Tag Archive for: Portsmouth physical therapy

Man getting knee pain treatment

Four Surprising Contributors to Lingering Knee Pain

Approximately 25% of adults suffer from lingering, chronic knee pain without any clear reason why.  For some, aging and arthritis is to blame, and it’s something to just “live” with. For others, they’re told it’s due to “wear and tear”. Yet despite one or more surgeries to “clean out the knee” – the pain lingers and persists. 

So why then, do some folks age, get arthritis, and put tons of wear and tear on their knees without any issue – where others suffer from chronic knee pain? The answers may surprise you. 

Let’s look at four lesser-known (and often overlooked) contributors that cause knee pain to linger and not go away.

1. “Hyper” mobility is lacking

I remember early on in my career (22 years ago) when “hyper” mobility was considered a bad thing. But since then, both research and experience have proven me wrong. If you’ve followed me for a while – then you know one of my favorite sayings is “mobility before stability”. That’s because a joint that moves fully and freely feels and functions better – and allows the muscles around that joint to work at their best. Too often, people mistakenly look at muscular strength first as the solution to solving pain, when they should be looking a bit deeper.  Regarding knees, you need a bit of what we call “hyper-extension”. But most practitioners tend to focus only on how well a knee is bending. For knees – just getting to straight isn’t good enough. You need a certain amount of “more than straight” – otherwise known as hyperextension. I see this problem most in knees that have had surgery.  If their full knee extension (hyperextension) wasn’t restored properly during rehab, or perhaps they didn’t have any rehab at all (common practice now after most arthroscopic knee surgeries), knee pain will persist. And it won’t go away no matter how much you try and strengthen it. Moral of this story – make sure you have full knee extension – which includes a bit of hyperextension – and that it matches your other knee. This could be a reason your knee pain isn’t going away.

2. It’s really a back problem

Did you know that 40% of the time, an extremity problem (aka: knee, shoulder, etc) comes from the spine – even when you don’t have any neck or back pain? It’s more common than you think for knee pain to be caused from your lower back, and when this gets missed, it’s a huge reason for lingering knee pain that never seems to get resolved. With a true knee problem, your symptoms tend to be pretty specific and localized to just your knee joint. But if your pain tends to move around your knee, or travels up and down your leg, there’s a good chance your knee pain is coming from your back. If you’ve been treating your knee for months (or years) – and it’s not going away –  consider that your knee problem is actually a back problem. This could be especially true if you’ve had cortisone injections and/or various procedures done to your knee with little or no effect.

3. Poor core strength

When it comes to core strength, most people associate it with something that’s important for resolving and preventing back pain. But good core strength is vital to good knee health as well. Your abdominals, low back muscles, hips, and glutes all make up what we call your “powerhouse” – otherwise known as your core. Your powerhouse – specifically your hips and glutes – have a huge influence on how well your lower extremities function. If your core is weak, your legs will need to work harder and eventually overcompensate. And knee joints often take the brunt of all this. The truth is, although your knees require a certain amount of stability to function well – they aren’t designed to be a stabilizing joint. That’s what your hips and ankles are for. If your core is weak (particularly hips and glutes), and your knees start trying to help out as an extra stabilizer, this could be the reason why they keep hurting. If you haven’t yet gotten your core strength properly assessed – do it – this could be the culprit.

4. Weak ankles

As I alluded to above – if your ankles aren’t strong enough to stabilize your foot and lower leg, your knees will kick in to help. If this pattern is allowed to continue – your knees will start to hurt – and will keep hurting until the pattern is discovered and fixed. Another interesting phenomenon that can occur in any joint (not just your ankles) is that when a joint lacks strength or stability – it will stiffen up to compensate. So in terms of your ankles – if they lack range of motion on top of being weak – your knees will really pay the price. This is particularly evident during activities such as running, hiking, pickleball, or tennis. You need really good mobility and stability of your ankles for these activities – or your knees will suffer in response. If you’ve got lingering knee pain and haven’t yet taken a look at your ankles – I recommend doing so – they could be the overlooked issue. 

Knee pain can be tricky to figure out – especially if it’s chronic. The key to successfully getting rid of knee pain starts with correctly identifying the cause. And from my experience – arthritis, age, and wear and tear serve as “excuses” when a practitioner doesn’t know where to look. If you’re suffering from chronic knee pain and haven’t yet explored any of the four lesser-known contributors I mentioned in this article – talk to a specialist who knows how to look at the big picture instead of just your knee – because the true cause could be elsewhere.

Are you local to Portsmouth, NH?

CLICK HERE to speak with one of my specialists for free.

Dr. Carrie Jose, Physical Therapist and Pilates expert, owns CJ Physical Therapy & Pilates in Portsmouth and writes for Seacoast Media Group. To request a free copy of her Knee Pain Free Report CLICK HERE  or to get in touch, email her at [email protected].

Holding Knee with Arthritis

Torn Meniscus? Is Surgery Worth it?

It’s estimated that approximately 750,000 arthroscopic knee surgeries are performed every year – the majority of them being due to a torn meniscus.

But at a cost of about $4 billion per year – is this surgery even worth it?

Let’s investigate…

Arthroscopic knee surgery is a minimally invasive procedure that’s commonly done to help “clean out” your knee joint if you’ve got degenerative arthritis, or to clip out pieces of a torn meniscus that might be irritating your knee. The biggest set of pro’s for this procedure is that it’s quick, recovery is fairly minimal, and you will typically experience an immediate relief of pain.

Sounds worth it – right?

