Tag Archive for: inflammation

Back Pain, Herniated Discs, and Cortisone Shots: What You Need to Know

A recent conversation about cortisone shots and back pain due to herniated discs inspired me to write this article.

The person I was speaking with was quite misinformed about when cortisone shots are useful – and when they aren’t. By the way, it’s a very common misunderstanding. But since I hate seeing people undergo unnecessary injections or procedures – I’m here to educate. 

So let’s break it down: when is a cortisone shot a good idea, and when should you think twice?

When Cortisone Shots Work

Cortisone shots can be highly effective if your pain is primarily caused by inflammation, which is what I call “chemical pain.” Chemical pain results from your body’s inflammatory response to an injury. This response produces chemicals and nutrients that help heal the area, but sometimes the process gets “stuck”. The lingering chemicals cause persistent pain that doesn’t respond to movement or rest.

If your back pain is constant, feels hot and inflamed, and doesn’t improve with positional changes, you might have chemical pain. In these cases, a cortisone shot can eliminate the chemicals causing the pain and provide relief. 

In other words – exercise – which is the best treatment for herniated discs and back pain – won’t work well when you have chemical pain. Historically that’s when cortisone shots are necessary. But in 2021 – an amazing technology called Electrocorporeal Magnetotransduction Therapy (EMTT) came to the United States and works just as well (if not better) than cortisone, except it’s natural and non-invasive. EMTT uses a high-frequency magnetic field that can penetrate up to 6 inches into the body – so it can heal inflammation in places like your lower back down to the cellular level. I’ve seen great results from it – so I’m starting to recommend this over a cortisone shot for anyone that needs it. 

When Cortisone Shots Don’t Work

All that being said – most back pain (even those related to herniated discs) – aren’t chemical in nature. It’s mechanical, meaning it stems from issues with mobility and movement patterns. Mechanical pain – responsible for 70-80% of all musculoskeletal issues (including back pain) – will improve and resolve with precisely prescribed corrective-movement exercises. How do you know if you’re in this category? If your back generally feels better after walking, stretching, or changing positions – it’s almost certainly mechanical – because it’s responding to movement. If this sounds like you – a cortisone shot won’t address the root cause.

The key to resolving mechanical pain is identifying and correcting mobility restrictions and faulty movement patterns. Once you do this, the structural issue (like the herniated disc) becomes less relevant. Many people live symptom-free with herniated discs once they’ve addressed their underlying movement pattern problems and mobility.

The Gray Area

Here’s where it gets tricky: a herniated disc can irritate surrounding structures like muscles and nerves, causing localized inflammation. This type of pain can feel intense, but it’s not quite the same as chemical pain. But it will be tempting to get a cortisone shot for quick relief. The thing is – it will only be a temporary fix. The shot won’t address the underlying mechanical issues that caused the disc to “act up” in the first place. Worse, masking the pain can lead you to unknowingly worsen your problem, potentially leading to more procedures or surgery. In most cases, this type of inflammation can resolve naturally without drugs. Something like EMTT that I already mentioned, and other regenerative therapies like Shockwave Therapy work great for this type of inflammation.

Take Home Points:

Before you consider cortisone shots, take a moment to evaluate your pain:

  1. Does movement or activity influence your pain? If yes, it’s likely mechanical and won’t benefit from a cortisone shot.
  2. Is your pain constant, hot, and unresponsive to movement? If yes, you might benefit from a cortisone shot to calm the inflammation and enable movement to help.
  3. There are some amazing Regenerative Therapy Treatment technologies available now that serve as natural, non-invasive (and cheaper) alternatives to cortisone shots if you are really inflamed.

Ultimately, cortisone shots don’t fix structural problems – they temporarily eliminate pain due to inflammation. While this can be useful in specific situations, it’s crucial to address the root cause of your pain to prevent long-term issues and seek healthier alternatives when you can.

Local to Portsmouth, NH? Schedule a free discovery visit with us today and take the first step toward lasting relief and better movement.

Dr. Carrie Jose, Physical Therapy Specialist, and Mechanical Pain Expert, owns CJ Physical Therapy & Pilates in Portsmouth, NH, and writes for Seacoast Media Group. If local to Portsmouth, NH, and looking for help – request a FREE Discovery Visit with one of her Specialists by CLICKING HERE.

