Woman sleeping facedown on a bed.

Tips and Solutions for Morning Back Pain

One of the most common complaints from chronic back pain sufferers is back pain first thing in the morning.

For some folks, it rears its ugly head on occasion and appears out of nowhere – as if they’ve “thrown their back out”. For others, it’s like Groundhog Day – they go to bed feeling great but wake up every morning feeling stiff and achy.

Why does this happen? Shouldn’t your back feel better after a good night’s sleep?

Back pain impacts people in different ways and at different times of the day. When it comes to morning back pain – while the easiest thing to blame is your mattress – some of the more common causes of morning back pain include poor sleeping position, insufficient exercise, and bulging discs. 

Let’s go through each one and talk about tips to help minimize them.

Poor Sleeping Position

The sleeping position that aggravates you is going to depend on the underlying cause of your back pain. Sometimes sleeping on your back with legs elevated is what makes your back feel worse in the morning – even if it feels amazing while you’re in this position. For others, sleeping on their stomach is the thing that wreaks havoc on their spine. The most back-friendly position is to sleep on your side. Side-sleeping allows you to put your spine in a neutral position – which is where you get in the least amount of trouble. It’s really challenging to achieve a neutral spine when you’re on your back or stomach. If it bothers your hips or shoulders to sleep on your side – I recommend placing a pillow under your waist as well as your head – and if needed – also one between your thighs.

Insufficient Exercise

Another common culprit of morning back pain is insufficient exercise. A lack of regular physical activity can lead to weakened muscles and reduced flexibility, both of which can contribute to back pain. When your muscles are not strong enough to support your spine properly, your back is more susceptible to strain and discomfort. Incorporating regular exercise into your routine, especially exercises that strengthen your core and back muscles, can help reduce morning stiffness and pain. Activities such as yoga, Pilates, and even daily stretching can improve muscle tone and flexibility, thereby offering better support to your spine and reducing pain.

Bulging Discs

This is the most common reason I see for morning back pain. Your vertebral disc has three primary functions: 1) to absorb shock; 2) to help hold the vertebrae of your spine together; and 3) they contribute to the mobility in your spine. The interesting thing about vertebral discs is that they are made up primarily of water. Over the course of a normal day – and over the course of life – your discs will compress and decrease their water content. At night, your disc literally re-hydrates and can gain up to 17-25 mm of height.

While this may be beneficial to someone whose arthritis is to blame for their back pain, it is not beneficial for someone suffering from a bulging disc. Remember when I mentioned that your disc is partially responsible for mobility in your spine? When you have a bulging disc – that bulge restricts your mobility. If it fills up with fluid overnight – you’re going to wake up feeling a lot more restricted and in a lot more pain. Unfortunately, there is no quick fix I can reveal for you on this one. The best advice I can give you is that if you’re waking up every morning in a lot of pain and you’re afraid to move – there’s a good chance you’re suffering from bulging discs, and you should see someone who can help you with this.

If you’re waking up every morning with back pain, then hopefully this information helps you have a better understanding as to why it might be happening. Before you consider spending loads of cash on a new mattress – give one or more of these solutions a try and see if it helps. Because the good news is that 80% of the time there is a natural, movement-based solution that can address your back pain successfully. If you’re not having success with eliminating morning back pain on your own – then consider enlisting the help of a physical therapy specialist who is an expert in these kinds of solutions – and who can properly diagnose your back pain.

Dr. Carrie Jose, Physical Therapy Specialist and Mechanical Pain expert, owns CJ Physical Therapy & Pilates in Portsmouth and writes for Seacoast Media Group. To get a free copy of her guide to back pain – click here.

Pain when gardening

Pain-Free Gardening: How to Protect Your Back and Love Your Garden

Gardening season is finally here – and with all of gardening’s positive benefits – it’s no surprise that gardening is such a huge passion for so many. 