Not so fast. There are many cons to this procedure as well, many of which are not realized until it’s too late. So it’s worth a second opinion and considering all of your options before you jump in.

First, as with any surgical procedure, even if it’s minimally invasive, there are risks. Complications include nerve damage, excessive bleeding, infection, reactions to anesthesia, persistent stiffness and swelling, or blood clots. While these risks tend to be rare, they don’t outweigh the other long-term considerations you should be aware of.

Looking to avoid a knee replacement in your future?

Then you’ll definitely want to think twice about getting arthroscopic meniscus surgery. Research tells us that people who undergo arthroscopic knee surgery are likely to have knee arthritis that advances more rapidly – resulting in a total knee replacement that quite possibly could have been avoided. This is because you’re removing vital cushioning and shock absorbing mechanisms (the meniscus) from your knee joint. Plus, a meta-analysis published in Oct 2020 in the Knee Surgery, Sports, Traumatology, Arthroscopy journal revealed a 36% failure rate by year two – and a 13% failure rate by year five for meniscus repairs – resulting in more surgery and eventual knee replacement.

And then there’s the elephant in the room…

It’s more common than you think for knee pain to be coming from somewhere other than your knee, even when your MRI shows a meniscus tear. Knee pain can be caused by problems in your ankle, hip, or back. One study showed that 40% of the time – knee pain comes from a source in your spine – even when you don’t have any back pain. MRI’s add even more confusion to this because degenerative changes, which are normal as we age and very commonly lead to a torn meniscus, make surgeons think your meniscus is the cause of your knee pain when it might not be. The only way to truly determine the cause of your knee pain (in the absence of trauma) is through a proper mechanical exam that involves repeated movement testing to reveal the actual pain generator. 

The truth is – 70-80% of all knee problems can be resolved naturally and without surgery.

An early research study from 2002 by JB Mosely and colleagues, and published in the New England Journal of Medicine, revealed that placebo surgery for advanced knee arthritis was just as effective as actual arthroscopic surgery. Since then, numerous studies have proven similar results. This means that even if you have a torn meniscus or degenerative arthritis in your knee – you can still get better naturally and with conservative treatment. 

So why then – despite all this research – are surgeons still performing arthroscopic knee surgery to repair a torn meniscus?

In some cases it’s just what the surgeon knows, and they haven’t kept up with the research. Other times, it’s due to poor conservative management of knee pain. If you’ve gotten physical therapy and it wasn’t effective, people are led to believe that the physical therapy “didn’t work”. But more often than not, you didn’t get physical therapy from a specialist – someone who understands how to diagnose knee pain properly and get you the customized approach that is required to avoid surgery. 

If you’re young and involved in high-level sports, meniscus surgery is likely worth it for you.

But for most people, especially those over the age of 40, there’s a 70-80% chance you can get full relief of your knee pain, and full restoration of knee function without any type of surgery or procedure. This is not a popular opinion by the way, so be careful who you speak to for a second opinion. But for me, both the research as well as my 22 years of clinical experience tell me that most people (especially those over age 40) can resolve their knee pain naturally and with better long-term results if they avoid arthroscopic knee surgery – even when there’s a meniscus tear.

Is running bad for your knees?

Turns out – Running isn’t Bad for your Knees

Is Running Bad For Your Knees?

I love to play family-feud style trivia. And if there was ever a question – “Name an activity that is bad for your knees” – I know that running would be the number one answer. 

But this is simply not true – and there is research to prove it.

There is a common myth that continued running will eventually cause, or accelerate arthritis in your joints. But in a 2013 study published in Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise (the American College of Sports Medicine’s flagship journal) this theory was debunked. The results of the study concluded that runners were statistically less likely to develop knee and hip arthritis compared to other types of exercise. In a more recent study from 2020, published in PeerJ, it was found that although running does indeed create a lot more “pounding” in your knees compared to something like walking – this process actually helps to “build-up” your cartilage and make it stronger – which is a huge factor in helping to slow down arthritis.

But what about those that do get knee pain when they run? What’s the explanation?

Healthy running comes down to having optimized running form and body mechanics – otherwise it could become problematic for your knees.

So if you’re having knee pain when you run – instead of blaming the sport – consider one or more of the following:

Check your ankle mobility

Ankle mobility is going to influence the way force from the ground hits your foot, which can in turn impact how force (load) impacts your knee. According to Trail Runner Magazine, “if your ankle can’t move adequately, then excess forces are shifted up to the knee. The knee may be forced to flex, and/or rotate, and/or tilt more than it should. This may result in loads that the tissues of the knee can’t handle.” Everything from the types of shoes you were to old ankle sprains can all have an impact on how well your ankle moves. A specialist in movement and joint mechanics can help you test and improve your ankle mobility – and let you know if it’s impacting your knees when running.

Don’t just run – strength train too.

There’s a widely perpetuated myth out there that runners don’t need to strength train. That’s simply not true! Adding strength training to your running regimen makes it way less likely that you’ll suffer an injury. When it comes to protecting your knees, developing strong lower limb muscles is critical. The hamstrings and quadriceps play a crucial role in stabilizing the patella, otherwise known as the kneecap. Running is an extremely repetitive action and consequently requires durability and endurance from your joints — something that is lost quickly when you neglect strength training.

How’s your core?

