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5 Ways Regenerative Shockwave Therapy Speeds Healing and Boosts Mobility for people aged 50+

Regenerative Shockwave Therapy

Arthritis, degenerative joint disease, and general wear and tear of our bodies are all a normal part of aging – and these things tend to become more problematic once we get into our 50’s and beyond.

A lot of people falsely believe that as these ailments start to rear their ugly heads, it means you need to slow down, or even cease, some of your favorite activities. This couldn’t be farther from the truth. But as you get older, what is true is that you’re probably going to need some aid and assistance to keep doing all the activities you love – especially if you’ve had an injury.

Aside from mastering the basics… drink plenty of water, get adequate sleep, fuel your body with wholesome nutritious food, and exercise/move daily… There is something else I’ve found that can really make a difference in how active and mobile you’re able to get (and stay) once you’ve hit your fifties. It’s called regenerative shockwave therapy – a treatment that utilizes high-energy “shock waves” (or soundwaves) to trigger a biological response that helps to aid and accelerate the healing process of your soft tissue (anything that isn’t bone). I only came across this revolutionary technology a few months ago. And while I was initially skeptical – I’ve since become a huge fan. Why? It’s safe and non-invasive, it aids the body’s natural healing process, it’s backed by research, and I’ve seen it work remarkably well to help with pain relief and soft tissue healing. 

Here are 5 ways that regenerative shockwave therapy is helping injured people (especially those aged 50+) heal faster and boost their mobility:

1. Pain Management:

One of the main reasons people reduce their physical activity is due to pain. But movement and exercise are actually an essential component (in most cases) for pain relief. But let’s face it, when you hurt, you’re just not as motivated to move. This is where regenerative shockwave therapy comes in. It quickly penetrates deep into your soft tissue to help bring blood flow and healing properties to a targeted area to reduce pain. And it keeps working even after the treatment is over. As your pain reduces, you feel more confident to move and resume your favorite physical activities faster.

2. Improved Mobility:

As you approach age 50 and beyond – you may notice your joints naturally becoming stiffer. Stiffness on its own might not seem like a big deal – but it becomes a problem when it leads to compensatory movement patterns – which can eventually lead to pain. Shockwave therapy helps to promote collagen production, the protein responsible for maintaining the suppleness and flexibility of your soft tissue. Good mobility helps you move better and feel better – and shockwave therapy can be a valuable companion in this process.

3. Blood Flow Stimulation:

Good blood flow and circulation are essential components to quick healing of any soft tissue injury. Shockwave therapy aids in this process with vasodilation – ensuring that the injured or degenerated tissue receives a higher influx of nutrients – which speeds up the recovery process. As we get older, the integrity of our soft tissue can suffer, so anything that can stimulate blood flow is going to help you heal – and get you back to your favorite activities faster.

4. Reduces Scar Tissue:

It’s not uncommon to meet folks in their 50’s (and beyond) with at least one or two orthopedic surgeries under their belt. While I consistently advocate against resorting to surgery, there are times when it’s necessary and beneficial. But a mismanaged scar can ruin everything. Scars don’t act like your original tissue and if they aren’t managed properly – will cause mobility restrictions that worsen over time. Shockwave therapy can help to break down scar tissue and stimulate the production of new, healthy tissue – which can restore any discomfort or dysfunction that the scar was causing – getting you back to your activities faster.

5. Accelerated Recovery:

At the end of the day, and for all the reasons already stated, shockwave therapy helps to speed up your body’s own natural healing process and thus – recovery. Consider it a companion and “best friend” to any rehabilitation protocol. With increased blood flow, reduction of scar tissue, and improved pain and mobility – you tolerate things with more ease and can progress more quickly. When you’re younger – you have a lot of this naturally on your side already. But as we age, everything slows down, including our body’s natural recovery processes. Shockwave therapy steps in to fill this gap so you don’t have to miss out for too long on your favorite physical activities.

If you’re currently injured and avoiding exercise – consider adding regenerative shockwave therapy into the mix to help reduce your pain, improve your mobility, and get you back to your favorite activities faster.