Tending to plants and watching them flourish offers a profound sense of accomplishment. The connection to nature is therapy for your soul. And the meditative practice of gardening reduces stress, gives you a break from the hustle, bustle and stress of daily life, and enhances your mental well being. Plus – let’s not forget all the physical benefits of gardening. Anything that gets you moving, active and mobile I’m a fan of.

But how do you continue to pursue your gardening passion when your back hurts? It’s been a very common concern as of late. The good news is that it’s entirely possible to spend more time loving your garden than tending to your back.

Here are 5 of my top tips to protect your back when gardening:

1. Avoid bending from the waist

A common gardening posture I see is folks standing with straight or slightly bent knees and bending over from their waist – creating an “L-shape” with their body. While this posture is acceptable to do from time to time – it’s not a good idea to do this over and over again while gardening. This particular posture puts a lot of strain on your lower back as well as the backs of your knees. Over time, your lower back muscles will become very sore and tight, which can make them susceptible to injury when you least expect it. What to do instead? Get in the habit of squatting and bending from your knees. If you must do a particular gardening activity for a sustained period – try being on all-fours – and switch your hands periodically. These positions are much better for your back and you’ll be able to sustain the activity for much longer.

2. Take frequent breaks

It’s easy to get lost in the activity of planting and weeding. But even if you’re choosing good postures like I mentioned above – your back still needs a break. Our spines do not enjoy being bent forward for prolonged periods and when you do this for too long without taking a break – it puts a lot of stress on the vertebral discs in your spine and makes them more likely to bulge. I recommend setting a timer and giving yourself a break every 30 min. Simply stand up and get out of the bent over posture. Your back will thank you and you’ll be able to garden for much longer without risk of injuring your spine.

3. Pivot instead of twist

One of the most vulnerable positions for your back is the combination of bending and rotating. And when done repetitively, you’re almost guaranteed an injury to your spine. When you’re doing things like digging or planting – activities that have you bending and twisting – you want to pivot instead. Keep your body in line with the activity you’re doing. Don’t rotate or twist from your waist. How do you do this? Make sure your hips are always in line with the object you are moving and maneuvering. Keep your ribs in line with your pelvis and always move them as a unit. While it’s ok to bend and twist from your waist on occasion – you’ll find yourself in some trouble when you do this over and over again – especially if you have a history of back pain episodes happening to you in the past.

4. Use gardening tools wisely

Gardening tools can be of significant help when it comes to maintaining good posture and avoiding overuse of your muscles and joints. When you have to lift something heavy – especially repeatedly – use a wheelbarrow. This valuable gardening tool will allow you to lift and move heavy things with significantly less strain on your back. If you’ve got to be on your knees or squatting a lot – consider using a gardening bench. This will make it easier to sustain activities that require prolonged bending or kneeling. Lastly, use tools with longer handles to help avoid crouched over postures. If you can maintain a more upright posture while gardening, you’ll be able to tolerate it longer and with less back pain. 

5. Raise your gardens

Let’s face it, gardening involves bending over and lots of it. Activities like this are just not good for your back when done over and over. Consider modifying your garden to include more raised boxes and beds. This is going to make it so much easier to tend to your plants without having to bend over so much. And when you need to create a work surface – make sure that is raised too. Bending forward isn’t “bad” for your spine – but when you bend all the time without giving your back a break – you’re asking for trouble. Modifying your garden to make it more ergonomic can make a huge difference in the health of your spine.

Gardening has so many positive benefits and it’s a true passion for so many folks I speak with. The last thing I want is for back pain to be the thing that stops you from doing something you love. Hopefully these tips give you some important things to consider – and more importantly – help you protect your back so you can focus on loving your garden.

Are you local to Portsmouth, NH?

CLICK HERE to speak with a specialist for free.

Dr. Carrie Jose, Physical Therapy Specialist and Mechanical Pain expert, owns CJ Physical Therapy & Pilates in Portsmouth and writes for Seacoast Media Group. To get in touch – or get a free copy of her guide to back pain – click here or call 603-380-7902

Why Your Nagging Shoulder Blade Pain isn’t Going Away

The prevalence of shoulder pain tends to increase and become more severe as we age – especially for folks in their 50’s and beyond.

