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Meet Bodie: Our Four-Legged Client Greeter

Bodie is more than a pet – he’s a full time member of the CJ Physical Therapy and Pilates team!

Bodie is our full-time, four-legged client greeter. When he first came to Portsmouth, he spent most of his days as an at-home-watchdog. Now, he is busy greeting clients most days of the week, wagging his tail, and graciously accepting treats!

Bodie is a hard worker, but he loves exploring the Seacoast on his days off.

When Bodie has a day off, he enjoys chasing squirrels and chipmunks, playing fetch, walking the trails of Stratham Hill park, and sleeping. You’ll also see our part-time office dog, Hudson, helping out when Bodie is away. But you know you’ve arrived at CJPT & Pilates on a special day when both dogs are on duty!

Bodie and Hudson watching the door

Having an office dog is one example of our friendly, community-centric atmosphere at CJPT & Pilates.

When you come to your physical therapy session or Pilates class, we want you to feel at home. Many of our clients have even gotten into the habit of bringing dog treats to the office and enjoy playing with Bodie before and after their sessions! Sometimes, Bodie gets so many treats that we have to save them for later…

cup filled with dog treats for Bodie

Our clients are so special! And Bodie’s not the only one who thinks so!

Bodie shaking hands with Client

To see more pictures of Bodie and follow his career as a professional office dog, visit our Instagram and Facebook pages. For more information about our gathering on October 19th, click here!