5 Reasons to Ditch the Pills and Embrace Exercise as Medicine

Our bodies are built for movement, yet modern life has us sitting far more than we should.

Compared to our ancestors, we’re moving less and sitting more – sometimes for over half the day. While fitness trackers and smartwatches encourage us to stand and get more steps in, it still doesn’t seem to be enough to counteract the effects of a sedentary lifestyle.

Physical inactivity has now become a major health issue, and the consequences are clear: less movement leads to more musculoskeletal issues and chronic pain (among other things). And the unfortunate reality is that most folks turn to pain medication for relief, despite research increasingly pointing to regular exercise being just as effective and far healthier.

Here are 5 reasons to ditch the pills – and embrace exercise instead – as a powerful form of medicine to manage musculoskeletal pain naturally.

1. Exercise Mediates Pain

The way we perceive pain is complex. Many assume it’s a direct response to physical damage or injury – but it’s not that simple. The perception of pain involves numerous physiological and psychological factors that the brain must interpret. Depending on your general health, past experiences, and mental health condition, this can vary quite drastically from person to person. In other words – it’s your brain that decides how much or how little pain you experience.

Because of this complexity, external factors like exercise (and also pain medication) can alter how we perceive these signals. When we exercise, our bodies exhibit an increased tolerance towards pain, and a lower perception of pain intensity. This phenomenon is called “exercise-induced hypoalgesia” – and it works by closing down the gateways that allow pain signals to enter the brain. Certain medications can do this too, but when you exercise, you’re doing it naturally. 

2. Exercise Helps Inflammation

Inflammation is a normal part of your body’s healing process, and it occurs when inflammatory cells travel to a place of injury. However, if inflammatory cells stick around too long, it can result in chronic pain and irritation. This is where exercise can really help. 

When you exercise, your body experiences minor physiological stress, which triggers your body’s natural inflammatory reaction. During the inflammatory process, certain proteins called anti-inflammatory cytokines are produced. These protein chemicals help to modulate the body’s inflammatory response – ultimately reducing the level of inflammation associated with your pain. Inflammation can be both good and bad. When you exercise, you are creating “good” inflammation, which will naturally help to ease your pain.

3. Exercise Stimulates Endorphins

Ever wonder why a quick walk outside or a strenuous gym workout magically makes you feel better? It’s not your imagination. It’s something called endorphins – neurotransmitters released by your brain to alleviate pain and promote pleasure.

Endorphins are considered your body’s natural “opioids” because they interact with the same pain-inhibiting receptors in your brain that drugs like morphine do. But unlike morphine, endorphins are triggered naturally and don’t come with harmful side effects like addiction, drowsiness, or mental fog. Exercise stimulates the production of endorphins, boosting your mood, reducing stress, and giving you access to your very own stash of natural, healthy painkillers.

4. Exercise Improves your Mental Health 

Exercise and mental health share a powerful connection. It’s virtually impossible to influence one without the other.

Regular exercise stimulates the production of various mood-boosting chemicals, including endorphins (that we just spoke about) along with serotonin and norepinephrine. Aside from helping to control pain, endorphins are also considered a “feel-good hormone”. They trigger feelings of positivity that, once again, are similar to morphine. Serotonin and norepinephrine are instrumental in alleviating symptoms of depression and anxiety. Therefore – when you exercise – it’s virtually impossible not to feel better. And since we know that pain is controlled by your brain – anything that improves mental health is going to contribute positively to your relationship with pain.

5. Exercise as a Prescription

OK – so we’ve discussed the multitude of positive effects that exercise has on pain perception, inflammation, and mental health. But what if you’re currently suffering from an injury? Is it possible to still use exercise as a pain reliever? The short answer is yes. But it’s challenging to do on your own. You can’t just google “best exercises for back pain” and expect good results.

When it comes to using movement or exercise to rehab an already existing injury – it needs to be carefully prescribed. 

For all the reasons already discussed, physical activity will still help you modulate pain – but you must consider the role exercise is going to have on any potential tissue damage. With weakened or damaged tissue, exercise is still an effective pain reliever, but it has to be prescribed or you risk worsening your injury.