It may seem like running is all in the legs, but in reality, so many of our physical actions stem from the core. You derive all your power, speed, and stamina from your core muscles, and if they are weak, all your joints suffer — including your knees. A stable core is key for maintaining balance and rhythm while running. It also keeps your weight distributed between your legs and prevents undue stress from resting on your knees. My favorite way to improve core strength is Pilates, especially for runners, because this exercise system gives your joints a nice break. But any core strengthening routine that focuses on using your body weight and minimizing stress on your joints is going to be beneficial for you if you’re a runner.

Practice good running form

It doesn’t matter if you’re a marathon runner or an occasional jogger — good running form is essential. It determines where and how the impact of every step is distributed throughout your body. But here’s the thing… Good running form is dependent on optimized joint mobility and strength – so simply changing your form might not be enough – and could even cause you more problems. You want to figure out why you’re running with a “bad” or inefficient form – correct what’s causing it – and then work to train your body to run in a more efficient way. This will not only help your knees – but all your other joints as well.

If you’re someone who loves to run and wants to keep running – I have good news for you – it’s not bad for your knees. But if you’re currently having knee pain while running – you’ll want to look at and consider one more of these strategies to figure out why. The best thing to do is enlist the help of an expert – such as a specialist physical therapist or movement expert – who can help you diagnose where your knee pain is coming from and get you on a path to fix it.

Dr. Carrie Jose, Physical Therapist and Pilates expert, owns CJ Physical Therapy & Pilates in Portsmouth and writes for Seacoast Media Group. To request a free copy of her Knee Pain Free Report CLICK HERE  or to get in touch, email her at [email protected].


Vertigo and Fall Risk: 5 Ways to Safeguard Yourself Against Unexpected Falls

Vertigo is often described as a distressing sensation of spinning that makes you feel as if the world is moving around you – or that you are spinning yourself. It’s an unsettling experience – and can be dangerous – as it puts you at a greater risk for falling. Over 3 million older adults are treated in the emergency room every year due to fall-related injuries. One out of five of those falls causes serious injury – like a broken bone or head trauma. 

If you are suffering from vertigo, it’s critical that you take time and due diligence to get to the bottom of what’s causing it so that you can safeguard yourself against unexpected falls. The good news is this is entirely possible. But first, it’s important for you to know that vertigo is a symptom, and not a diagnosis. Vertigo is the result of a disturbance in your inner ear (vestibular system). It can be caused by various things, namely, Meniere’s disease, benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV), vestibular neuritis, and cervicogenic dizziness… just to name a few. Once you’ve identified the root cause of your vertigo – the correct treatment approach is possible. I can’t tell you how many horror stories I’ve heard from people suffering from vertigo longer than they needed to – all because they didn’t get the right tests to diagnose the cause – or were prescribed medication they didn’t actually need. All the while, continuing to live with a constant fear of falling and never knowing when their next vertigo attack would occur.

The reason suffering from vertigo puts you at such risk for falling is because when it comes to balance, we rely on three bodily systems. One is your vestibular system, which vertigo disrupts. The other two systems are your vision and proprioception. All three systems are responsible for helping you orient and visualize yourself in space. When you have vertigo – you’re forced to rely on (and train) the other two. 

The good news is there are strategies you can employ to compensate for a mal-functioning vestibular system.

If you suffer from vertigo – here are five simple and effective strategies that can help minimize your fall risk and enhance your safety:

  1. Remove Hazards: Roll Up and Stow Away Rugs

In a home environment, even seemingly harmless elements like rugs can pose a significant risk. Rolling up and storing rugs minimizes the chance of tripping or slipping, providing a safer space to move around, especially during vertigo episodes. Smooth, obstacle-free floors reduce the likelihood of unexpected falls and help maintain stability.

  1. Illuminate Pathways: Install Night Lights for Nighttime Mobility

Navigating through the house at night, especially when experiencing vertigo, can be daunting. Installing night lights along hallways, staircases, and near the bathroom provides essential visibility and helps prevent accidental falls. With well-lit pathways, you can confidently move around during the night, reducing the risk of missteps or collisions with objects.

  1. Exercise Caution: Walk with a Companion and Use Hiking Poles

Engaging in physical activity is crucial for maintaining health, but doing so alone when experiencing vertigo can be risky. Pairing up with a friend for walks provides both companionship and an added layer of safety. Additionally, using hiking poles offers stability and support, especially when dizziness strikes unexpectedly, allowing for more secure movement during outdoor activities.

  1. Focus and Reorient: Lock Your Gaze on a Steady Object during Dizziness

During vertigo episodes, it’s common to feel disoriented and unsteady. A practical technique to regain stability is to lock your gaze on a stable and fixed object. This method helps recenter your focus and gradually reduces the sensation of spinning or imbalance, allowing you to regain control of your body and surroundings.

  1. Safe Driving Practices: Stabilize Focus and Minimize Distractions

When vertigo strikes while driving, it’s essential to prioritize safety. If feeling dizzy behind the wheel, fixate your gaze on a stationary object—such as the dashboard or the road ahead—to regain a sense of stability. Additionally, reduce all distractions by turning off the radio and refraining from engaging in conversations with passengers. Prioritizing focus and minimizing external stimuli can help mitigate the risks associated with vertigo while driving.

While these strategies can be helpful – please know that you don’t have to let vertigo keep running your life and stop you from doing what you love. With proper treatment, you can stay out of the hospital, stop taking medication and move out of the fall risk category with the support of a good vestibular specialist. Diagnosing vertigo is a step-by-step process that starts with a detailed medical history and extends to various physical examinations. Vestibular specialists will employ a range of tests, including specialized balance assessments for fall risk, to pinpoint your exact cause of vertigo. Navigating through these diagnostic tools is crucial for developing a treatment plan that works. Once the correct diagnosis is made, treatment can begin immediately to start retraining your brain. The key is to train your brain to stop relying on the damaged part of the inner ear (that leads to vertigo and dizziness) – and help it to rely on your other two balance systems instead so that you can stay safe and improve your balance.

