important because we only improve when we appropriately challenge ourselves.

Shying away from every ache and pain can actually teach your nervous system to fear pain, which does more harm than good.

Watching Bodie, I realize this instinct is built into him. His nervous system is so in tune – it just knows. While we may not have the same instincts,it is possible to improve our relationship with our nervous systems, which will help us do more of the activities we love and prevent injuries. If you struggle with recurring injuries or fear of movement because of pain, I highly recommend working with a movement expert who can help you work through this. Your body awareness will improve and your nervous system will thank you.

3. Recovery is critically underrated.

Bodie is a pro at recovery. After every hike, he takes a day or two to rest – lounging around, sleeping more, and letting his body recover. It’s a reminder that recovery is just as important as the effort we put in. Whether it’s hiking, exercising, or going through daily routines, our bodies need time to repair and strengthen. I take this lesson from Bodie and make sure I’m giving my body the rest it needs.

Recovery is key to maintaining strength, mobility, and long-term health – not to mention injury prevention. 

If you’re struggling with recovery or feel like your body isn’t bouncing back after adequate, it could be a sign of a bigger issue. I recommend working with a movement specialist who can help you. You don’t have to let stubborn aches, pain, or injury linger or keep you from doing what you love.

We’d love to help you figure that out!

Work with someone who specializes in finding natural ways to get rid of pain – and who can help you to keep it gone – so you can keep enjoying all of the activities you love to do. For me and Bodie – that’s hiking.

All you have to do is request a free appointment with one of our specialists to see if we can help and if you’re a good fit for what we do 🙂

Dr. Carrie Jose, Physical Therapy Specialist and Mechanical Pain Expert, owns CJ Physical Therapy & Pilates in Portsmouth and writes for Seacoast Media Group. To get in touch – or to request a free Discovery Visit to explore a solution for your pain or injury with a mechanical pain expert – CLICK HERE or call 603-380-7902.