For these reasons, I always recommend working with a movement expert who truly understands the nature of musculoskeletal pain and tissue healing. If you start a general exercise routine because you want to feel better  – I applaud you – just make sure you’re getting your desired result. But if you start exercising to help with pain and don’t experience any noticeable improvement – or you catch yourself modifying to work around your pain – then it’s time to enlist the help of an expert. Otherwise, you risk ending up on pain pills, which is exactly what we want to avoid.

Dr. Carrie Jose, Physical Therapist and Mechanical Pain Expert, owns CJ Physical Therapy & Pilates in Portsmouth and writes for Seacoast Media Group. To get in touch – or to request a free Discovery Visit to explore a solution for your pain or injury with a mechanical pain expert – CLICK HERE.

Before you get a Cortisone Injection – Ask these questions

Cortisone (or steroid) injections have become increasingly popular over the years for people looking to address chronic joint pain and inflammation.

Why have they become so popular? Well, for starters, they have a reputation for getting rid of pain quickly, and they are generally considered a better alternative to something like surgery. But there can be consequences when you choose the “quick-fix” route. Before you decide on whether or not a cortisone injection is right for you – let’s look at some important considerations.

First… the benefits…

Quick Relief:

This is the main reason folks don’t think twice about getting a cortisone injection. And when you’ve been suffering for a while with something like back or knee pain – or it keeps coming back at the most inopportune times – cortisone injections are an attractive option.

Targeted Treatment:

In contrast to a pain pill – or even an oral steroid – people like the idea of a cortisone injection because you can choose exactly where it’s going to go. This makes your treatment more targeted and theoretically, more effective. Plus, a localized injection compared to an oral medication could mean smaller amounts of the drug going into your body, thus, potentially minimizing any potential side effects.

Alternative to Surgery:

I’m a huge advocate of avoiding surgery unless absolutely necessary. So if all other conservative and natural treatments have truly failed, then a cortisone injection could be a good option for you. It’s certainly better than a surgical procedure.

Now – let’s look at the risks and side effects…

Cartilage Damage and Weakening of Tendons:

Based on research and evidence, we know that repeated cortisone injections cause damage to cartilage (the cushioning material inside your joints) and weakening of tendons. This might not be an issue for you if you know you’re getting a joint replacement surgery and using cortisone to pass the time and help control pain. But otherwise, repeatedly getting cortisone injections in your joints or tendons will increase your likelihood of needing surgery down the road – so it’s an important consideration – especially if your first cortisone injection doesn’t work or doesn’t last.

Risk of Infection:

This is an important risk to consider – especially when it comes to cortisone injections in your spine. With any type of injection – you run the risk of inadvertently introducing bacteria, which could lead to serious complications. While an infection is not ideal in any area of your body, it can be especially dangerous in your spine because it could lead to things like meningitis and epidural abscesses. 

Short-term Relief:

While the quick pain relief you can get from a cortisone injection seems attractive, there are unintended consequences. First, even though joint inflammation is what’s causing you pain, it’s rarely the root cause of your problem. That’s why the relief you get from cortisone injections rarely lasts and the pain returns. The problem with this is that you’re more likely to get repeat cortisone injections which we know causes damage. Plus, once the pain is gone, you think your problem is gone, and you’re less likely to address it. 

If after all this you’re still considering a cortisone injection – at least ask these important questions first…

  • Are you absolutely sure the root cause of your issue is inflammation? Or is it a symptom of an underlying problem?

I can’t tell you how many people (even healthcare providers) get this wrong. Since 70-80% of all joint pain is mechanical in nature – meaning something in the joint isn’t moving right, and thus, irritating the surrounding structures which can lead to inflammation – it’s critical you rule this out first. Cortisone injections won’t fix an underlying mechanical problem.

  • What are the long-term side effects of repeated cortisone injections?

This can be a bit of a trick question – because we already know the answer to this. Repeated cortisone injections cause joint and tendon damage. If your doctor is not already aware of the current research, or dismisses it, they are less likely to caution you away from the procedure when there could be better, more natural alternatives. It’s always important to be well-informed and advocate for yourself when you’re working with any type of healthcare practitioner and being recommended an injection or procedure of any kind.