To learn more about Regenerative Shockwave Therapy and other benefits, CLICK HERE. Who knows, it could be the missing link to your healing that you didn’t even know existed.

Dr. Carrie Jose, Physical Therapist and Pilates expert, owns CJ Physical Therapy & Pilates in Portsmouth and writes for Seacoast Media Group. To get in touch, email her at [email protected] or CLICK HERE to talk to one of our specialists.

Staying Active

5 Tips to Stay Active and Avoid Injury in Your 50’s

I work with a lot of clients in their 50’s and beyond. Staying active over 50 is a big priority for them as they age. An injury can significantly derail this plan, especially as we age, since recovery just isn’t as easy.

Here are five of my top tips when speaking to folks over the age of 50 for staying active and mobile, avoid injuries, and continue doing everything they love:

1. Keep Moving

You’ll often hear me say: “You don’t get stiff because you get old, you get old because you get stiff”.One of the best ways to stay active and mobile as you age is to keep moving. Well what if you have something like arthritis? Remember that arthritis is normal. It happens to everyone as they age and it’s rarely a reason to stop doing your favorite activities.

In fact, research has shown that activities like running, when done consistently and with proper form, actually prevents knee arthritis. Arthritis worsens when you don’t move. And common “injuries” such as meniscal tears and bulging discs are more likely to occur in arthritic joints. But the more active you stay, the less likely you are to be impacted by ailments such as these, and the better your joints will feel. Happy joints will motivate you into staying active.

2. Maintain a Healthy Diet

Both osteoporosis and heart health become bigger concerns as we age, and what you eat can have a direct and positive influence. With osteoporosis, your risk of injury, especially from a fall, becomes greater. Greens like kale, spinach, and arugula are awesome for your bones, along with citrus fruits, fish, and nuts. These foods help your bones stay strong and durable.

According to Health magazine, “The risk of a heart attack climbs for men after age 45 and for women after age 55.” As you enter middle-age, increasing the presence of foods like unsalted nuts, unprocessed oatmeal, raisins, blueberries, and even dark chocolate (over 70% cacao) can help keep your heart healthy. Before making any drastic changes to your diet, especially if you’ve got comorbidities such as diabetes or kidney disease, you’ll want to check with your doctor or dietician. But otherwise, paying attention to your diet can have a big impact on how healthy you keep your heart and bones, which will motivate you in staying active and mobile.

3. Work on Your Balance

Balance is one of the first things to go as a person gets older, and it’s one of the most crucial factors in fall prevention. Slips and falls due to poor balance can lead to broken bones and fractures, which become more common and harder to recover from as you age. But if you’re intentional about improving your balance when you exercise, it’s not too late to improve it.

While there are many great balance-exercises you can do at home, I always recommend incorporating balance strategies with movement and activity. Because rarely do we fall when just standing still. Try standing on one leg when you brush your teeth, place one foot up on a stool when washing dishes, walk around on your toes and heels during commercials. These are really easy strategies to incorporate into your daily living. And of course, activities like walking regularly, Thai Chi and Yoga are also great to promote good balance – while also keeping you active.

4. Strengthen Your Core

Having a strong core is beneficial at any age, but especially as you get older. Strong abs, hips and buttocks (all part of your core) help you to sit and stand more upright, prevent back and neck pain, and will help you feel stronger and more confident in just about everything that you do.

One word of caution, however, when it comes to core training is to pay special attention to your form and posture. Ironic, right? Since core training is supposed to help those things… But I can’t tell you how often I see folks (especially over 50) begin a new core training program and then call us 4-6 weeks later because they’ve suddenly hurt their back.

If you’re over the age of 50 – and you haven’t exercised in a while – I highly recommend engaging the help of a qualified professional who can guide you through exercises that are appropriate for your fitness level as well as keep a close eye on your form and technique when crunching those abs and working those planks.

5. Educate Yourself

Knowledge is power, and lack of it, is one of the biggest reasons I see people decreasing their activity levels as they age and getting injured.