When people complain of shoulder pain – it can manifest in a lot of different ways. Sometimes pain appears in the front, sometimes on the very top of your shoulder, sometimes deep inside your joint… But probably the most annoying and uncomfortable type of shoulder pain I hear about is the one that occurs deep inside your shoulder blade. 

It’s tough to get to, tough to pinpoint, and even harder to make go away.

It kind of feels like middle back pain – but also feels like shoulder pain – so which is it? And more importantly… Why isn’t it going away?

There are many reasons why we get shoulder pain and there’s a good explanation why it can move around and appear in so many places. It’s the most mobile joint in your body, which lends itself to lots of ways to get injured. And to add even more confusion – 47% of all shoulder pain originates from a source in your spine (neck) – even when you don’t have any neck pain.

Therefore, misdiagnosis of shoulder pain is very common and it’s probably the most common reason I see for that nagging shoulder blade pain not going away – no matter how many times you massage it, stretch it, or “theragun” it.

If you’ve had nagging shoulder blade pain for a while now and it’s not going away – there’s a really good chance it’s not actually a shoulder problem and you’ve been misdiagnosed. 

Let’s look at a few key signs and considerations to help you figure out if that nagging pain in the middle of your shoulder blade has been misdiagnosed:

1. Location of your pain?

When your pain is coming from a source within your shoulder, the pain will be localized to your shoulder joint. “True” shoulder pain is typically felt directly in front of your shoulder, on top of your shoulder, or in a more involved shoulder problem (like a rotator cuff injury) you might feel some achiness down the side of your arm. But the pain will never radiate below your elbow. If the nagging pain in your shoulder blade ever causes pain past your elbow and into your forearm or hand, or radiates above your shoulder into your neck (the upper trap area) – odds are pretty good that you’re dealing with a spine problem and not a shoulder problem. 

2. Do you experience numbness, tingling or burning?

If the nagging pain in your shoulder blade is ever associated with numbness, tingling, or burning – these are signs of nerve irritation, or perhaps nerve compression. If that’s happening – the problem is almost certainly coming from your neck. It’s very common for things like bulging discs to compress nerves, or limit movement, which can irritate nerves in your neck. The nerves in your neck will commonly refer symptoms into your upper shoulder/upper trap area, down your arm, and… you guessed it… right into the middle of your shoulder blade. And remember – you could be experiencing the referred symptoms without much (or any) pain in your neck. If you’ve got symptoms of numbness, burning, or tingling in your arm or shoulder along with nagging shoulder blade pain – and you haven’t yet gotten your neck examined by a mechanical pain specialist – there is a good chance you’ve been misdiagnosed. 

3. Does posture affect your pain?

Do you notice that your shoulder blade pain changes depending on your posture? This is another tell tale sign that your shoulder blade pain is likely coming from your neck. Our heads are inclined to remain upright on top of our shoulders to look ahead at what’s in front of us. So when you slouch your middle back – your neck will always compensate so your head can look forward. Ever hear of the term “forward head posture”? That’s what we call the compensation your neck makes for curved, slouchy posture in your middle back. And in forward head posture, you will stretch out and eventually irritate the nerves in your lower neck. The nerves in your lower neck – particularly the areas of your C6 and C7 vertebrae – refer right into the middle of your shoulder blade. So if you notice the pain easing when you sit upright or lie down, and increasing with long car rides or sitting at a computer (when your back tends to be slouched) – there’s a very good chance the pain in your shoulder blade is coming from your neck.

The good news is that even if you’ve been misdiagnosed for some time, nagging pain in your shoulder blade is typically a mechanical problem and can be fixed naturally with a corrective movement prescription, postural training and education, and strengthening the areas around your neck and middle back. You don’t need to resort to injections or pain killers. Do me a favor though – don’t try and fix this problem yourself or by looking up exercises on YouTube. We call it a movement prescription for a reason – and it should be prescribed to you by a physical therapy specialist who has a deep understanding of the intricacies of mechanical pain and how it all works. If you want help finding someone like this in your area – get in touch – I’m happy to help.