Interested in learning more about Vertigo?

Join us for our Free Online Masterclass for Vertigo Sufferers! It’s happening January 23rd, from 6-7pm via zoom – click here to reserve your seat before they’re all out.

Dr. Carrie Jose, Physical Therapist and Pilates expert, owns CJ Physical Therapy & Pilates in Portsmouth and writes for Seacoast Media Group. To get in touch, or seat in her upcoming Masterclass for Vertigo Sufferers – visit www.cjphysicaltherapy.com – or call 603-380-7902

4 Spine-saving tips for less pain during Holiday Travel

For many, Holidays mean traveling to visit family and friends. Or perhaps you’re a New England resident and just want to get away from the cold for a few days. Either way, hours in the car, hours on a plane, and sleeping on mattresses you’re not used to can wreak havoc on your spine.

The good news is there are some simple and easy things you can do to help prevent this. Here are 5 of my top tips to save your spine during holiday travel:

Tip #1: Interrupt your sitting

The biggest strain on your body while traveling is undoubtedly the prolonged periods of sitting. Our bodies are made to move continuously throughout the day. Too much sitting puts extra load and compression on your spine, and can trigger an underlying problem you weren’t even aware of. On road trips or long plane rides, getting out of your seat is critical for keeping your neck and back healthy. In a car, plan extra time in your trip to pull over at rest stops and walk around. On a plane, choose an aisle seat so it’s easy to get up and stretch. I recommend interrupting your sitting every 30 min for good neck and back health whenever you’re able. Keeping up with that frequency while traveling can be difficult, but something is better than nothing.

Tip #2: Use a lumbar pillow

While sitting, a proper lumbar pillow is not only essential for good lower back alignment, but also for proper neck alignment. We have natural curves in our spine that are designed to absorb shock and disperse load. Ever heard of the dreaded “forward head”? That’s the posture your neck assumes when it needs to compensate for lower back slouching. When your spinal curves are not maintained, such as when sitting or slouching for prolonged periods, you get abnormal and unwanted forces throughout your spine, resulting in pain and stiffness that can occur in both your neck and lower back. When purchasing or making your own lumbar pillow – you want to make sure the roll is thick enough to maintain the natural curve (lordosis) in your lower back without much effort while you sit. The built-in lumbar supports that you can adjust in your car are typically not adequate enough – so don’t rely on those. Have a small pillow or roll handy to compensate.

Tip #3: Maintain a neutral spine while you sleep

When traveling and facing various mattresses that might not align with your typical sleeping setup, there are ways to compensate to prevent neck and back pain. Start by packing a portable travel pillow that offers adequate support for your neck’s natural curve. If the mattress is too firm, consider using extra blankets or folded clothes strategically placed under specific body parts, like your hips or shoulders, to create a more cushioned surface. If the mattress is too soft, try placing a firm object, like a folded towel or a small pillow, beneath your lower back for added support. Sleeping on mattresses you’re not accustomed to while traveling can be challenging – and you’re never quite sure what you’ll be getting into. The name of the game is to position yourself in a way so that you’re sleeping in a neutral position – where your head, neck, and spine all align.. It might take a bit of trial and error, but adapting your sleeping setup while traveling can significantly reduce discomfort and ensure less pain and strain in your neck and back.

Tip #4: Stay Hydrated

Staying hydrated during holiday travel plays a crucial role in preventing neck and back pain due to its impact on overall bodily function. Adequate hydration supports the elasticity of spinal discs, which act as cushions between vertebrae, preventing them from becoming stiff and compressed. Dehydration can exacerbate muscle tension and reduce flexibility, increasing the likelihood of discomfort and stiffness in the neck and back. By drinking enough water, you help maintain proper circulation, delivering essential nutrients to muscles and tissues, promoting their relaxation, and reducing the risk of cramping or spasms that often contribute to neck and back pain during long journeys. Plus – hydration supports your body’s ability to recover and repair – so when you’ve got those travel-related strains on your spine that are ultimately inevitable no matter how careful you are – you’ll simply feel better faster.

Traveling any time of year, especially during the Holidays, comes with its own set of challenges and problems. There is no need to add unwanted neck and back pain to that list. Implementing even just one of these spine-saving tips next time you travel can make a real difference in alleviating neck and back pain – and allow you to focus on your destination instead.

Are you local to Portsmouth, NH and looking for help?

Request a free discovery visit by clicking here. We will ask you all about what’s been going on and see if we would be the best fit to help you 🙂

Dr. Carrie Jose, Physical Therapist and Pilates expert, owns CJ Physical Therapy & Pilates in Portsmouth and writes for Seacoast Media Group. To request a free copy of her guide to back pain CLICK HERE or to get in touch, email her at [email protected]

Before you get a Cortisone Injection – Ask these questions

Cortisone (or steroid) injections have become increasingly popular over the years for people looking to address chronic joint pain and inflammation.

Why have they become so popular? Well, for starters, they have a reputation for getting rid of pain quickly, and they are generally considered a better alternative to something like surgery. But there can be consequences when you choose the “quick-fix” route. Before you decide on whether or not a cortisone injection is right for you – let’s look at some important considerations.

