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Seven Tips for an Active and Healthy Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is one of my absolute favorite Holidays. I love all the food, sweets, time with family, the Macy’s Day Parade, afternoon naps, and football. While it’s historically been a time for indulgence and relaxation, more and more people are opting for a more active and healthier Thanksgiving Day. And there are numerous benefits for doing so… boosted mood and energy levels (which can make your day even more enjoyable), improved digestion, happier hips, knees, and back, and you’ll offset some of the extra calories you may have consumed.

If you’re looking to be more active and healthy this Thanksgiving – here are seven tips to make it easy for you:

  1. Interrupt your sitting

We were not designed to sit for prolonged periods, so getting up frequently is an easy way to not only incorporate movement throughout your day, but to help keep away back, hip, and knee stiffness. I recommend standing up at least once every 30 min. This could be a fun “job” to give a young child. Make them accountable for watching the clock and remind you to stand up. This is quite possibly the easiest and most effective strategy to keep your knees, hips, and spine from getting painful and stiff – and it’s an easy way to stay a bit more active this Thanksgiving.

  1. Sign up for a Turkey Trot

Thanksgiving Turkey Trots are a popular event in most towns and it can be a really fun event for the whole family. Turkey Trots are typically 5K’s – or 3.2 miles. If you’re not able to sign up for an actual race, grab your friends and family and create your own Turkey Trot within your neighborhood. This is a great way to get your blood flowing and joints lubricated first thing in the morning. Plus, it will help offset some of those extra Thanksgiving calories. 

  1. Stretch during Commercials

Whether it’s the Macy’s Day parade, football, or both – it’s easy to find yourself lounging for hours on a soft sofa or recliner. A very easy way to keep yourself from sitting or slouching too much, and to incorporate some healthy movement into your day, is to get up during commercials. It’s the perfect opportunity to do a quick 2 min exercise or stretch.  It doesn’t have to be complicated. Choose from a quick set of squats, heel raises, planks, or back stretches. And make it fun. Get a plank or squat competition going with your most competitive family members – you know who they are.

  1. Walk your Dessert Off

While skipping dessert is of course an option – why not just walk it off instead? Choosing to walk off your dessert rather than skipping it strikes a balance between indulgence and staying healthy. Plus, opting for a post-meal walk has many benefits. It aids digestion, helps regulate blood sugar levels, and it’s good for your hips, back and knees. A post-meal walk is an opportunity to get some much needed lengthening and stretching of our muscles and joints after being parked in a chair for a length of time. It’s also one of the best and most natural exercises you can do for yourself – but it’s especially great to do after a big meal like Thanksgiving – and before you settle in for the evening.

  1. Help with clean-up

Don’t be shamed into “just sit down and relax” because you’re a guest. Helping with clean-up (or set-up) is an easy and effective way to keep moving during your Thanksgiving Holiday. Not only will your Thanksgiving host love you – but your body will too. If you’re suffering from back problems, be careful bending and leaning over – especially if it’s repetitive – when you’re collecting or washing dishes. But otherwise, carrying heavy plates, moving chairs, and wiping down tables can burn quite a few calories and it’s good for your body.

  1. Stay hydrated

Staying hydrated is important all of the time – but especially on a day like Thanksgiving. Good hydration will help regulate your digestion, which is particularly important given the heavy and often rich foods we typically consume during this holiday. Plus, water aids in breaking down food, allowing for better nutrient absorption and preventing digestive discomfort. Staying hydrated also helps with maintaining your energy levels and keeping your mind clear. When it comes to appetite, we often mistake thirst for hunger, so when you stay hydrated, you have more control over your portions and are less likely to overeat. When you stay hydrated – it not only supports your body’s essential functions – but making healthier choices becomes easier – which will contribute to a more balanced and enjoyable Thanksgiving Day.

  1. Make your dishes health-conscious

It’s easier than ever to make your traditional Thanksgiving recipes more health conscious. Start by reducing the amount of sugar and salt in recipes, and consider natural sweeteners like honey or maple syrup instead. When it comes to stuffing and flour – opt for whole grains instead of refined ones. Incorporating more fruits and veggies can boost the nutritional value of traditional dishes, and sticking to lean meats such as turkey breast is a healthier choice compared to something like ham. Lastly, watch your portion sizes. Don’t dump everything you see onto your plate – however tempting it might be – and eat slowly. The faster you eat – the more you tend to eat. 

There you have it – seven easy tips to make your Thanksgiving more active and healthy.

I hope you have a wonderful Holiday and get to spend it with those you love most.

Dr. Carrie Jose, Physical Therapist and Pilates expert, owns CJ Physical Therapy & Pilates in Portsmouth and writes for Seacoast Media Group. To get in touch, email her at [email protected].