Headache sufferer

5 Signs your Headaches are coming from your Neck

Headaches impact approximately 47% of the population and are one of the most common disorders of the nervous system. If you suffer from headaches regularly, then you already know how disruptive they can be on your work life, social life, daily activities, and just overall energy and well-being. 

But what makes headache management particularly challenging is how often they are misdiagnosed. The most common types of headache disorders are what’s known as primary headache disorders – and those include migraines, cluster headaches, and tension-type headaches. But you could also be suffering from a secondary headache disorder – which is caused by some other illness or physical issue. One of the most common forms of secondary headache is something called a “cervicogenic headache” – meaning it comes from your neck. They can be quite debilitating and are commonly confused with migraines – but there are some key signs to look for that make them different. 

Let’s look at 4 signs that might indicate your headache is coming from your neck:

1. Headaches worsen with certain neck movements

If you find that certain movements or positions of your neck exacerbate your headaches – it could be a sign that your headaches are coming from your neck. Sometimes it’s very specific movements that trigger a headache – such as tilting your head forward or backward – or turning it from side to side. But other times it’s less obvious and related to more prolonged postures. For example, I’ve had patients experience headaches from sitting at a bar for several hours and turning their head to a certain side to talk to their friend. Pay attention to whether certain neck movements or positions create discomfort in your neck that either precedes or worsens your headache. It could mean that your headache is coming from a source in your neck.

2. Your Neck is Stiff

Another telltale sign of neck-related headaches is limited mobility or range of motion of your cervical spine (neck). If you find yourself struggling to turn your head fully, or you experience pain and stiffness when attempting to do so, it could indicate an underlying issue in your neck that is causing your headache. A common saying in my office is “mobility before stability”. If the joints in your neck don’t move fully and freely, the structures around those joints (muscles and nerves) can become angry and irritated – and this could be the source of your headaches.

3. Tenderness in your neck muscles

If you routinely have sensitivity and tenderness in the muscles of your neck – it could indicate an underlying neck problem. If you notice that your headaches seem to get triggered whenever the tension or tenderness in your neck muscles worsens – then there’s a good chance your headaches are coming from your neck. The muscles of your neck can get tense and irritated for a number of reasons – most commonly because of poor posture or because they are being overused in some capacity. Since your neck muscles have direct and intricate attachments to the base of your skull – they can be a common cause of your headaches.

4. Location of your Pain

A headache that stems from the base of your skull and stays on one side of your head – often radiating into your temple or behind your eye – is a common sign that your headache is coming from your neck. If you tend to get associated shoulder or arm pain at the same time as your headache – it’s another indicator your headache could be cervicogenic. That’s because the nerves in your neck extend into these areas and are capable of radiating pain into these locations. If you suffer from chronic headaches, pay attention to where the pain is coming from or where it’s radiation. If it’s extending beyond your head – there’s a good chance your headaches are coming from your neck.

5. Massage and Chiropractic Manipulations Help.

If you find temporary relief from your headaches any time you get a massage or see a chiropractor, it’s almost certain your headaches are cervicogenic. While it’s great you’ve found pain relief – the problem with relying on these modalities is that they are completely “passive” – meaning – you don’t have an active role in the process of relieving your headaches. Passive modalities work great when paired with specialized, corrective exercises you can do on your own that are designed to prolong the effects of these treatments. But when passive treatments are used in isolation – the headache relief tends to be short-lived. The take home point here is that if you find treatments like massage and chiropractic treatment help – your headaches are almost certainly coming from your neck.

If you suffer from debilitating headaches and haven’t yet gotten your neck thoroughly checked out as a source – you should. Because when your headaches originate from a source in your neck, it’s entirely possible to learn how to treat it and manage it naturally and on your own. But you’ll need to work with a specialist who understands cervicogenic headaches as well as the associated mechanical joint components influencing them.

Are you local to Portsmouth, NH? CLICK HERE to speak with one of my specialists for free.