First… the benefits…

Quick Relief:

This is the main reason folks don’t think twice about getting a cortisone injection. And when you’ve been suffering for a while with something like back or knee pain – or it keeps coming back at the most inopportune times – cortisone injections are an attractive option.

Targeted Treatment:

In contrast to a pain pill – or even an oral steroid – people like the idea of a cortisone injection because you can choose exactly where it’s going to go. This makes your treatment more targeted and theoretically, more effective. Plus, a localized injection compared to an oral medication could mean smaller amounts of the drug going into your body, thus, potentially minimizing any potential side effects.

Alternative to Surgery:

I’m a huge advocate of avoiding surgery unless absolutely necessary. So if all other conservative and natural treatments have truly failed, then a cortisone injection could be a good option for you. It’s certainly better than a surgical procedure.

Now – let’s look at the risks and side effects…

Cartilage Damage and Weakening of Tendons:

Based on research and evidence, we know that repeated cortisone injections cause damage to cartilage (the cushioning material inside your joints) and weakening of tendons. This might not be an issue for you if you know you’re getting a joint replacement surgery and using cortisone to pass the time and help control pain. But otherwise, repeatedly getting cortisone injections in your joints or tendons will increase your likelihood of needing surgery down the road – so it’s an important consideration – especially if your first cortisone injection doesn’t work or doesn’t last.

Risk of Infection:

This is an important risk to consider – especially when it comes to cortisone injections in your spine. With any type of injection – you run the risk of inadvertently introducing bacteria, which could lead to serious complications. While an infection is not ideal in any area of your body, it can be especially dangerous in your spine because it could lead to things like meningitis and epidural abscesses. 

Short-term Relief:

While the quick pain relief you can get from a cortisone injection seems attractive, there are unintended consequences. First, even though joint inflammation is what’s causing you pain, it’s rarely the root cause of your problem. That’s why the relief you get from cortisone injections rarely lasts and the pain returns. The problem with this is that you’re more likely to get repeat cortisone injections which we know causes damage. Plus, once the pain is gone, you think your problem is gone, and you’re less likely to address it. 

If after all this you’re still considering a cortisone injection – at least ask these important questions first…

  • Are you absolutely sure the root cause of your issue is inflammation? Or is it a symptom of an underlying problem?

I can’t tell you how many people (even healthcare providers) get this wrong. Since 70-80% of all joint pain is mechanical in nature – meaning something in the joint isn’t moving right, and thus, irritating the surrounding structures which can lead to inflammation – it’s critical you rule this out first. Cortisone injections won’t fix an underlying mechanical problem.

  • What are the long-term side effects of repeated cortisone injections?

This can be a bit of a trick question – because we already know the answer to this. Repeated cortisone injections cause joint and tendon damage. If your doctor is not already aware of the current research, or dismisses it, they are less likely to caution you away from the procedure when there could be better, more natural alternatives. It’s always important to be well-informed and advocate for yourself when you’re working with any type of healthcare practitioner and being recommended an injection or procedure of any kind.

  • What are the alternatives?

Have you already tried quality physical therapy treatment that is designed to address your underlying problem and help you get rid of your joint inflammation naturally? Pain relief is slower with this option, and can sometimes be worse before it gets better, but it’s more likely to result in long-term relief instead of short-term. Movement and exercise are considered the best medicine when it comes to joint pain, inflammation, and arthritis. You may need some guidance so as not to overdo it, but exercises such as Pilates and Yoga are gentle on your joints, allowing you for safe movement without exacerbating your pain in most cases.

When prescribed properly, cortisone injections do work. But sadly, for most people, steroid injections are oversubscribed, not always necessary, and disappointing when they don’t work or last.

I’ve seen too many cases over the course of my career where cortisone injections provide a false sense of hope, or worse, irreversible joint damage. For all of these reasons, I highly recommend you educate yourself, and consider all the risks and possible alternatives before you get a cortisone injection. I’m a huge fan of avoiding pills, procedures, and surgery and using natural movement and exercise to get rid of most musculoskeletal problems. If you’re looking to do the same – consider talking to a mechanical pain expert who can help you.

Dr. Carrie Jose, Physical Therapist and Pilates expert, owns CJ Physical Therapy & Pilates in Portsmouth and writes for Seacoast Media Group. To get in touch, email her at [email protected].

Orthopedic dry needling

The Top Four Benefits of Orthopedic Dry Needling and Why You Should Consider it.

Orthopedic dry needling is a modern therapeutic treatment technique that has been adopted by physical therapists and medical professionals to alleviate pain and improve muscle function. But despite its escalating popularity, I’m still surprised at how many people are unaware it even exists.

What exactly is orthopedic dry needling?

Orthopedic dry needling involves the insertion of fine, sterile acupuncture needles into myofascial trigger points (“knots”), tendons, or muscles that are typically painful, stiff, or causing discomfort. Unlike acupuncture, which aims to balance and restore the flow of energy (“chi”) in your body, dry needling focuses on restoring your muscles and soft tissue back to their optimal state. During a dry needling treatment, a needle is inserted into specific areas to encourage blood flow and homeostasis, sometimes eliciting a ‘twitch’ response in the muscles. The needles may remain in place for a short duration, or may be removed quickly, depending on the condition being treated. Dry needling is backed by scientific research and has been shown to work effectively. It’s thought to turn off trigger points, ease muscle tension, reduce inflammation, and relieve pain – all to help improve how your muscles perform and work.