People think that ailments like arthritis, bulging discs, or a torn meniscus are reasons to decrease or cease certain activities. Not true. Most of the things I just mentioned are normal occurrences as we age, and having them show up on an Xray or MRI is not a reason to change something you’ve been successfully doing for years.

Staying active and mobile actually helps these problems. If you’ve got pain, that’s a different story.

Talk to an expert who can help you figure out what’s going on, so that you can quickly get back to your activities and not make your pain worse.

Dr. Carrie Jose, Physical Therapist and Pilates expert, owns CJ Physical Therapy & Pilates in Portsmouth and writes for Seacoast Media Group. To get in touch, email her at [email protected].

Active and Mobile

Five Easy Ways to Stay Active and Mobile this Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is one of my favorite Holidays and it’s right around the corner. Rest and relaxation might be top of mind for you. But, it’s still important to stay active and mobile throughout the day. 

Our spine and joints don’t like to be sedentary for prolonged periods. And that’s especially true if you’ve got arthritis, back or knee pain.

You may not notice any pain while you’re sitting or relaxing, but you will pay for it the next day if you don’t find ways to keep moving.

So here are five very easy ways to help you stay active and mobile this Thanksgiving:

  1. Interrupt Your Sitting.

Our bodies were not designed to sit for prolonged periods, so getting up frequently is an easy way to not only incorporate movement throughout your day, but to help keep away back and knee stiffness. I recommend standing up at least once every 30 min.

This could be a fun assignment to give a young child. Make them accountable for watching the clock and remind you to stand up. This is quite possibly the easiest and most effective strategy to keep your knees, hips, and spine from getting painful and stiff throughout Turkey Day.

  1. Do a Turkey Trot.

Thanksgiving Turkey Trots are a popular event in most towns and it can be a really fun event for the whole family. Turkey Trots are typically 5K’s – or 3.2 miles. If you’re not able to sign up for an actual race, grab your friends and family and create your own Turkey Trot within your neighborhood.

If you can’t coordinate a time to do this in a group, take a virtual trot together and stay connected via your smartphone. Either way, whether you walk or jog, it will feel great to get your Thanksgiving Day started with lubricated joints and blood flowing. 

  1. Stretch During Commercials.

Whether it’s the Macy’s Day parade, football, or both – it’s easy to find yourself sitting for hours on a soft sofa or recliner. A very easy way to keep yourself from sitting or slouching too much and to incorporate some healthy movement into your day is to get up during commercials.

It’s the perfect opportunity to do a quick 2 min exercise or stretch.  It doesn’t have to be complicated. Choose from a quick set of squats, heel raises, planks, or back stretches. You can alternate through these during each commercial break and your body will thank you for it.

  1. Walk Your Dessert Off.

Just because you did that Turkey Trot in the morning doesn’t mean you have to be done for the day. Rather than feeling like you need to skip dessert – just plan to walk it off afterwards.

Walking is one of the best and most natural exercises you can do. And it gives you many of the same benefits of running (only slower).

Walking is very functional, and it’s good for your hips, back and knees. Since we tend to sit and bend so much during the day, walking is a very natural and active way to get some much needed lengthening and stretching into our bodies before we settle in for the evening. 

  1. Help With Cleaning Up.

Don’t be shamed into “just sit down and relax” because you’re a guest. Helping with clean-up (or set-up) is an easy and effective way to keep moving during your Thanksgiving Holiday.

Not only will your Thanksgiving host love you – but your body will too.

If you’re suffering from back problems, be careful bending and leaning over – especially if it’s repetitive – when you’re collecting or washing dishes. But otherwise, carrying heavy plates, moving chairs, and wiping down tables can burn quite a few calories and it’s good for your body.

There you have it – if you don’t want your Thanksgiving Day to be sedentary – you now have five easy ways to stay active and mobile.

I hope you have a wonderful Holiday and get to spend it with those you love most.

Dr. Carrie Jose, Physical Therapist and Pilates expert, owns CJ Physical Therapy & Pilates in Portsmouth and writes for Seacoast Media Group. To get in touch, or request a free copy of one of her guides to back, neck, knee, or shoulder pain, email her at [email protected].