  • What are the alternatives?

Have you already tried quality physical therapy treatment that is designed to address your underlying problem and help you get rid of your joint inflammation naturally? Pain relief is slower with this option, and can sometimes be worse before it gets better, but it’s more likely to result in long-term relief instead of short-term. Movement and exercise are considered the best medicine when it comes to joint pain, inflammation, and arthritis. You may need some guidance so as not to overdo it, but exercises such as Pilates and Yoga are gentle on your joints, allowing you for safe movement without exacerbating your pain in most cases.

When prescribed properly, cortisone injections do work. But sadly, for most people, steroid injections are oversubscribed, not always necessary, and disappointing when they don’t work or last.

I’ve seen too many cases over the course of my career where cortisone injections provide a false sense of hope, or worse, irreversible joint damage. For all of these reasons, I highly recommend you educate yourself, and consider all the risks and possible alternatives before you get a cortisone injection. I’m a huge fan of avoiding pills, procedures, and surgery and using natural movement and exercise to get rid of most musculoskeletal problems. If you’re looking to do the same – consider talking to a mechanical pain expert who can help you.

Dr. Carrie Jose, Physical Therapist and Pilates expert, owns CJ Physical Therapy & Pilates in Portsmouth and writes for Seacoast Media Group. To get in touch, email her at [email protected].


Why the Difference between Tendinitis and Tendinosis Matters

Tendinitis and Tendinosis: Why the Difference between them Matters.

Many patients at our specialized physical therapy practice in Portsmouth, NH, suffer from either Tendinitis or Tendinosis. Tendinitis and Tendinosis sound very similar, and are often used interchangeably but they couldn’t be more different. And neither should their treatment regimen.

Tendonitis is an acute, short-term, inflammatory condition typically caused by repetitive overuse of your tendon.

Tendinosis, on the other hand, is a chronic, degenerative condition of your tendon that involves deterioration of collagen, a structural protein in your tendon.

Tendons are tight, yet flexible bands of fibrous tissue that connect your muscle to bone. Without tendons, your muscles would be useless. Tendons are extremely organized, and the fibers are designed in a way to withstand and transmit high forces of tension so your muscle can function properly.

With tendinitis, your tendon becomes inflamed and irritated, typically due to repetitive overuse, and it will hurt when you try to move. The most common areas for tendinitis to occur are your elbows, rotator cuff (shoulder), patella (knee), and Achilles tendon (ankle).

Tendonitis is an acute condition, and the best treatment is to rest, apply ice, and sometimes take anti-inflammatories to control pain. But this should only be for a short period of time. From there, you want to figure out what caused the tendinitis to occur in the first place and address that.

Typically, it’s due to some sort of mismatch between muscle strength and the activity you need to perform, leading your body to compensate and put unwanted stress on your tendon. Once you figure out and correct this pattern, it’s very easy to get rid of your tendinitis.

When you don’t manage tendinitis properly, and it goes on longer than a few months, it can result in tendinosis.

Tendinosis is a very different condition where the fibers in your tendon actually start to break down. An important thing to note is that tendinosis no longer involves inflammation of your tendon. So using ice every day, resting it, and taking anti-inflammatories will not help you, and could even worsen the condition.

Second, since tendinosis involves disorganization and degeneration of the fibers that make up your tendon, you have to “re-organize” those fibers and get blood flowing to the tissue (actually create some inflammation). Unresolved tendinosis leads to progressive weakening of your tendon over time – making it easily susceptible to full blown tears. This is how so many folks tear their Achilles or rotator cuff, for example, “out of nowhere”.

So how do you treat tendinosis and prevent more serious problems from happening down the line?

You have to get blood flow to the area and re-organize those fibers so your tendon can work properly again. Passive treatments like ice, rest, and medicine will not help tendinosis.

The only exception is shockwave therapy (also known as Extracorporeal Pulse Activation Technology).

With shockwave therapy, high-energy sound waves stimulate the body’s natural healing mechanisms by increasing blood flow to the injured, affected area. The increased blood flow delivers oxygen and nutrients to the damaged tissue to help accelerate healing and reduce inflammation.