Here are the top 4 benefits of orthopedic dry needling and why you should consider this treatment technique if you haven’t already:

1. Pain Relief 

Dry needling can quickly alleviate pain, which means you can get back to your regular activities sooner. While the treatment itself can sometimes be painful, and lead to residual soreness 24-48 hours after your treatment, you’ll find that the positives far outweigh the negatives. Most of my clients find that a little bit of soreness right after the treatment is well worth the pain relief they experience afterwards. Dry needling works best for pain relief when it’s performed alongside functional and integrative therapies such as corrective movement strategies – which will result in long-lasting pain relief instead of more short-term.

2. Better Mobility

Dry needling does more than just relieve pain – it helps to enhance how you move. When muscles are tight, they can restrict movement and create a lot of discomfort. By releasing tension in tight muscles, increasing blood flow, and reducing inflammation – dry needling facilitates more comfortable and more extensive range motion in your joints. This allows you to move more freely and perform your favorite activities with less pain and restriction. In conjunction with corrective exercises and stretches, dry needling can be an extremely valuable tool for enhancing and maintaining good mobility.

3. Enhanced Muscle Function

Good mobility is just one aspect required for optimal muscle function. Your muscles also need to know how to activate properly and together. Sometimes – when you’ve been suffering from pain for a while – the muscles surrounding the problem area can “fall asleep at the wheel”. While you may be able to successfully get rid of your pain in a particular area, getting rid of and correcting the problem is a different story. I often say: “just because your pain is gone – does not mean your problem is gone”. If you don’t address underlying muscular compensations, your pain will eventually come back and sometimes it’s worse. The stimulation provided by orthopedic dry needling can help get your brain to pay more attention to the affected area, thus, helping “sleepy” muscles come back to the party and work like they’re supposed to.

4. Faster Recovery

When you’re injured, your body needs all the help it can get to heal. Dry needling not only enhances blood flow to the targeted area, but helps to create an environment for muscle regeneration as well – thus – helping to speed up the recovery process of injured or damaged soft tissue. Additionally, the improved blood flow aids in the removal of metabolic waste products and the delivery of nutrients to the tissues, fostering faster healing of the injured areas and less inflammation. This accelerated recovery is particularly valuable for athletes or weekend warriors aiming to return to their sport faster, as well as anyone looking to get back to their favorite activities as quickly as possible.

Should you consider orthopedic dry needling?

When I think of orthopedic dry needling, I think of it like a helping hand to feel better, move more freely, and enhance just about any other treatment you’re using alongside it. For example, a corrective exercise is only going to work if you can execute it properly. If you’ve got stiff, painful muscles that prevent you from performing your exercise or stretch that you know you need to do to help a particular problem – dry needling can be the magic in between.

It’s important to note that dry needling is not necessary or right for everyone.  So it’s important that you know what it is and when it can be used to improve your health. If after reading this article you think orthopedic dry needling could be something that you’re missing – talk to a qualified physical therapist or health care practitioner who practices dry needling – and ask if you’re a good fit for this treatment technique.

Dr. Carrie Jose, Physical Therapist and Pilates expert, owns CJ Physical Therapy & Pilates in Portsmouth and writes for Seacoast Media Group. To get in touch, email her at [email protected].

6 Reasons Your Back Surgery Failed

Back surgery, often viewed as a last resort for those suffering from debilitating back pain, has become increasingly common in the last 15 years.

A quick Google search reveals that an estimated 1.5 million spinal fusions are performed annually in the United States alone. When you consider that 70-80% of all back pain is considered “non-specific” and does not require surgery – that number is staggering. Additionally, it’s been well documented that 20-40% of all back surgeries fail, resulting in what we call “Failed Back Surgery Syndrome”. So why then – do we continue to operate?

If you or a loved one is considering back surgery – I highly recommend you do your due diligence and research first.

To give you a head start – here are 6 reasons why back surgery often fails:

1. Incorrect Diagnosis

If the wrong diagnosis leads you to an unnecessary surgery – then your back surgery is going to fail. How does this happen? All too often we blame aging structures in the spine as the main source of our pain. But what many fail to understand is that arthritis and degenerating discs (for example) are a normal part of aging. Everyone has it – but not everyone has back pain. An aging spine is not a reason to get back surgery – so be cautious anytime someone blames arthritis or disc degeneration for your pain. It’s typically not the full story.

2. Surgical Complications

Surgical complications are a risk when you undergo any type of surgery – even when it’s coined “minimally invasive”. From anesthesia reactions, to accidentally nicking a nerve, to the possibility of infection – complications can occur – and some of them irreversible. Conservative therapy and natural treatments involving movement and exercise come with virtually no risk – and have better outcomes than surgery according to research. You want to make absolutely certain that a back surgery is warranted before you put yourself at risk for complications.

3. Scar Tissue

Scar tissue is an unavoidable consequence of any surgery and a necessary part of the healing process – but its impact is significantly underestimated. For some, scarring can get out of control and be excessive, manifesting itself similar to an auto-immune condition. For others, they simply have no clue that scars need to be managed and mobilized. Unmanaged scar tissue will become adhesive and may cause problems with your nerves, fascia, and general mobility. While there are treatments such as Shockwave therapy that can help regenerate damaged soft tissue from scarring – unmanaged scar tissue can be one reason your pain doesn’t resolve after back surgery