Six Reasons to Try Pickleball this Father’s Day

If you’re looking for something fun and active to do this Father’s Day – why not try a game of Pickleball?

If you haven’t yet heard of pickleball – it’s quickly become one of the most popular racket sports in the country. It’s a paddle sport that combines elements of tennis, badminton, and ping-pong. Since the rules are fairly straightforward, it tends to attract people of all ages and skill levels – but it’s been a huge hit in the over-50 crowd. You can find both outdoor and indoor courts just about anywhere – and it provides a fantastic opportunity for the whole family to engage in a fun-filled day of friendly competition – while also honoring your favorite active dad.

Pickle ball also comes with a ton of health benefits. 

Here are 6 of my favorite reasons why pickleball is good for your health – and why I think you should give it a try this Father’s Day:

1. Get’s the Heart Pumping:

Since Pickleball is a dynamic sport – it keeps you on the move – making it an excellent cardiovascular workout. When you play pickleball regularly – it can improve heart health, increase endurance, and strengthen your cardiovascular system. Pickleball consists of both aerobic exercises as well as bursts of anaerobic activity – such as quick sprints and lunging on the court. This helps to elevate your heart rate in a way that is great for promoting overall hearth health and cardiovascular fitness.

2. Weight Management:

Everyone knows you need both diet and exercise to effectively manage your weight. When it comes to exercise – why not pick something fun that you know you’re more likely to do because it’s enjoyable. The continuous movement involved in the sport of pickleball helps to burn calories and increase your metabolic rate. But it’s not just cardio that pickleball is known for – there is a strength component too. This combination of both strength and cardio only adds to your calorie-burning – making it not only fun – but an efficient way to manage your weight.

3. Improved Balance and Coordination:

Pickleball requires you to move quickly, change direction, and react to the ball’s trajectory. These dynamic movements help to improve balance and coordination because they force the engagement of multiple muscle groups at once. When you have to anticipate shots from any angle, pivot at a moment’s notice, and reach for the ball – this helps to enhance something called proprioception – your body’s ability to sense position in space. Since pickleball is super popular with the over 50 crowd, anything that works on balance and coordination is something I support – since these two areas only tend to decline as you age.

4. Increased Strength and Endurance:

When you play pickleball – you have to do everything from swing the paddle, lunge at the ball, and reach for shots. These varied physical movements help to engage just about all the muscles in your body – particularly your arms, shoulders, legs, and core. When you play pickleball regularly – it’s going to lead to improved muscular strength and endurance. Plus, pickleball is generally low-impact – so you get to improve your strength and endurance while not having a huge negative impact on your joints.

5. Cognitive and Mental Benefits:

The strategic aspects of pickleball – such as shot placement, anticipating your opponent’s moves, and the adaptation to different playing styles – challenges your brain and enhances mental agility in a fun and active way. For example, just the hand-eye coordination required to track the ball and make split-second decisions sharpens your cognitive skills and improves your reaction time to things. When you play pickleball regularly – you’ll find that your focus, concentration, and overall mental well-being will simply improve.

6. Social Interaction and Emotional Well-being:

This is probably my most favorite health benefit of pickleball. For the younger crowd (30’s and 40’s) – it’s quickly becoming one of the hottest business and networking events out there. And for everyone else, it’s a fabulous social sport that encourages interaction and camaraderie. Regardless of who you play with – whether it be friends, family, or in a community league – pickleball fosters a sense of belonging and enhances social connections. Plus, the positive connections you find on the court can easily extend off the court – so it becomes a fun and active way to quickly expand your social circles and overall well-being. Your new pickleball buddy could suddenly double as your gym and walking buddy too.

So there you have it – six healthy reasons to try Pickleball if haven’t already.

And why not use Father’s Day as the perfect excuse to to make it a family affair. With any new activity, there’s always a risk of injury, so make sure you warm-up properly and go into  it with ease – especially if it’s your first time. And if you’re currently suffering from an injury that is keeping you from wanting to even try this super fun and accessible sport – consider talking to a movement or mechanical pain expert who can help you sort out what’s going on.

Are you local Portsmouth, NH?

Consider speaking to one of my specialists. Tell us everything that’s been going on with you, and determine for yourself if we’re the best people to help you. It’s a completely free, no-obligation appointment that will give you all the information you need to make the BEST decision for YOUR health – whether that’s working with us or not!

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Dr. Carrie Jose, Physical Therapist and Pilates expert, owns CJ Physical Therapy & Pilates in Portsmouth and writes for Seacoast Media group. To get in touch, or request a free copy of one of her guides to back, knee, neck or shoulder pain, visit her website www.cjphysicaltherapy.com or call 603-605-0402