With pain reduced and the healing process promoted, your tendon is now primed for physical rehabilitation and re-organization of the tendons, the next most essential part of getting rid of your tendinosis.

The only way to truly re-organize tendons is to put stress on them so they can “remodel”. To do this, you have to put just the right amount of stress to cause a little bit of pain (inflammation) – but not so much that your tendon gets inflamed again.

This is literally one of the few times where “no pain no gain” actually holds true. A properly trained physical therapist who is well-versed in tendinosis rehabilitation will know how to do this and can guide you through it.

You have to retrain the fibers in your tendon to withstand normal forces again – and this process takes both time and careful loading strategies.

The good news, however, is that if you rehab your tendinosis properly, you can get back to all the activities you love again as if nothing ever happened. You don’t have to accept this as a chronic condition.

If you’re confused on tendinosis and tendinitis after reading this don’t worry – so is half the medical community.

The take home points to remember are that tendinitis involves pain and inflammation. There is no damage to your tendon, and it only lasts about 4-6 weeks.

Treatment for tendinits should involve passive modalities like ice and rest. The focus should be on what caused your tendon to get irritated in the first place. Then, you can get rid of it before it turns into tendinosis.

If the problem in your tendon has gone on longer than 3 months, you must suspect tendinosis. This no longer involves inflammation but instead, a breakdown of your tendon. Passive treatments (with the exception of shockwave therapy) will not work. They could actually prolong your problem – so stop icing and resting.

To get rid of tendinosis, it requires carefully prescribed loading strategies, aka strengthening. That will properly re-organize your tendon so that it can be strong and functional again. This is extremely challenging to do on your own.

So it’s a good idea to talk to an expert about this. If you are local to and looking for physical therapy in Portsmouth, NH, reach out to schedule a FREE 30 minute discovery session.

Should You Heat or Ice an Injury?

Earlier this week, we put on a free Zoom workshop all about preventing and overcoming knee pain – and one of the questions that came up was if you should apply heat or ice when something is hurting. This is a VERY common question in our office, so we wanted to share the same advice we give to clients right here!

When to apply ice:

Generally speaking, the best time to apply ice is within 24 to 48 hours immediately following an injury. Application of ice during this stage has been shown to reduce the formation of edema and “secondary injury.” After that, it really becomes a personal choice. If you’re in pain, and ice makes you feel better, go for it! Some research has claimed that icing an injury after 48 hours is “bad” for you. But if you really dig into the research, it’s inconclusive on this topic. What I tell my clients is that if something feels irritated or inflamed – go for ice. It’s a much better and more natural alternative to pain pills!

When to apply heat:

Once you’re into the chronic stages of injury or pain, I’m generally a fan of heat. But the term “heat” is relative – and doesn’t necessarily refer to the application of a heating pad only. In fact, research has shown that heating pads are not able to penetrate deeply enough to actually have an effect on the injured muscle or soft tissue. But it does feel good… which can be beneficial in and of itself because when you “feel” better – your nervous system relaxes. If the superficial heat can relax the nervous system enough so that you can actually tolerate the movements or exercises that WILL actually heal you – then I can see a benefit.

The BEST way to provide “heat” as a way to promote healing to an injury is through movement – but you need the right prescription. The mistakes I often see, especially around 2-4 weeks post injury, is that people aren’t moving enough (if at all), or they are overloading the tissue and moving too much.

Movement truly is medicine, and it’s one of the best and most natural ways to properly heal from an injury – but you MUST get the prescription right.

So there you have it. You can’t really go wrong with either modality. The general rule is that if it’s an acute injury – ice up to 48 hours. For anything else, we typically recommend heat.

If you’re presently healing from an injury and not satisfied with your progress – perhaps you’re just missing the correct prescription. If you’re wondering what that magical movement is, or you’re wondering if the current movement you’re doing is safe, get in touch!

Speaking of movement as a way to heal…

Our Pilates 101: Get Your Back to Health is back!

This is our signature program and it’s designed to help those dealing with lingering back problems learn to move and heal the RIGHT way – from the inside out with proper core strengthening. It’s also ideal for those that had recent back surgery and you’ve already been through your initial stages of general physical therapy.

Interested in learning more or getting on the VIP waitlist for the program? Click here!