4. False Expectations

A lot of folks go into back surgery with false expectations. They think they’ll be out of pain and back to their activities in no time. But proper healing from back surgery is deceivingly long. While most incisions will technically heal in about 2 weeks – your body has a different timeline. Most people grossly underestimate the impact their condition prior to surgery will have on their recovery. Your pain may be gone after surgery, but all of the underlying, compensatory problems that developed leading up to your surgery have not magically disappeared. For example, it takes a minimum of 6-8 weeks to build and retrain muscle. If you had nerve impingement that was inhibiting a muscle from performing properly, it’s going to take several months to get that strength back. When this is not considered, and you jump back into activities too soon, you’re asking for trouble. False or mismanaged expectations about recovery after back surgery is a big reason for poor outcomes.|

5. Images are Misleading

X-rays and MRI’s do not tell the full story when it comes to back pain. And in most cases, they are misleading and can result in an incorrect diagnosis. For example, I already mentioned to you that most things you see in your images – such as arthritis, degenerative disc disease, and even bulging discs – occur naturally as you age. But they don’t always lead to back pain. Studies have shown that 60% of folks in their 50’s will have bulging discs on X-ray and 80% will have disc degeneration – regardless of whether back pain is present or not. These statistics only increase with age. If you allow your imaging alone to dictate your decision to get back surgery – you’re increasing your risk of it failing because it may not have been necessary in the first place.

6. Back Surgery Makes Money

At the end of the day, healthcare is a business. And back surgeries are among the most lucrative procedures in the medical industry. According to studies and statistical data, common back surgeries like lumbar fusion cost anywhere from $50,000 to $90,000. But it only costs hospitals a fraction of that amount to actually administer. Plus, despite its unethical nature, some surgeons have been reported to receive kickbacks for using certain medical devices and performing more surgeries. While this is an indirect reason for your back surgery failing, it’s not something you can ignore. The profitability of back surgery naturally lends itself to being overutilized when there could be better, natural solutions instead.

After all this, I hope you can see that back surgery isn’t a decision you should take lightly, and a good outcome should not be assumed.

Consider the statistics. Anywhere from 20-40% of all back surgeries fail and it could be due to any of the reasons we just looked at. Most back pain (70-80% to be exact) is considered non-specific and mechanical in nature, and can be resolved naturally with prescriptive exercises, lifestyle changes, and corrective movement strategies. It’s worth exhausting all of these options first before jumping into a surgical procedure that has a good chance of failing you.

Dr. Carrie Jose, Physical Therapist and Pilates expert, owns CJ Physical Therapy & Pilates in Portsmouth and writes for Seacoast Media Group. To request a free copy of her guide to back pain CLICK HERE or to get in touch, email her at [email protected].

work out

5 Ways Working Out Can Aggravate Your Back

The research continues to show that the best “treatment” for back pain is exercise. But for some, a work out is what actually aggravates their back. This is a common frustration I hear from clients. They know that strengthening their core and working out is good for their back. But when they do – they suffer. 

Here are five ways your work out is aggravating your back:

1. Misguided Exercise Choice

While the research isn’t wrong about exercising and back pain – not all exercises are appropriate depending on the type and severity of back pain you’re experiencing. For example, walking is considered one of the best activities for back pain sufferers, but for some, it’s excruciating. Strength training and lifting weights should be an essential part of back pain rehabilitation (and prevention). But if it’s done haphazardly, you’re going to have problems and likely aggravate your back. “Exercise” is not what causes problems for most people – it’s exercise choice. And when you make the wrong choice and aggravate your back, you tend to do the worst thing possible – rest and avoid exercise altogether. There is a middle ground when it comes to exercise and back pain. Working with an expert who understands this is essential.

2. Premature Stability Training

Stability training is an important part of back pain recovery – but I often see it introduced too soon. “Mobility before stability” is my mantra. If you don’t have full mobility in your spine, there is a reason, and it must be explored. When your spine doesn’t move well, you risk developing compensatory movement patterns that cause structures in and around your spine to get irritated. You don’t want to stabilize this scenario. You want to restore proper mobility first and then stabilize your spine. I can’t tell you how often I see people making this mistake. When it comes to back pain and working out, mobility-first is a must. If you’ve got a stiff back but have been trying to stabilize it – this could be why your back is getting aggravated when you work out. Stability work has been introduced too soon.

3. Poor Core Activation

Knowing how to properly activate your core is different from having good core strength. You can have the strongest abs in the world – but if you don’t use them when they count – your “6-pack abs” are useless.  Knowing how to properly activate your core is essential when you exercise, but especially when you have back pain. If you don’t activate your core properly when you’re lifting weights, or when performing complicated, coordinated movements such as tennis or golf – you’re setting yourself up for injury. The ability to activate your core properly is developed through motor control training. It’s where we teach your mind how to recognize and activate specific muscles, during specific activities, so that it eventually becomes habitual. If you’re constantly having back pain every time you work-out or exercise, it could be that you lack the ability to activate your core properly – and/or when you need it.

4. Poor (or non-existent) breathing technique

Not breathing properly – or not breathing at all – can significantly impact the effectiveness of your exercise routine and impede your ability to perform an exercise properly. As mentioned previously, knowing how to activate your core is crucial when you exercise, and in order to activate your core properly, you must be able to breathe properly. Your deep core is made up of four parts: your deep abdominals, deep back muscles, pelvic floor musculature, and your diaphragm. Your diaphragm is what controls your breathing. Let’s say you hold your breath when you exercise. This means your diaphragm isn’t expanding or contracting, which impacts the other four muscle groups in your deep core. All four muscle groups must work together in order for your core to be functional and strong. Plus – when your diaphragm – or any other muscle group in your deep core can’t work like it should – you get unnecessary pressure and strain on your back muscles. If you’re constantly aggravating your back every time you work out – make sure you’re breathing properly. Or at the very least, not holding your breath.

5. Improper form

Perhaps the most common reason working out aggravates your back is because you’re not using proper form. There’s a lot of people out there who think posture and form don’t really matter. But they do. When you lift weights, for example, you’re adding load to your spine. It’s essential you have good form and technique when your spine is under load or stress. The tricky thing about form, however, is that you can get away with poor form for a time. It might not hurt the first time you lift with improper form – or the fourth – but by your 100th rep – your back will start talking to you. Same goes for body weight exercises. Just because you aren’t adding load to your spine in the form of an external weight, doesn’t mean you can’t still aggravate it by doing the same movement over and over poorly. If you’re going to exercise – and you want to exercise daily – do it with proper form and posture. Otherwise – if you haven’t aggravated your back yet – it’s only a matter of time.

If you’re always hurting your back when you work out – it’s likely due to one of these five reasons.

Get expert help to figure out which one it might be – because at the end of the day – exercise is good for your back – and you don’t want to avoid it or dismiss it when there could be a perfectly reasonable explanation

Are you local to Portsmouth, NH and looking for help?

Consider speaking with one of my specialists – we will ask you all about what’s been going on with you and see if we would be a good fit to help! CLICK HERE to speak with a specialist.

Dr. Carrie Jose, Physical Therapist and Pilates expert, owns CJ Physical Therapy & Pilates in Portsmouth and writes for Seacoast Media group. To get in touch, or request one of her free guides for getting rid of back pain – visit her website www.cjphysicaltherapy.com or call 603-605-0402


Your Pains Location May Not be it’s Source

Pain is both a confusing and scary topic.

There’s lots of advice out there on what to do when you experience pain and it’s hard to know who to listen to. Should you rest – exercise – apply heat – apply ice – see a doctor – get an MRI – or just wait it out to see if it goes away on its own? Any or all of this advice could be right – but it’s irrelevant until you accurately determine where your pain is coming from.

For example, if you have pain in your knee, and it’s coming from your back, the best knee treatment in the world isn’t going to fix it. Inaccurate diagnosis of pain is one of the most common reasons why so many people suffer longer than they need to, and it’s one of the biggest contributors to unnecessary procedures and surgery. You must accurately determine the source of your pain for treatment to be effective. And the location of your pain, alone, is not a reliable way to figure that out.

Let me explain.

I’ve met people who’ve suffered from unrelenting tennis elbow for years – despite treatment protocol after treatment protocol – only to find out it was coming from their neck. I’ve met people who’ve undergone major knee surgery and it failed – only to find out later they never actually had a knee problem. Isolated extremity pain (knees, elbows, shoulders) is one of the most mis-diagnosed problems in the musculoskeletal world. In a study published in the Journal of Manipulative Therapy, they found that over 40% of people suffering from isolated extremity pain had a spinal source responsible for their symptoms, even when there wasn’t any spine pain. In other words, the pain they were feeling in their knee, elbow, or shoulder was actually coming from their back or neck (respectively).

Confused? I don’t blame you.

But more importantly, how do you reliably figure out the source of your pain when it’s not always where you’re feeling it?

As already mentioned, the most common place for this to happen is with extremities. If you’ve got shoulder, elbow, or knee pain, and you don’t recall having a specific injury to it, you must consider that it could be coming from your spine. There’s a 40% chance that it is. Where this gets really confusing is that typically, when you’ve got isolated knee or shoulder pain that won’t go away, your doctor will order an MRI. And if you’re over 40 years old, the MRI will almost always show “something”. It could be a torn rotator cuff, torn meniscus, arthritis, or wear and tear. But what most people don’t realize is that these findings are quite normal and happen naturally as you age.

Just because they show up in your MRI – doesn’t mean they are responsible for your pain. Despite the science proving this over and over – doctors continue to order these tests and rely on them to make important decisions about treatment. It’s how people end up undergoing unnecessary procedures or surgery – they let images and an inaccurate diagnosis lead the way.

Whenever I meet someone with isolated extremity pain, especially if it came on suddenly and out of nowhere, I always consider that it could be coming from their spine.

How can you figure this out?

Well, it’s challenging to figure it out on your own. But if you work with a movement specialist who understands this concept – you’ll be able to figure this out accurately. The basic premise is that if you can move your spine in specific directions – repeatedly – and influence the symptoms you feel in your extremity – then there is a very good chance your problem is coming from your spine. Or at the very least, your spine is involved. And whenever your spine is responsible solely or partially for pain elsewhere – and it’s ignored – your problem will persist and likely get worse over time if it’s not addressed.

Moral of this story… If you’ve had pain in one of your extremities for a while now, and it’s not going away, it’s possible you’ve missed the source, and that where your pain is may not be where your problem is. And if you’re considering some kind of surgery or procedure, you definitely want to rule out that the problem could be elsewhere.

Specialized movement exams are one of the most reliable ways to figure this out – studies have proven it. If you’ve had unexplained pain in your elbow, knee or shoulder that isn’t going away, look for someone who understands this and can give you a proper movement exam to accurately identify the source of your pain.

Looking for help and local to Portsmouth, NH? Click here to speak with a specialist.

Dr. Carrie Jose, Physical Therapist and Pilates expert, owns CJ Physical Therapy & Pilates in Portsmouth and writes for Seacoast Media Group. To get in touch, or get one of her free guides to knee and back pain, visit www.cjphysicaltherapy.com or email [email protected].